Get an ML1 preamp. This was actually the second preamp from Mark Levinson.The first was the JC2, designed by John Curl. The preamps after the ML1 are just to sell the Levinson marketing hype and garner more profit.
Looking for right Mark Levinson Preamp to pair with No 532 Amp
I am upgrading my Krell Vanguard integrated amp and my friend is selling me his Mark Levinson no 532 amp. I primarily use my system for vinyl but occasional stream Bluetooth. I also am currently using KEF R5 speakers. I am going to also upgrade my speakers. I have already purchased the Amp and would like to stay with ML for pre-amp but open to suggestions. Also I have a budget of about $15-$20k that I want to spend and I am willing to purchased pre-owned if in good condition.
Thank you in advance for your expertise.
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