LSA Voyager Gan 350

Anybody have exper with this amp, LSA Voyager GAN 350, sold by Underwood?


Do a search on the forums. There are several owners and a lot of information.


Hi Roxy and the others with real answers, thanks.  My post about forums going off topic was not you, it was about a B riley who wanted to blab about his views on how to shop.  I am facing the decision to buy a replacement for my beloved Aloia 15.01 that is a pure class A.  I had to sell it a few years ago.  Now should I go for another class A, or are the new D amps as good, and cost less to buy and less heat and lower utility bill.  I don't play music loud.  thanks to all 

@donnrut  If you like Class A and do not like the heat and cost, you should look into the new KRELL XD lineup. I already own the K-300i integrated amp which is an incredible integrated. I use it in my bedroom.

I just got a KELL 125XD amp that in lineage is my replacement for the Voyager. As I mentioned above the Voyager was not good with my SR1a headphones while the Class A Krell is the very best with them. I have tried a lot of amps with the SR1a. It is not an apples-to-apples comparison of headphones vs speakers, but I did go for Class A over the Voyager. The KRELL has more body, smoothness, and way more power on the bass. Now these are not always what I seek in an amp but in terms of matching the SR1a these were just what was needed.