Magnepan 20.7i Amplifier Pairing

I am considering buying a pair of Magnepan 20.7i speakers (maybe I will receive them before the snow flys ;))  and would like the latest opinions on what are the best pairings for the 20.7i's.  What are your thoughts?


Thanks for your comments.  It looks like Rogue Apollo Darks with RP-9 Preamp.  Heard really good things about this with the 20.7s.

At this point I am considering:

I have run my .7s with a PrimaLuna integrated and my MMGs with my AES SixPacs. My brother ran his 3.6s with Parasound JC1s. I love tube amps but if there is one speaker that needs good solid state power, it’s the big Maggies. The .7s played OK with the PrimaLuna, a change to Gold Lion KT-88s helped but a solid state amp worked better. The MMGs with the SixPacs was a total fail with some kind of distortion at the crossover frequency. I put a Parasound A21 on them and that sorted them out. I think the JC5 is your best pick and it might work well with the LS28SE but I have to admit, I didn’t like the two AR preamps I had but I’m thinking it might work if you like super detail vs a more musical presentation. I would give the Cary SLP-05 a solid thumbs up with a big Parasound or a Bryston. A pair of JC1s would be spectacular but they are pricy nowadays. And they are HUGE. Not sure if any of that helps but I thought I throw that out there.

At this point I am considering:

a)  Pair of Rogue Apollo Darks with el cheapo base level Rogue line level preamp RP-1

b)  Pair of Rogue M 180s with top preamp RP-9

c)  Parasound Halo JC5 Stereo Amp and Audio Research LS28 SE Preamp



many recent threads on amps paired with maggies -- search bar above is your friend

short answer - ultra clean ultra pure ultra powerful solid state - of which there are many out there, but none inexpensive...

I would think most of the larger Pass amps would do a wonderful job.

I use a 250.8 with 3.7i and it hardly ever leaves class A.

I know in the past Magnepan discouraged class D amps.

You definitely want a high current amp

Power- hungry speakers! I bought a Perreaux 2150B for such use! 340/680/920wpc @8/4/2 ohms! There was one on eBay for less than $1K. A great sounding amp equal to a big Bryston, Levinson or Krell.