Kinki Studio EX-M1

I’ve always wanted something simple and not a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to my stereo. KISS (keep it simple, stupid) is something I use in my approach to most things in life. Why overcomplicate? The Kinki EX-M1 is just an integrated, and that’s not meant as a pejorative. There’s no DAC or streaming capabilities, or room correction algorithms built in, and it won’t fold you laundry. There are 4 inputs out back, three unbalanced (RCA) and one balanced (XLR) which I’ve read is a simple and not a true balanced. Either way, it adds another type of input which can come in handy. The binding post are copies of WBT versions and are a joy to work with.

It has a frequency response of 10-150kHz (+/- 3db) and outputs 215W into 8ohms. It retails for approx. $2,200. Here is a link to more specs:

Because of it’s silvery finish it has an imposing appearance but compared to my black Marantz PM-15S2b, it’s about the same size. Personally, I love the look. When they say it’s built like a vault, this is the vault they refer to. The weight is imposing as well (55.12 lbs.) so take care when maneuvering it. You can turn it on with the remote or by pressing in the selector knob on the left. Turning it off is done by pressing and holding the same knob for 5 seconds, or by remote. The default volume setting when turned on is set at 10 so make sure to turn it down to 0 before playing anything unless your speakers are of low sensitivity. A well made manual is supplied but alas, it’s only in Chinese, but Alvin told me they’re making one in English.

Having 255 steps of attenuation gives one extraordinary range to get to exactly where you like to listen. You can go up 10 to 15 steps and not notice much of a change, at first, until something dynamic asserts itself or when you realize that in general, it’s now more impactful. Using the remote allows you to quickly go through the steps and adjust on the fly. I find this most handy and now use it to tailor the song or piece of music to my tastes.

As an integrated, it simply excels in it’s purpose. As verbose as I can tend to be, it leaves me speechless in describing it. It does nothing to detract. It does everything to commend. It’s incredibly fast and yet so utterly smooth. Musical presence is immediate but not etched, hyped or shrill. It’s light on it’s feet but can pounce and stomp when called for.

Liu, the amp’s designer, does not believe in exaggerated base and yet this amp goes lower, tighter and simply growls tone, details and ambience that I haven’t heard before. Lower registers of the piano left me slack jawed as I basked in the reverberations of the soundboard. The same goes for cello, guitar, percussion and massed strings. Imaging is the best I’ve heard in my system. Nothing wavers (unless done in post production) and separation is tops. With The Milk Carton Kids, the two of them finally are completely separated and at a greater distance apart than what I’ve been used to or thought they’d be. Small chamber music pieces have me scanning the soundstage as different pieces play distinctly in their own space. Back up vocals are distinct as well with no smearing. They may harmonize but they are clearly different.

Highs are fully extended, again, beyond what I’m accustomed to hearing. They can go on well into a piece and you can hear the decay even when some bigger play takes center stage. Bells and chimes can tickle like the real thing. And speaking of stage, it’s of one piece, the same no matter where you care to go. All the way left, right, up or down, even as far back as you care to look. The strength of the music lies everywhere you care to listen. The only limits are what was done in the recording.

It has no noise floor that I can detect. On Abdullah Ibrahim’s The Song Is My Story, he’s not up on stage, as usual, but I’m sitting next to him while he plays (I listen in the near field so that helps). The piano is the full width of the soundstage, steady as a rock, and the notes flow out around, up, and beneath me (great mike placement). Notes can and do come out of a completely black background unless the recording is done with less tricks and then you easily hear the venue, the room, the stage, the setting. And, I never thought I’d say this but FM now sounds pretty fantastic, considering it’s limits.

The sound is so pure that it’s reoriented the way I listen to music. I no longer listen analytically but for the sheer pleasure. It’s so rewarding and relaxing. Listening to favorites, I’ve noticed that some sound different enough for me to notice that there was some exaggeration or emphasis of certain parts of the frequency with my older set up. Whether it was the house sound that some say certain brands have or just the limits of the design I can’t rightly say. Maybe it’s all the extra circuitry added to accommodate all the extra features I have no use for. No matter. I’m content. Happy as a puppy with two pee pees.

Also, I have to give thanks to Alvin for his great customer service. He’s the most attentive distributor I’ve dealt with. His response to any question I had were immediate and thorough, as long as one is mindful of the time differences (just check your clock on your smartphone to coordinate appropriate time zones). 👍 He even followed up with shipping notices, delivery times, and any question I had with the unit’s operation or features, which reminds me, since it draws about 30-40 watts when on, make sure to leave it in standby when not is use. It can get very warm to kind of hot, but not hot enough for me to lay my hand on it for any length of time. If I had more space it wouldn’t be a concern (it cools off quickly). That leads me to believe that maybe since my JBL 4319 monitors are 92db, and that it doesn’t take much to make them sing, that the EX-M1, which is a Class A/B design, operates in Class A for the first several watts, which could account for the warmth of the unit along with the wonderful tonal density and texture. Someone with more know how can look into that.

All in all, it’s the best money I’ve spent and now I have no desire to upgrade to some PC based system. My CDs and SACDs sound fantastic, even the old ones along with the reissues. To think you’re getting a real taste of what the well heeled have been enjoying for a fraction of the price makes this a true bargain if there ever was one. Let me also add that I received no consideration from the manufacturer or distributor and these are my views and opinions.

All the best,

So far, the Darwin Ascension II is proving quite complimentary of the Kinki. Just when I thought there was no more detail to extract....👍
The resolving prowess of the Darwins are nothing short fo amazing, to my ears. The gauge of the individual wires (one for each leg) are very small, which makes them very labor intensive to work with.

You can't just grab any old wire from a parts supply store and slap some connectors and sleeves and be done with them. Tony Bender and Bill Magerman have some of the best ears in the business.

If detail, separation, layering, coherence, etc. are important to you, then by all means take advantage of their 30 day trial period. 

All the best,
benlzy, I would not feel comfortable with my amp if everyone else reported cool running and mine was very hot, regardless of ambient temperature.  Might need something adjusted.
When the amp is either idling or not putting out much power and its temperature has warmed up to a stable state its temperature will be a certain number of degrees above the ambient (surrounding) temperature, whatever that ambient temperature may be. The amp's temperature will increase further, of course, if it is putting out a lot of power for a significant amount of time (unless the amp is operating in class A at high power levels, which it is safe to assume is not the case here).

The photo Uncola provided on 9-9-2018 shows the top cover of his amp being at 48.4 degC (119 degF) in a room that is not air-conditioned, at a time when the outdoor temperature was about 83 degF. Although whether the amp had been idling or putting out a lot of power when that measurement was taken wasn’t indicated, that seems reasonably consistent with the mention of 40 degC (104 degF) in the manual, which is presumably based on the amp idling and in a room that is in the vicinity of 70 degF.

Given Benlzy’s statement that his amp "gets freaking hot after extended play time, if I don’t turn on the air-conditioning! But then again, Singapore is pretty hot all year round so probably that’s why," my guess is that his amp is operating normally.

-- Al


I get that he lives in a hot part of the world, but the sentence immediately before the one you quoted above is "I don’t understand how the amp can feel cool to the touch to some of you here."  Just about, if not everyone else has mentioned that their amps get barely warm.  And he has 8 ohm speakers.

I can be a picky with a new purchase, and would probably contact Kinki and ask if all is ok, just for my own peace of mind.


Although I mentioned extended playtime, leaving the amp on with no music playing gets the amp hot too after a couple of hours. However with the AC set to around 77degF, the amp now runs warm, and I can comfortably rest my hand on the case without burning myself. I normally leave it on at volume 1 to play burn in tracks overnight, during these 2 weeks, and I don’t turn the AC on when I’m not in the room listening.

However, it has never been ’cool’ to the touch for me. The only time it’s cool is when it’s just being turned on. Otherwise, it will go between warm (with AC on) to hot (no AC). When I say hot, I do mean hot, as I’m unable to rest my hand on it even if I tried.

I have indeed heard the Pontus at my place, but only for a night when a friend brought it over. At that time it was being paired with an Audio Analogue Accento amp, and I don’t think I would be able to write an accurate review to compare it to the Kinki dac. These are 2 completely different sets of equipment, with tone, musicality and flavour going in favour of the pontus/aacento combo (with triode wire labs xlr), but speed, detail (micro as well), midrange clarity, soundstage and bass control going in favour of the Kinki combo.

Before getting the Kinki dac, I did mention my findings on the Pontus and Terminator in a variety of setups to Alvin, who then suggested that the Kinki dac might be what I was looking for, without spending an arm and leg. He was kind enough to provide me with an extended home trial (I used a Nuprime integrated during the trial as my Job INT doesn’t allow me to bypass the internal dac). After listening to it, I decided to go ahead with the purchase of the Kinki combo.
@benlzy, it appears that the AC in Singapore is nominally 230 volts and 50 Hz. If you have or can obtain a multimeter it would be good to know what the actual AC voltage is, because if it is significantly higher than 230 that could contribute to the amp running hot. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if the amp runs somewhat hotter at 50 Hz than at the 60 Hz frequency most of the rest of us have, everything else being equal.

Also, if my suspicion is correct that the 104 degF referred to in the manual is based on an ambient temperature of around 70 degF, at 77 degF the amp (or at least certain points on it) would be around 111 degF. That seems to me to be consistent with your description of "warm."

And if the room is at say 90 degF without air conditioning that would imply a temperature of around 124 degF, and higher than that if music is being played and possibly also as a result of the AC voltage and frequency.

-- Al
That certainly makes sense @almarg . Thank you so much for your input! The voltage in my apartment is 238-239V.
Hot Tea [if] In The Sahara. Cooked Durian, if in Singapore. 😊

Very good points and perspective, Al.
I had a great time in Singapore a few years back. The people are very nice. Who knew I’d have a Kinki....
I think people (myself included) have to reconcile the fact that the Kinki can and does generate heat but not unduly so. I thought it was a Class A/B design that operated in Class A for the first few watts and both Alvin and Mike have pointed out that it is a Class A input, Class B output design, and most Class A designs operate at higher temps.

And, Like Al points out, it's still within a very reasonable operating temp range. Take a look back at the photos of the interior and it would be easy to overlook those massive heat sinks since they look more artistic than functional. The unit also has corresponding vent holes, top and bottom, that match up to the ones in the heat sinks.

There's are a couple of owners who report no problem whatsoever with excessive heat and their units are out in the open but with moderate ambient temps. In my case, just a small fan directed at the back of the unit keeps it cool (as in not at all warm) due to the Kinki's location in my tight fitting media stand. If I had it out in the open, I wouldn't even consider a fan. It's all good. 👍

All the best,
My M1 sits directly on the lowest bars of an open stand, so sitting in free air. There is No heat problem.

If I could add a comment - for me the facia readouts are too bright.

On the M1, in v low light, another dimmer step, plus off,  would be better  (My CDP has 4 dimmer steps + off).  

Also there is too much gain: with standard CDP 2V output I can be down in single digits. I don't want to use the reduced gain switch as you can hear its intrusion (less transparency).  

Keep up the good work.
Fi never get over 20, which is fine. The leds are a tad bright. The sound is lovely. 

How is do you find the sound?
"How is do you find the sound?"  

Potential is good - I'll tell you in 3 or 4 weeks when it is run in - it is variable atm.
I have added a quality power cord to replace the stock cord on the Kinki dac and the improvement was immense. Felt like a whole different dac altogether! Very, very pleased with the outcome and though I already knew cords made a difference, I wasn't expecting such a leap in performance. Guess the Kinki is really sensitive to cord changes!
It's funny but my friend said his chord Dave dac was more sensitive to power cord changes than his amps so I've been using my nicest cord, a Grover Huffman with my dac and a diy 3 ft supra anniversary cord with my amp.  Hard for me to tell a difference but it makes me feel better :p
Even the manual that comes with the Kinki says to dump the "el cheapo" power cord. It's like using Secretariat to pull a buggy. 
Suggest trying Audio Art Cable pcs (have a few different models ); I use them on all my equipment and they make a noticable positive difference, even their base model. I previously tried Signal Cable and the like and they made no noticable impact 
You might try Cullen Cables:
He makes some nice cables for a reasonable price. 

All the best,
I second the cullen, ask about the avius se, its not showing on the website,  its what it'says what I am using. 
Agree, Pete's TWL cables are excellent and what I am using on the Kinki and the rest of the Main system but unless you find a deal used they are above the "moderate" level I suspect maritime51 is referring to.  Art Audio, Signal and Cullen do fall in that category and I am sure there are others. The Shunyata Venom 3 seems to be popular in this range also.
I agree too as I use TWL Digital American PCs on my Kinki and SACD player but the Cullen PCs can be had for about half the cost. 👍

All the best,
Closing in on, or surpassed 200 hours, and the sound is lovely. But, no real changes in a week, except the beautiful Darwin Ascension II interconnect sound, which merely accentuated the wonderful characteristics already present. 

Nonoise, so far you’ve been right on. 🙀👍
Mine is on order from Mike P last week. Looks like hurricane has hit Kinki factory and they are a week behind schedule. Can’t wait to get my hands on it.
Looking at the pictures of the back, it seems like the IEC inlet has a fuse holder ? anyone know the rating and replaced with an aftermarket one ?
Contact Alvin at Vinshine.

Likely Powell would sell you whatever fuse you can afford. 

You’ll love the amp. 

Report back with your initial impressions, and whether you got a black or silver remote. 

You may may as well buy the cr2026 batteries now, so you can enjoy the remote!  

Alvin is a great guy. 👍
It’s a 10A slow blow fuse and I’ve yet to replace it. I asked Alvin what he thinks about fuses and he likes the standard, ceramic tubed fuses that you can get for around $2.00, which are a step up from the crappy glass fuses.

As to what Liu puts in the Kinki, I forgot to check out if he uses a better fuse or not. As heavy as it is, I’m reluctant to pull it out to check and see.

If it’s any indication, the Kinki, as is, is heads and shoulder above my Marantz Reference integrated even with the better fuse in the Marantz.

Fuses are my next project.

All the best,
Surprisingly, Mike P didn't ask me about the color of remote. Thanks for the tip.

If I replace the fuse I will probably get the SR Blue.
I have a number of good quality power cords that I will try - TWL, AZ Gargantua II, Furtech, PS Audio AC12. Also, same on the interconnects. I have a BHK Preamp and ICEdge 1200AS Class D Amp and my speaker are AZ Crescendo MkII with are 6ohms nominal and 90db sensitivity. Will see how the Kinki stacks up.
The early remotes may have been black. I bought a spare and was delighted that silver showed up. 

Please give us us your first impressions, and if like most, you’ll find start up lovely, but better days ahead!
Besides Cullen (v. good) you might consider Audio Sensibility. 
If you go up a $$ tier or two higher, then yes, Triode Wire Labs.

Thanks, guys. I’ll consult my seer. 

Is this thread dead?  Are Nonoise and I the only enthusiasts?  
I went back to my old folsom tda7297 amp for a while.. wow the downgrade is definitely noticeable, although the folsom is still great and runs cool to the touch because it's only 15watts class ab..  Will switch back to kinki ex m1 soon
ordered one monday from Mike Powell...
should  be quite an improvement over my musical fidelity m2si
@maritime51 Waiting to hear how much of an improvement the after-market power cord makes.