Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Perspective

Anyone got a chance to compare the two? I've heard the Perspective2s which IMO are the best speakers I have heard. However, they are over my budget. Maybe I can get a used pair of the originals but don't know how much different they are.
Thank you, Celo. I appreciate your response. When I heard the Pulsar2s, I was impressed by the realism and detail that you describe, but maybe not so "easy on the ear." I do think that the "forward" sound I was hearing might well have been the nature of the audition; I'd like to hear them again. And now I really want to hear the Perspective2s.

Hearing the difference between speakers isn't all that difficult, but knowing which will sound best in your home, for long listening sessions, with different kinds of music, over many years--that is the great challenge.

I will try. I own the SHL5s. I Iike it better than the Plus version. I found the Plus version to be brighter. It has more “hifi” sound, whatever that means:) I think SHL5s are more enjoyable to listen to. It can be dark sounding a little but I can listen to them for hours with zero fatigue.

I have never cared for the Joseph Audio speakers before. Either I didn’t pay attention before or it just didn’t do anything special for me, I don’t know. So, in 2019 I have heard the Pulsar (not 2 Graphene version). I still didn’t find them special for my taste or maybe like I said I didn’t give enough attention. However, that’s when I find my speakers, when I don’t give attention to the sound and the sound finds me:)

In 2020, I was at the same show. I didn’t even want to visit JA’s room. My wife forced me to go in because she said it sounded good from outside. I am glad I listened to my wife:) The Perspective2s are the best speakers I have heard, at any price. I had to visit his room twice to make sure what I heard wasn’t just that time. I liked it even better the second time. The sound is so real and detailed yet sounds very easy on the ear like the Harbeths. Remember I don’t like SHL5 Plus because they sound detailed maybe but bright, losing Harbeth’s house sound/musicality. Perspective2 are best of both worlds. The bass is also incredible on the JA P2s which even Harbeth 40s cannot match. I will buy them one day for sure after this craziness is gone. I HIGHLY recommend them.

I always wanted to hear the Vandersteens too. Maybe they’re better than JA, I don’t know but I am not so sure when the JA Perspective2s beat 100K-speakers at the show.

Interesting that some of us Joseph Audio fans are also fans of Harbeth.Both brands have a "rightness" and believability in timbre and tone, yet at the same time have quite different "sound" or presentations.

These two speakers are at the top of my list (along with Vandersteens, which I've never heard). I've auditioned the Pulsar2 but not the Perspectives. I hope to do some more listening, once the world returns to a bit more normalcy.

I'm wondering if someone can compare those different "sounds," those presentations, between JA and Harbeth speakers.  Thanks!
I've never compared the two models, but JA did in his review of the Perspective 2s. He noted that the treble on the originals was tipped up which could make them sound bright. He thought the updated model was better balanced. His measurements confirmed that the newer models have less high-frequency output.

mr tiger...

Sorry, but it's been quite a while since I auditioned the Perspective 2s.I believe I noted a slightly more nuanced and clear midrange, but hard to tell without a direct comparison.   The bass is supposed to be one of the biggest areas of improvement, however the dealer had the speakers too close to the back wall making their sound way overblown and boomy, so it was hard to tell.
@prof  Can I know what are the sonic differences between perspectives and perspectives2? Thanks!

My brother, a musician who loves coming over to listen to my system, has listened to every speaker I’ve ever owned. He was shocked by the Perspectives. Said it was probably the most amazing sound he’s heard in my room.

I’ve owned many excellent speakers and have chosen them for aspects that they do really well. So I’m not in the camp of having an "end game" speaker. No matter what speaker I get, after a while I can recognize things that another speaker I own does perhaps better.

But the Joseph speakers are a very hard to find combination: world class detail and transparency and airness, but smooth and grainless, eerily accurate tonality, killer imaging and soundstaging, sound bigger than they are, and they are also FUN.They don’t just produce that audiophile-approved sound that is so tight-fisted it only occurs behind the speakers like watching a movie. The richness of the upper and lower bass reach out and grab you, to engage you in the music.

I’ve been listening to my Thiel 2.7s for a while now with the Josephs side-lined (because I like to switch between speakers). The Theils are slightly richer, thicker sounding, and have some more density to the sound top to bottom. I absolutely love the Thiels. And they boogie quite well too. But I also can find myself missing the fun-factor, the feel-the-bass drum impact, of the Joseph speakers. Which means the Joseph speakers will probably be going back in to the system soon :-)
@radiohead99 I think we have similar ears, that's why we tend to like those brands :)

@prof I cannot stand fatiguing speakers. That's why I picked Harbeth. Joseph has the same non-fatigue sound. However, the being there feeling with the Perspective2s was scary. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I had to visit his room again to make sure I was not fooled somehow:) I liked it even better the second time. Amazing speakers. 

Interesting that some of us Joseph Audio fans are also fans of Harbeth.Both brands have a "rightness" and believability in timbre and tone, yet at the same time have quite different "sound" or presentations.

I'd like to own both, because I'm greedy.  But I already have enough speakers in my home.

I'd have upgraded my Perspectives to the graphene version already if it weren't for the pandemic taking my work away.   First world problem, though ;-)
One member on this forum owns Perspective2 and has either owned or extensively listened to Pearl. He prefers Perspective2 ;)

I've heard Pearl3 Graphene at RMAF with Doshi electronics and the Perspective2 at CAF with much more modest Unico integrated. I thought they sounded very similar, however Pearl3 was little bit smoother, organic and obviously moves more air.

The moment I heard Pearl3 at RMAF, I instantly decided that I'll start saving money to buy the Pearl3. But when I heard the Perspective2 few months later, it was so close that I just had to pull the trigger on Perspective 2 on the spot. However, one thing I know for sure is that you can't really judge a speaker without living with it for few months. So in reality, Pearl3 might be a lot better. Who knows!

I recall when me and my gf mesmerizingly listening to the Perspective 2 in CAF, she noticed Jeff Joseph in the corner of the room and whispered "He looks familiar. Is he the same person who made the Pearl 3 we liked so much in Denver?" I replied yes. She said - "The guy knows how to make really good sounding speaker". :)

@celo What a coincidence, before the Perspective 2, I was using Harbeth speakers. Loved it!

I have to agree. When a speaker does everything the most neutral way like a machine, the soul of the music is lost for me. This character makes them sound too hifi which I personally don’t like, some people do.

I have Harbeth speakers for a reason. I have LS3/5As for a reason. The Perspective2s sounded with same midrange but closer to live music with much better bass.

I auditioned the Magico A3s (in a very nice set up) but preferred the Joseph Perspectives.   For me the Magicos were impressive for the price, but were another "really detailed high end speaker," where the Joseph speakers did all that but with a particular magical smoothness and lack of grain that was just more addictive to listen to.  And tonally the Josephs seemed more "right" to me with all sorts of instruments.

I can understand anyone liking the Magicos, though. 
It is your money and your ears only you can make the final verdict.The Josephs audio speaker a great as well and TADs.Whatever you get ENJOY!!
@ebm I wanted to be more specific so I looked it up. It was the M6s that I heard. A3s may be better (more expensive isn't always better) so I don't want to say the A3s are bad.
@ebm Thanks. I don't remember which model it was. It may have been the A3s. I heard them at FL Audio Expo last Feb. They didn't do it for me. The speakers that impressed me the most at that show were the Perspective2s.
Get the used MAGICO A3s listed here for 10k they are much better sound and look great as well.
@djones51: I have already talked to him but I thought maybe I could get more feedback from different people.

@riaa_award: If so, I don't want to hear them :)

@ebm the thing is I never cared for JA speakers before. I have heard the Pulsar (not Pulsar2) in 2019 and that didn't draw my attention either. However, the Perspective2s were just unbelievable. My wife says the same thing, just get what you have heard. Though, $15K is a lot of money :)
I notice noone has responded. I hesitated since I have only heard the Graphene 2 which I onw, and I agree they are the best speakers I have heard. I know there is a user "prof" I believe has heard both I'll bump this up and see if he will chime in.