JJ243 Pre-Amp - impressions please

I am looking at valve pre-amps below $2000.
This JJ243 is one suggested - has anyone got any information or experience with it?

I have had a JJ243 for over 10 years and never (knock on wood) had a problem with it.  goes great with my Beogram 8000.

Since I don't use it much anymore I will soon be entertaining offers on it.  It is in immaculate condition, no scratches or nicks, comes with original box/carton and Manual.

Thank you 
I have a jj 243 purchased from Audiogon for $675 so I cannot complain,it sounds fantastic with my turntable it is adjustable for gain and I have not had any heating problems but it must be well ventilated as the one I have is.I will not be looking for a pre for a long time.There may be pre amps just as good or better for the price but it sounds fantastic to me smooth with good bass not tubby with a nice detailed midrange but not to forward with good balance in relation to the bass and treble.Turn it off when not in use and things should be ok takes about 45 minutes to warm up.
For right around $2K and maybe just a bit under if you keep an eye out, try a Herron VTSP 1A, I have one and think it's just fantastic, as good a preamp as I've heard, as well as dead quiet and reliable.
First Sound Presence Deluxe MKI, around 1.5K. Much better choice, well reviewed and with world class service from Emmanuel. Hard to find a MKI though.

MK II, around 2.5K used.
Here is the response I posted to you on AA. I am copying it here for anyone who cares to see it in this forum.

The JJ is an extremely nice sounding preamp. The phono stage is the star here, it is very good and works well with MM and MC cartridges. However, there is no free lunch.
While I owned mine I developed a channel imbalance which was present only on the phono stage. I had Kevin Carter attempt to repair it for me and he found several issues with the design and build quality. One problem is the 4 6922s that reside (upside down, like two pairs of bats) underneath the top plate. There isn't much ventilation and things heat up quite a bit down there. Not good. And the position of the tubes themselves put quite a bit of stress on the tube sockets. Eventually, the tubes just work themselves loose.

I sold it and moved on. I am very happy with the preamp I have now, but still have fond memories of the JJ. There was nothing special about the circuit or the quality of the parts used, so I have no idea why it sounded as good as it did. You can often find them for 1K or less on Agon. If you can steal one (I paid $700.00 including shipping for mine), then it might be worth your while. Just beware of the issues I have described.

I've not heard the pre, but have an 828 which I enjoy wery much. Very good detailing, powerful. Not tubby or ARTIFICIALLY rich in harmonics (distortion). Presentation is strong in the upper midrange. Other units that sounded similar (although not identical)were Goldmund VSR and Macintosh 275.
I can't help concerning the JJ, it seems as though they make some real nice units, I would very much like to hear the 828 amp, but the support and any info seems pretty slim here in the U.S.

I can though heartily recommend the deHavilland Ultra Verve Jr.- made right here in Northern California. It really is a fantastic unit, and I'm aiming at one myself soon. It's in the same price range. There's a lot of great press on this unit.
