Jewel - the singer, not the case...

A couple of Fridays ago I feel asleep watching some show on PBS and when I woke up there was a show about to start, Jewel about to sing. The remote was on the other side of the room and I was too lazy to get up and get it so I just watched her sing and play.

All I can say is WOW. I loved her. She is beautiful, her voice is sweet and she played some great guitar, too. I really loved that show. I've been getting every of hers ever since.

Just thought I would share a new discovery for me.
When I said I didn't think Ronstadt had anything over Jewel, I should have qualified that. Ronstadt is great, no doubt, but there are at least 3 issues here. Talent, versatility, and lifetime accomplishments. I believe Jewel is in the Ronstadt league on the first two aspects, but clearly not the third. I should also concede that Jewel may or may not ever establish that breadth of versatility, but I believe she has the ability based on what I've heard already. I could be wrong (who knows what Jewel's interests turn out to be over a lifetime), but that's my take.

I have always appreciated Ronstadt's technical prowess and her versatility, but I can't remember her music ever moving me as some of Jewel's performances frequently have done. Hats off to all the truly greats, including Ronstadt, but meanwhile, I think Jewel also is great. If I'm wrong, I'm not far off. Also if I'm wrong, so what, her voice still amazes me and I enjoy it more than some of the "greats."

Finally, Eva Cassidy's voice is truly beautiful and remarkably moving.
Ronstadt's appearance on the Muppet Show was a guest appearance.

The hillbilly reality show is Jewel's gig.

Big difference.

You're playing with one arm tied behind your back.
I'm done; you're too emotionally involved to make sense.

To quote one of the great minds of our time, "hee hee".
"She's [Jewel] hosting a hillbilly reality show."

Hee hee. In 1980, Linda Ronstadt did the Muppet Show. By the looks of the Amazon reviews of the DVD (Best of the Muppet Show rel. 2003), she didn't do that great of a job. By contrast, Jewel nailed all her performances on the "hillbilly reality show." But hey, this kind of nonsense is irrelevant, isn't it?

To paraphrase one hayseed's song (Johnny Cash, who introduced, you guessed it, Linda Ronstadt, way back when on his own "hillbilly variety show"), Jewel "is doin' alright for country trash."
>>I believe Jewel is in the Ronstadt league on the first two aspects<<

Strongly disagree. First Ronstadt has much more range, second her voice is far stronger, and finally Jewel has not proven much versatility.

She's hosting a hillbilly reality show.

Look you have some strong emotional attachment to her. Fine, that's your right. Passion is a good thing but it is blurring the reality of the situation here.

They have never been, are not, and never will be in the same league.

A comparison to some of her contemporaries I mentioned previously is far more appropriate.

Good luck to you.
When I said I didn't think Ronstadt had anything over Jewel, I should have qualified that. Ronstadt is great, no doubt, but there are at least 3 issues here. Talent, versatility, and lifetime accomplishments. I believe Jewel is in the Ronstadt league on the first two aspects, but clearly not the third. I should also concede that Jewel may or may not ever establish that breadth of versatility, but I believe she has the ability based on what I've heard already. I could be wrong (who knows what Jewel's interests turn out to be over a lifetime), but that's my take.

I have always appreciated Ronstadt's technical prowess and her versatility, but I can't remember her music ever moving me as some of Jewel's performances frequently have done. Hats off to all the truly greats, including Ronstadt, but meanwhile, I think Jewel also is great. If I'm wrong, I'm not far off. Also if I'm wrong, so what, her voice still amazes me and I enjoy it more than some of the "greats."

Finally, Eva Cassidy's voice is truly beautiful and remarkably moving.
>>I'm not sure Ronstadt or Cassidy have anything over her<<

Well let's examine this more closely. Ronstadt has done country, rock, pop, punk, opera, torch music, Mexican authentic, blues, etc. She's released 39 albums, 62 singles, has 29 Grammy nominations, and 11 Grammy awards.

Tragically Cassidy died very young well before hitting her prime.

Care to re-think your position?
It would be a good idea.
Ok, Audiofeil, your A-list admittedly forms a rarefied atmosphere, but Jewel easily is a cut above Crowe, Ross and Jones. I own and enjoy some of that "peasant" music, but in my opinion Jewel is the better vocalist. Evidence abounds, although like I keep saying, one finds it in Jewel's live performances. So far I don't think Jewel has presented a commercial offering commensurate with her talent. (Her second CD came closest.) She seems to need an audience, not to mention better producers.

I'm not sure Ronstadt or Cassidy have anything over her. Jewel is as versatile as Ronstadt and as capable of evoking emotion as Cassidy. Here, put this in your pipe and smoke it. It's a song about her dead best friend. Very difficult to see live and not tear up.

At the risk of casting more pearls.... watch this whole thing: These crappy little video clips come nowhere near the Tivo'd version through my Merlins, but even a chimp can see this ain't no Norah Jones.
No. Jewel is a good, but hardly great, singer.

Barbra Streisand is a great singer.
Linda Ronstadt is a great singer.
Judy Garland and Eva Cassidy were great singers.

Jewel is Sheryl Crow is Diana Ross is Norah Jones.
I'm tellin' ya Jewel is top tier, not some "runner up." You have to see her unplugged stuff live, songs that don't make it to the CD's. Best CD is Spirit, followed closely by This Way and Goodbye Alice. If one prefers a rock sound over folk, that order reverses. Skip 0304. Never cared too much for Pieces despite a couple of good songs. I think it was the production.

But nothing comes close to her girl-and-guitar live performances. You can't tell her capabilities off of her CD's. Spirit comes closest, but her voice has matured a great deal since 1998. Try and find clips of her two Nashville Star performances from 2007.

Despite a tendency to lyrical navel-gazing, Jewel is a great vocalist.
Chadlinz, what's wrong with Rosie's appearance? She is a living proof that good thing does not come in a small package and size does matter. My vote goes to Joan Baez. Jewel is a runner up for singing talent and Rosie needs to meet Richard "See-mon" for physical therapy.
Came across the thread, never heard of 'Jewel' before. Whilst browsing the missuses cd collection I came across the cd by Jewel 'pieces of you', thought whatoh I'll give it a play. Its actually quite good, lovely voice, nice songs, and well produced.
Hey, I just posted that I enjoyed her concert and her music after never before having paid attention to her. Then you came in and immediately posted your backhanded comment. Lots of women sell sex these days as part of their presentation and none of their music finds its way into my music collection. There's plenty of women singers much better looking that Jewel, for sure.

And what do YOU care what anybody says?

And, for the record, I'm surprised such a tough guy like you even quoted songs in high school.
Yea ok if she looked like Rosie Odonnell she would still have all the fame she has, grow up man. Dont tell me she doesnt sell her sex as part of the package, and what do you care what anyone says? Oh yeah one last thing, you remember jokes dont you, listing quotes of her songs is a nice touch, I was in high school last time I did that.
Some of these statements aren't really fair. What does her physical appearance really have to do with her musical abilities and as far as talent equaling making lots of money, you know that's not true. If you don't like her, you don't like her. Why the need to have to trash her on a non-musical level or on any level at all?

She's not the end all of music. I enjoyed her music and her guitar playing and personally, I think she looks nice, teeth and all.

As Jewel sings:

Ugly girl, ugly girl, do you hate her
Cause she's pieces of YOU?
Audiofeil.............I love it! I can see it now, BBC Proms featuring the Yodelling of Jewel.

Maybe those teeth of hers allowed her to eat small animals she found near the car her and mama Jewel slept in.
>>I would pit Jewel's voice up against ANY non-operatic female singer<<

That's why she stars in a hillbilly cable reality show.
Over at (a spare arrangement, "unplugged" site") there is a wmv video of Jewel doing a cover of Nina Simone's "The Other Woman." Check it out. It's shows off her womanly-mode, and control.
I would pit Jewel's voice up against ANY non-operatic female singer alive today, in range, power, control, whatever. She is my very favorite... because of that voice. Skeptics should watch and listen to her 2 performances she did while hosting Nashville Star this season (2007). Listen to them in digital quality, run through your audio system, not just the t.v. Friends of mine were over for dinner the night she sang one track. They weren't really country fans, or Jewel fans, but she blew them away. She also put a spell on the cohost. He was visibly amazed.

Jewel has at least 4 different tones she uses, and shifts in and out of from song to song, and sometimes during the same song. She has a little girl pouty sound, a Joplinesque wail, a deep-voiced, womanly tone, and an angelic falsetto from heaven. And she can do scat singing, as well. (E.g., Rudolph on her Christmas CD.) Jewel came of age as a folkie, but there is also country, blues, and rock in those pipes.

In my opinion, the best way to appreciate Jewel's voice is when she performs solo or in spare arrangements. Her second CD, Spirit, has a hidden track at the end where she does an acapella duet lullaby with her mother. Absolutely beautiful. On the same CD there is a track called Fat Boy. The lyrics are a little sentimental, but listen to what she does with that voice! In concert, I really get a kick out of her more personal songs... stuff where she wrote something on the road and where the band doesn't join in.

Only two wishes. One, that she had made it to the Johnny Cash-Rick Rubin recording sessions and had done a duet with Johnny (somehow Fionna Apple managed to make it), and two, that someday Jewel outgrows her tendency to wax overly-earnest in some of her lyrics. (I could be wrong on this last wish... if that's how the muse gets her inspiration, so be it.) Meanwhile, long live the Voice.
I have hew debut effort, and ofcourse heard many songs on radio and so-on but I think she is just ok...I think she thinks she is a better artist then she really is but she is easy on the eyes for sure.
I also saw that show on TV. I have seen her in concert in Denver and she was GREAT! I have always really liked her voice and songs. If you're into vinyl, check out all of her LPs...WONDERFUL!!!