
Responses from uncola

Shinjitsu Audio
I have a pair of the full size hiro on order.  Very excited to hear them!  
Shinjitsu Audio Horn 2 Plus 2 & Beyma 12BR70 Heresy with sound demos
cool klipsch mods.  you're basically just using their cabinet to design a whole new speaker! I'm trying to get a pair of Shinjutsu's updated Hiro speakers with the markaudio 6.5" woofer and horn on top :)  
SnubWay Question Thread
My snubway arrived yesterday and it's a real beautiful piece of work!  Looking forward to testing it with my most noise sensitive system, my headphone system  
Omega Speakers Turnaround Time
I love my compact alnico monitors.  Omega speakers are a hidden gem   
Buchardt Anniversary 10 powered monitors with Purifi woof, new tweeter and DIGITAL amps!
Will you be modding the plate amps? ;) thanks for letting me know about these, ric   
Too many choices for R2R DACS--opinions appreciated
Audial S5 is a great multibit non oversampling dac using the tda1541a chip.  Great non bright treble.  Perfect synergy with my bliesma beryllium tweeters  
Nativ Audio Streamer
I've been waiting a few years for a nativ wave dac and pulse power supply.  They responded to my emails with an office closed due to covid auto response.  I've given up hope :( 
One year down, two to go. What's the longest you have saved for one component?
6 months for my upcoming selah speakers :) 
Class D is just Dandy!
Listening99 the criticisms I saw of the vtv amp were just nitpicking.  Their prices are the best, they use nice thick cases sourced from Ghent and it’s in the USA so no customs worries.  It’s a good deal.  If you’re worried about pcb and wiring la... 
Tweaks - An Honest Discussion
The only tweak I've heard a big difference from was putting the isoacoustic stands under my bookshelf speakers.  Big improvement..  
Nativ Sound Vita
I'm waiting for my nativ wave dac and pulse power supply.. it's been promised to ship soon so many times but still more delays :(   
Recommnedation for the BEST SOUNDING integrated amp up to $3500
Another recommendation for the Kinki Studio EX-M1.  I cycle gear thru my system a lot and this has stayed.   
Kinki Studio EX-M1
Haven't noticed any noise on my ex-m1.. used it in two different rooms, one with a pi audio group mini buss and one with a cheap belkin power strip.. it's very quiet.. I've put my ears close to the tweeters of my kef q900 speakers and no hiss.. an... 
Nativ Sound Vita
can you describe how the Nativ Wave and with pulse psu compares to any other dacs?  Looks like the ML 585 is pretty expensive comparitively.  mine is supposed to ship in a couple weeks after the next firmware update 
Kinki Studio EX-M1
My dac has 2.5VRMS output and my speakers are 90db sensitive.. I usually listen to music around 10-15 during the day and 3-4 volume late at night..  For movies 15-25.  low gain enabled.  I agree there's no loss of detail or quality even at volume ...