Meet him at Pacific Audio Fest, he was like a used car salesman. Told me right off the bat, that what I'm doing is 100% wrong, and my ultrasonic machine is crap (didn't even ask what I was using). He was very pushy, and turned me off. But he did plant a bug, and did some research on it.
No doubt, it will seriously clean a record, but so will all the other good methods. What I don't like is that you clean the same record 3-6 times, that is a LOT of cleanings! One record can take over 30min to clean. In an hour, you can only clean what 3 records tops? Who has that kind of time?
I have the Hummigru, it works great for me, and is part of my 2-4 step cleaning process. Used dirty records take the most time, but new ones are done in 2 steps. Usually get 6-8 records done in an hour. I wait till there are 20-30 records to clean, take most of the day to do so. But it's far less involved than his process, in an hour, the actual work is like 10-15min.
He also says that all other known record cleaning agents are crap. However, he is using antifreeze to clean his records. Not sure how I feel about that.
Watched this video, that was enough to not want his system.