Luxman 509x vs Hegel H390

The shortlist is mainly coming down to these two genuinely great amps.

What sets them apart in SQ overall & how would you describe the sound signature for each one.





Showing 1 response by eugene81

FWIW I've owned both of these and like them both a lot.  I would say Luxman sounds more natural tonally with a clean and clear presentation that is also sweet, liquid, and a touch warm.  Hegel also has a sweet, but a touch drier and meatier sound, a bit darker, more clearly defined soundstage, better control and bass authority.  Maybe a little too much control, meaning tone seems to be subtly lacking some harmonic complexity and natural decay compared to Luxman.  Luxman can sound a bit thin at times.  Still, Hegel H390 is a great piece and I can't think of a better complete solution at the street price of < $5k new.