KR Audio KT88 Vacuum Tubes

Does anyone have experience with these power tubes?  I understand they are well made and likely last longer than their Russia or Chinese counterparts.  But, they are much more expensive.  My real question has to do with the KR Tubes sound quality.  Would you replace good sounding Gold Lion KT88s with the KR Audio tubes for a sound quality benefit?  I've also read they make the similarly expensive EAT brand tubes that some prefer.


@verdantaudio , as a dealer, perhaps you can answer a question on where they’re manufactured? 

This Moon Audio listing claims made in the USA which could help some justify their higher price. However, I thought KR was based in Czechoslovakia and their tubes manufactured in Russia.

“Made in the USA, these tubes stand out for their superior performance and reliability, making them a valuable addition to any high-fidelity audio system.”

VerdantAudio... just looked at your site. Very impressive offering. And thank you for the perfect answer. Which begs the question... Other than blue, how is the SQ of the Sophia Electric KT88s vs the Gold Lion.

Moon Audio folks are nice folks and honest. If made in the USA is on their site it’s an honest error on their part. Czechoslovakia is correct for KR. Still higher cost for manufacturing than Russia and they are likely a much smaller company.

There non-KT88 tubes are made in the Czech Republic.  KR occupies Tesla’s factory in Prague.  They are not Russian. 

I do not know who makes the KT88s.  I thought it was EAT.  

@coppy777 you've got some serious CJ gear! I think you'd really like the KR KT-88.  Per verdantaudio the sound signature of the KT-88 sounds (pardon the pun) similar to the 300B XLS, very tight, controlled yet full bass, with clear, crisp, articulate treble.  The mid-range of the 300B XLS is very lush, but not mushy, i.e., it's no so warm it muffles everything.  More like sublime ++. I wouldn't call the 300B "bright," but as verdantaudio notes, depending on your speakers, the KR's could brighten up a brighter speaker. 

My Cary with the KR 300B XLS is driving a pair of Focal 716S and Vienna Acoustics Haydn's with a vintage Klipsch sub.  Not my #1 setup, but the amp and KR tubes sound wonderful even with the modest speaker set up.  I did run the Cary for a bit with my #1 speaker grouping, Klipsch Forte IIIs and Focal Aria 926 before I moved the Cary to system #2. and didn't consider it too bright.  

My guess is you have some fantastic speakers given the level of CJ tube gear you've got.  I think the KR's would definitely be an upgrade in your system.  If you go there, I found the 300B XLS needed about 100 hours to break-in and really begin to show their stuff.  

Cheers, enjoy the music!