Looking for a technical explanation...

As I posted over in the Cables forum, I dropped a whopping $40 into a DeoxIT / DeoxIT GOLD Kit and spent the next 5 hours treating every cable and socket on every single piece of equipment.

Here's what I can't explain: My LP playback is MUCH more quiet (not only a "blacker background", but pops-n-clicks). I was honestly considering a less-sophisticated stylus profile because I thought all the "transparency" of an Optimized Contour Line Contact stylus was revealing stuff I didn't want revealed.

The only explanation I can come up with is that I'm using an Ayre P-5xe phono stage (balanced from the cartridge to the phono stage) and the oxidation was asymmetric with respect to the legs, exaggerating any playback imperfections(?). I don't know. Looking for thoughts. 

Even biplane a record multiple times the act of the stylus moving through the groove will dislodge garbage that you may hear initially but not the second time because the stylus has cleaned it out the first time.
Impossible to remove pops and clicks from a record that way. If they were reduced it wasn't because of that it was something else you did 
Significant gains can be achieved by treating all non-audio wall connections - fridge, computer, air purifier, floor lamps, TV.
The better ground connection was my first guess, but elizabeth posits an interesting explanation. I find the whole thing curious, but regardless, emphasizes the importance of clean connections. 
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