Looking for a DAC under 2k

I'm using a Small Green Computer Optical Rendu to bring usb to a DAC.
Looking for a new DAC around 2k new or used.

Recently, I had a Border Patrol Se-i which sounded beautiful with a great soundstage and a relaxed sound. Unfortunately, dynamics and bass definition were weak.

Next up, I tried the ifi Pro iDSD. Detailed and clean, but lots and lots of settings to play with. Became noisy after a couple hours and eventually stopped putting out sound and went silent. Can't deal with that kind of poor quality, but really would have prefer a little warmer sound.

I borrowed my Chord Qutest from my headphone system. Very good with my tube headphone system, and not bad on the speaker system, but would like something a bit more analog sounding, like a Border Patrol with dynamic punch and clearly defined, not muddy bass.

TIA, for suggestions.

I'd say go with Pontus II, Matrix X-Sabre Pro MQA or the new Gustard X26 Pro 2.....I have the first two now and wow they are both damn good and close to my 5k Terminator II dac. Let me know if you're interested and I can give you more details about either one.
Is there a quality difference sound vise between balanced output and rca output on these dac’s ?
@gryphongryph Always, I suspect. There are a few things to consider in the balanced vs. single ended (RCA) world.

You really need to know if the equipment internally balanced by design.

If so, then you’re getting reduced distortion because of the noise rejection properties of the design scheme. While this is great for getting rid of noise, it also throws away all even-order harmonics in the distortion profile, leaving only odds. If you read about 2nd harmonic distortion, you’ll see that it actually creates an impression of warmth, body, and 3-dimensionality... and is preferred by some -- but not all -- listeners. For fun, Nelson Pass has actually made a H2 generator that literally injects negative phase second harmonics into the signal path. Like I said, not all ears hear this the same way, though, so you may prefer 3rd order harmonics (or neither), in which case it makes sense to minimize distortion and go fully balanced throughout the system.

So, if the equipment is fully balanced, then you’re throwing away the benefits by using the RCA outputs. If it’s single ended by design, then using the XLR outputs means that the signal is being pushed through a transformer or op-amp circuit to convert from single-ended to "balanced". In this case, you’re not getting any of the noise rejection benefits of the balanced circuitry. Instead, you’re getting whatever the sonic signature is of the added iron or circuitry. I’d say that’s an obvious compromise, but some people do like the sound of a high quality transformer, so perhaps you’ll find it a pleasant addition.
cal3713 - I do understand the difference between bal and rca, was more thinking about the implementation.
Even though I have balanced equipment, I am leaning to the camp that balanced is overkill in home Hi-Fi and that the money would be better spent in better parts or single ended development, also for balanced to make any sense, one has to use it all trough the chain!
Off course if the buying budget is is of no concern, then please buy balanced 😜

I find this interesting.
BTW - that Gustard X26 Pro is on sale for $1300 this week. I was able to also get that discount even though I purchased before the sale.
@whipsaw You’re doubling down on a dubious stereotype, and I’m being charitable with my language.
I was in China ten years ago inspecting a potential supplier's factory.

Arc furnace process with an overhead crane - dirt floor, no safety gear - hard hats or eye protection, and the quality process was not documented.

I realize electronics are not mutli thousand pound industrial products, but just be careful with what you are buying.

Not arguing with you at all.  I have no experience and know nothing about the current state of manufacturing in China... but I do know that a lot has happened there over the past 10.  A country with a plan.  I wish we had one in the States.
I recently got to an Ares II to see what all fuss is about with R2R. I own the Qutest and one significant area that Ares wins hands down as it's more continuous sounding like analog. Qutest is great digital. See the difference. Now I'm looking into Holo May or Aqua La Scala or even maybe Pontus II without breaking the bank!😃

BTW I haven't heard the older all in one chips like the TA1541 chip but I guess less resolution than descreet resistors but still can do the analog thing.
I have a Pro-Ject Dac Box RS, and it has been an excellent Dac. Its tube and solid state and they run $1100. I’ve had it for 4 years, and other than just having to replace the tubes for the first time, it been very reliable and the sound is awesome especially for the money
Been there and seen it as well. Lived in China 6 years returned to the US in '14. Totally agree and saw some crazy stuff and these were tier 1 automotive factories. 

The Swiss made Merason Frerot should be on this list. Granted when combined with the POW-1 it is above the 2k mark. 

Another vote for the RME ADI-2. It has a multitude of functions and adjustments so you can get any lively sound you want, store it in memory and use it and others as you wish. 

There's more. DACs have a main use but the RME can also be used as a preamp. Quite a match with my tube monoblocks; no preamp needed and absolutely superb performance. 

Again, there's more. The RME engineers at RME provide free upgrades via their software, adding and improving features which further makes it an insane value. How one calculates all of this, I can't say because individuals have their choices to weigh.

Last, I'll note, the differences in excellent DACs are nowhere near that of an amplifier IMHO. Industry people say this but it's often overlooked. A car will get you to a destination, but not all cars leave it there which perfectly symbolizes the value in the RME ADI-2.

Others like ladder DACs like the Pontus. With that you don't get the RME variability; it's plug and play, thee end. 

Suggest a tryout and comparison so you understand in your own system. Used RME ADI-2 DACs back to the AKM 4490 chip are just as superb. Happy hunting.  


Another for the RME ADI-2 fs. It’s a fine DAC on its own with the stock switch power supply, but throw on linear power supply and it really pulls ahead. I run mine with a Teddy Pardo PS, balanced out using as a preamp direct to my power amp. No desire to upgrade whatsoever. Sounds great.

the op posted his request for advice 1.5 years ago - think he might have gotten what he needs by now... 🤣