Check with the amp designer if you can before buying KT150s, fwiw.
In reverse, just for grins I tried KT120s in my monoblock amps specifically designed and optimized to run KT150s. Day-1 the amps were designed to run KT150s, big transformers, increase in plate voltage, etc.
The KT120s were a bit more dry sounding, not as musical, bass was less full in THESE particular amps. Re-installed the KT150s and wallah, nice! Was it too much plate voltage, too much bias, or a less optimum circuit for the KT120s, possibly.
A buddy had tried KT150s in his nice upgraded integrated amp originally designed to run KT88s. He’d been complaining it did not sound right to him. We popped in some new production PAVANE CV-181s, wallah, nice! Was it due to an insufficient amount of plate voltage, smaller transformers, an amp never designed to run KT150s, possibly.
If unsure, defer to the amp designer about "what output tubes" to run.