Your gratitude is appreciated.
Yes, sifting through reviews is not easy to sift through.
Some decry that there are not enough “negative” reviews, therefore there seems to be a bias which is somewhat true. But:
- if reviewers gave negative reviews, then manufacturers would be hesitant on using them- a bad review can greatly hurt a small business especially in the small high-end audio market
- reviewers try to review “interesting” good components, not simply randomly. Therefore, expect good to very positive reviews
If the reviewer is professional, then I assume they have a lot of experience in to draw upon. But simple flowery “I like it” tells me nothing. It’s when they compare vs other gear that allows us to determine value, and words like ”bargain” or the reviewer’s surprised (often reading between the lines) that I take notice. I then look for other reviews/opinions to corroborate the positive review. Occasionally, I give a lot of weight to a single review - like on WBF the moderator tried the PC Snake River Audio Takshaka which sonically matches the level of his Masterbuilt PC (very expensive, created by us govt superconductor scientists (no, it’s not a superconductor, but their expertise is second to none).