Kirmuss audios ultrasonic record cleaner

I just noticed the new ultrasonic record cleaner now available from Kirmuss Audio for $800.00 and would like to get some input from people that already own an ultrasonic machine on what they think of this unit. I was just getting ready to start getting my ducks in a row to build one but for the cost of this unit why bother, besides I have enough to do already. What say you?

Showing 1 response by lewm

Mr Kirmuss, Here you refer to your additive as an "ionizing surfactant" and as an "ionizing detergent", and as being "bipolar" in one instance.  So, obviously that would be different from either Photoflow or Triton X100/Tween20, which are non-ionic detergents.  When you say "bipolar", I wonder whether it is a Zwitterion.  If so, how does that work to attract the cleaning agent into the grooves of an LP?  Maybe it's a trade secret, but thanks if you see fit to respond.