Looking for an advice about speaker cables

Hello everyone,

I'm very new to better audio and I'm trying to put together a decent setup to listen to my (for now) small vinyl collection. My dad "donated" few components and currently I have NAD C340 Amp, Rega P1 turntable and Monitor Audio Studio 2 bookshelf speakers. Only thing I'm missing are speaker cables. Can someone suggest a decent pair of speaker cable that will not be too expensive. I also need help figuring out what kind of connectors I need to get. I went to check out Kimber Kables web site and looks like SBAN type would work with my amp. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Chicago, IL
The Essense gZero2 from KLE Innovations is an extremely good speaker cable and nicely priced, especially when you find out just how good they really are.

Probably the last cable you'll ever buy - that is, until you try the gZero6, which is outstanding.

I had the gZero2's to start with and thought they were as good as many much higher priced cables out there. They we're much better than my DIY Van den Hul cables that I previously had on my system

Then I the got the gZero6 for my audio system and put the gZero2's on my AV system and they are very dynamic with a well balanced presentation - especially good for home theatre.

Google "KLE Innovations" and read the reviews.

If you are looking for something a little more affordable - try JW Audio - they have a very nice line of product at more affordable prices that would be a really nice match to your components.

They also have a 30 day money back offer, plenty of time so you can try them in-house

BTW - don't be put off by either of these cables "skinny appearance" - they work!

Good luck with your quest
The Canare is an easy choice. A speaker manufacturer with whom I have had personal dealings and whose advise has always been spot on, had pointed me to the Canare cable.

you should check out Blue Jeans cables.

Another speaker cable I have used and REALLY like is QED 79 strand. Not easy to find in the US, but you can order it on line and the price is right.
Thank you all for the advice. Would these be good for me?


I think the Canare 4s11 is a good choice, as I said earlier. My advice would be to buy them from Blue Jeans Cables. They're a very well known and highly regarded company that uses high-quality connectors and has great customer service. The calculator for figuring the cost of the 4s11 cables is at the bottom of the page.

The cables from RAM may be perfectly good cables, as well, I just don't have any experience with them. The prices seem roughly comparable, the RAM cables include a braided covering, which makes them about 20 percent more expensive than the Blue Jeans version. Both sites quote a price for just one cable, you'll need two, obviously.
FWIW, on the Blue Jean's site they say they like the Belden they sell better than the Canare. I ignored this advise and got the Canare because everyone here seemed to like it and no one mentioned the Belden.

Then I needed some new cable and decided to try the Belden. In my system is was substantially superior to the Canare, which in comparison sounds veiled/muddy. But the Belden is not bright, just a cleaner/clearer sound. And its cheaper as well. Not as pretty though....