I came across this on you tube ;


Some excellent points in the video. One of the things that I think is really good is the point about not cleaning the stylus too much. I went through a bottle of SPT cleaner in less than a year...then I realized that it could be applied far less frequently, and would also last a lot longer. The stuff is not inexpensive. 

Although this is a very long video, I recommend this presentation of Jonathan Carr, the designer of Lyra cartridges:

He covers a lot of different ground on cartridge design and what is important to the sound.  Interestingly, he does not put much stock in certain measurement and aspects of performance such as frequency response.  He claimed that humans have adapted well for adjusting to differences in frequency response, such as the big differences one hears with different acoustic environments, and he puts much more emphasis on a transducer having very good dynamic response.

He also said that he has heard exceptionally good sound from straight tonearms that sacrifice tracking angle in order to minimize skating force and application of anti-skating. 

There are lots of interesting things covered in his discussion and he gives generous praise to other cartridge designer/makers.