
Responses from scarlsson

JJ243 Pre-Amp - impressions please
I can't help concerning the JJ, it seems as though they make some real nice units, I would very much like to hear the 828 amp, but the support and any info seems pretty slim here in the U.S.I can though heartily recommend the deHavilland Ultra Ver... 
Pls advise on budget integrated or pre/power comb.
Jolida JD 801A tube integrated, 70 watts. One heck of an amp. The brightness is more likely the Rotel and/or the Marantz than the room, and at nearly 92 dB efficiency, your speakers don't need big power. 
McIntosh 501 or 602 for Magnepan 20.1
Another great tube option is the Jolida JD 3000A 200 watt mono blocs. My Maggie dealer uses these as the default amps for the 20.1 and 3.6. He also happens to sell more Magnepan speakers than any other dealer in the U.S. Huge power from the 211 tu... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
The Avantgarde TRIO. By far the most musical, live sound I ever heard in my 43 years. The 100+ dB efficiency speaks for itself. Roll the tubes to your heart's content, hell, roll any amp from 6 watts to whatever. Over 25 years I've heard all the b... 
McIntosh 501 or 602 for Magnepan 20.1
Have you considered the MC2102 100 watt tube amp? I've heard this with the 1.6, 3.6, and 20.1. It's a fantastic combo. Also, the MA2275 integrated is another nice tube option from Mac. Maggies just love the tubes!