Is the EMM DAC6e or DCC2 /CDSD the best out there?

Is this the best digital front end ever?

What about

Reiymo CDP 777?
dCS gear?
Audio Aero Prestige?

Any other contenders?
I have heard the Meitner twice and find it excellent. I think however any discussion about the ultimate CD transport/DAC combo must include the Burmester gears, especially my current reference the 979/980 combo. Much has been made about the price of the 969/970 combos which is arguably very high then again the Rockport Sirius was >$75K...Its little brother, the 979/980 is about as good and fully competitive in term of price in line with DCS and the likes…around $25K list price..

This said, 10 K in turntables IMHO is musically superior to any current digital combos I have heard... Digital is moving fast though, eventually, it will surpass what we are getting from analogue, probably a super DVD-A, say a linear PCM with higher frequency sampling >=192 KHz 24 bits...
You guys really think changing out the power cord on the emm labs gear makes a difference?

I thought buying the emm labs gear which costs serious coin meant getting the best dac and transport out there. If you think their power cord is not up to snuff than are you not doubting the entire product? Has anyone contacting emm labs to ask them if they considered the power cord to be a weak link or something that could or should be upgraded?

Oh wow! That was so awesomely profound Stan. . . are you having a good turkey dinner today? (chuckles!)
It wasn't meant to be profound Guido (chuckles); it simply is a fact. A good table/tonearm/cartridge combo will smoke those turkey bits and bytes. Now that's profound(smile).

I wonder what you can get in an analogue system for under 10 that can crush the EMM. Let me add it up in terms of parts.

Cartridge $2000
Turntable $2000
Tonearm $2000
Phonostage $2000
Cables & record cleaning machine $2000

We are at $10,000.00 very fast.
Under 10K we can do as follows; Nottingham Spacedeck w. Space arm & an OK cartridge. It will get close but it won't have the balance of the EMM Gear. It probably will excel in many areas but lack in many as well. The EMM is tough to outdo on SACD. If you want to find out fly down & try it. I will put an inexpensive cartridge & tonearm on my system & see what it brings. The problem is you need to spend a lot to get true deep bass from vinyl & not sacrifice anything else.
KarmaPolice, I was not attempting to disparage EMM, on the contrary. . . it is my experience that high quality front ends benefit from high quality PCs. My recent experience with Teac X-01 seems to corroborate this hypothesis, whereas I achieved best results witha Shunyata Python Helix VX and an Anaconda Alpha (non Helix) as a close 2nd. I can only conjecture that Anaconda Alpha helix may be even superior. I just can't see any reason why EMM should be any less sensitive than X-01 to PCs.
Stan, there are several ways to answer:
1. Sure thing, if it makes you happy.
2. Sounds like faith-based audiophilia to me.
3. "Credo, ergo esst!"
4. Watch your induction step Stan, I think you are missing a couple pieces!
5. And how was Thanksgiving turkey?
Which of your answers do you think is the least incorrect? I'd go with that one.
Stan, with the exception of 5, which is only a Seasonal Cheer, all answers are somewhat fitting and pretty well equivalent. Although I admit of being rather fond of 2. How about trying Faith-based Audiophilia on for size?
Guido, faith based audiophilia is just that, smoke and mirrors for the faint (digital) of heart. Vinyl still kicks the snot out of bits and bytes but the margin is narrowing. Happy holidays.

..."Vinyl still kicks the snot out of bits and bytes".....

The above is no longer the case, and I am talking about cost no object vinyl. :-)

Happy Holidays to you too!

Well I think the vinyl vs digital debate is really a dead has made great advances and yet some still prefer vinyl and I respect that but so what at the some time. For me personally, I gave up vinyl long ago for convenience of playback, storage of software etc...and now added is the ability to burn, rip etc onto other portable deivices so I can have music for everywhere I go. Enuff said.
Okay, here was my final buy:
The contenders were Ayre CX-5, Esoteric UX-01, Sony ns999 in home theatre and the EMM labs combo.

The DCC-2 combo was most realistic, most holographic of them all, the Esoteric X-01 was very "metallic", not a great sound stager, I think there is some high frequency wierdness. The sony did not get much inner detail, it is not balanced (which the rest of my system is) and was not so lifelike. I like to evaluate with the sound of saxophones, trumpets and strings... the airiness of the sax, the "blatt" as they say of the trumpet, and the rich harmonics of the strings are things I am most attuned to.
The Ayre got better on warmup... but the combo of the Ayre with an Audio Research Ref 2 was not near as"lifelike" as the emm combo. I removed the ARC and a set of cables when using the EMM Labs... as I still have the Ayre, my next step is trying it as a transport. I also had a Wadia 861 in the system, very smooth, great inner detail, musical, but ultimately not as involving as the UX-01 or EMM Labs.

I started upgrading my system a year ago, and with the addition of the EMM Labs piece, I feel no need for upgrade (at least this month) A good byproduct for me is that some CDs that I found unlistenable with any of the other contenders are very listenable now. Which from a strict audiophile point of view may be bad, but from my point of view, being able to listen to my entire collection so far is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

The only thing I wish is that I had a chance for the new DCS piece to go head to head with the EMM Labs.

As part of this I compared Synergistic Designer Reference to harmonix magic woofer cables, absolutely no comparison. The Synergistic trounced them in every way but a slight loss in gain.. much more refined and extended in the top end.
Sorry Alex you're simply incorrect. The margin is narrowing but vinyl still rules. Maybe some day your digital players will equal my analog set up but not now.
Chrisla, was the UX-1 broken in? If it sounded distinctly metallic, it was likely not yet broken in. Furthermore, UX-1 is a musically compromised unit. It's brother, the X-01, should sound a lot better for music reproduction, with twice the DAC chips (4 per channel). Like the EMM, it does not support DVD nor video. Costs the same as UX-1. Will need approx 700 hrs of break in on redbook alone to sound correct. X-01 is extremely sensitive to PCs. . . and so is I suspect EMM. Try Shunyata Helix series Anaconda or Python on them. . . you may be in for a treat.
Once again I find myself wondering: how do people KNOW something? In this case how aplhifi knows that (his?)digital stacks up to "cost no object vinyl" (by which I'd assume he means the best?), or how stanhifi knows that aplhifi doesn't have a player that would beat stan's vinyl (which is?). I never cease to be amazed at comments without explicit clarification. I respond to these particular examples because they are so diametrically opposed. I wonder if either is willing to offer any "evidence" - or at least details of head to head controlled comparisons. Probably not, I imagine, thus leaving me (and everyone, I guess) with...hmmm...not very useful personal opinions from two people. Hmmm (again) opinion is that cassettes are far better than everything in the world : )
Stanhifi, how can say that if you have not heard the NWO-1? Are you coming to the CES show by any chance? If so, please plan on dropping by my room. Then we will discuss this again.

Jfz, this is correct for most of the posts around online forums. Please see your email.

Sorry Alex but in no way shape or form will your latest toy compete with my Teres/Graham/Zyx. Maybe in a few years you'll have a case.
stan - i had a Teres 265, SME V, Van den Hul Colibri combo, which was every bit as nice as your setup. (actually, nicer as i see it, as i prefer SME to Graham, and VdH to ZYX)

i sold it for EMMlabs gear, and guess what?

those bits sound better to my ears. the fact that you prefer the distortions of vinyl over the distortions of digital doesn't mean that they're better. they're better to you, perhaps, but your blanket statements are tiresome and flawed.

the fact that Alex's work has compared favorably to my beloved EMM gear (besting it by some accounts, although i'll have to hear it for myself to believe it) tells me that, as far as what's important to *me*, you're dead-ass wrong.

although, what's important to me shouldn't mean a damn thing to you at all. and i'm not gonna sit here and tell you that what you prefer in sound reproduction is wrong. please do the rest of us the same favor and end the condescention.
Unfortunately Lazarus a Teres 265 isn't a 340, an SME V isn't a Graham Phantom, and a Colibri isn't a Zyx UNIverse so I can understand why you like the EMM more than your vinyl stuff. Perhaps also you need to justify the cost of the EMM but my vinyl system will embarrass your digital system. Maybe you should consider a system upgrade and return to vinyl.
Stan--I would be only too happy to take you up on your challenge. I agree that vinyl is wonderful however in my system with the CDSD and the DAC6e I would be only too happy to have you over for an audition to quash your bombasity :) .
Hey Stan, why not take up Oneobgin's offer? It's your opportunity to prove you are not suffering from a little case of 'faith-based audiophilia!'
Stanhifi, the DACs in my "latest toy" see constant 5.4MHz bit rate regardless of the format played. The output of the DACs looks like a perfect analog wave form, even with 44.1KHz/16bit regular CD.

I am sure that you will not believe a word from what I say, but let me re-assure you that your vinyl setup will be embarrassed on A-B test. There is some audiophile Vinyl and also CD, SACD and DVD-A recorded from the same analog master. We can always use those for the test.

As suggested above, EMM Labs gear will also give you vinyl a REALLY hard time as it is, reportedly, very close sounding to almost $85K (or more) cost no object vinyl setup, especially with SACD.

I think it is time for you to audition before throwing out blind statements.

Elberoth2...well I guess we just disagree on what we respecitvely heard. (...) EMM to me has far more "openess" and sense of air around the instruments...and that is what I like about it.

Henry, that is EXACTLY what I have said before:

To my ears it is the EMM that was a resolution and openess champ. (...) The EMM was almost "too open" for it's own good, his midrange lacked body and texture compared to latest dCS offerings.

I don't want to embarrass the good doctor. People that spend exhorbitant amounts of money on bits and bytes have egos that won't allow them to really believe what they hear. Money can buy a nice car; it doesn’t mean you’re a good driver. Money can buy a nice house; it doesn’t mean you’re a good neighbor. Money can buy stylish eyeglasses; it doesn’t mean you have good eyes. Now here’s the point: Money can buy great audio components; it doesn’t mean you have a good ear. I hope that helps.
Secondly it would be fruitless to hear that system unless there was an analog source in it to definitively crush the EMM. And even then, egos get in the way.
Measurements and numbers mean nothing. Have you ever heard a loudspeaker with a perfectly flat (on paper) frequency response? Sounds like sh** right?

Secondly if measurements are your criterion for superiority then solid state components would sound better than vacuum tubes right?

You should read Philip Richard Newell's "Studio Monitoring Design: a personal view" in which he states":

"The combination of(human) brain and ear have an awesome ability to resolve fine detail, orders of magnitude beyond our best measuring equipment"

Perhaps this will help you better understand that your measurements are basically meaningless. The ears are the only true measuring devices.
This appears to be an issue between posters other than yourself. I suggest you stay out of it. You are not a moderator and as such have no business asking somebody else to "avoid" anything. Thank you.
Guido, Thanks for explaining adhominem. Here's some advice,
buttem outem.
Have a nice day.
Thanks Guidocorona. Are you a member of the board? I consider it a shame that a forum which (I ASSUME, albeit maybe incorrectly) was created for the sharing of ideas and experience is so often a place where people are simply negative and/or nasty to others. Lest anyone think I am singling someone out, by the way: I think it a shame that "Aplhifi" says something like "...let me re-assure you that your vinyl setup will be embarrassd on A-B test". As I said in another post recently: How could he possibly KNOW that unless he actually listens to the two set-ups in a controlled environment?

In any case, maybe I'm "beating my head against a wall" here, so I will consider decreasing or stopping my participation. Thanks again. If you ARE a moderator, I'd love to know what the forum's goals and guidelines are.
Thank you JFZ. No I am only a concerned reader who gets amused by 'screechy' posts. Please do not leave these discussions. As you noticed, some of us are naturally emotional. You should read some of the 'nastygrams' that fly out of my fingers in the office every day. So, no big deal, Stan, Judy, and all, relax. . . and did you notice by the way? It's Friday already!!!
Oh the "absolutes" that we are stuck on.Vinyl ,tubes and the whole analogue monologue. Invalidating the bites and bytes is not the solution here.This us and them is not about a hobby. You guys are just inventing arguments. There is no hobby in your souls. Frustrated humans we are...LOL
Stan--trust me when I say that you won't embarrass me but it seems to me that in all of your posts you are giving the overall impression to the collective here that only you have the "golden ears" and that yours are the only ones to be trusted.I would beg to differ.

It would be a pleasure to host you for some listening fun. After all isn't this what the hobby is all about?
as my system includes both Oneobgyn's emmlabs gear and SOTA vinyl i do this comparison every day.

if comparing very good (top 30% of 6000 lps) vinyl (of the same recording) to the very best digital (redbook or SACD) the vinyl is at a higher level of musical performance.

weekly i have various audio friends over for this comparison. the result is ALWAYS the same.

the system is full range; the room is good; the associated gear is all competent.

another thing. as my system has improved over this last year the gap between vinyl and digital has increased. digital has a relative performance ceiling since resolution is limited; vinyl continues to reveal more and more as the system gets more out of the way.

anyone who needs convincing; just show up any Saturday afternoon about 4:00pm (Alex, come on up!....bring your new toy).

that said; the digital performance is staggeringly good and fully satisfying. i completely understand how one might feel that the top digital performance that they are hearing must be equal or better than where they feel vinyl is. all can say to those sensible people is......until you hear them side by side (as i do for about 4 hours daily) won't believe.
Mike, I have no problem believing that your SODA may often appear to exceed the performance of the EMM. Unfortunately your generalization from this statement that analog is inherently superior to digital is invalid.
Similarly, if you had said that your EMM were better than your SODA, and thus concluded that digital were inherently superior to analog, that to would constitute an invalid induction. I am afraid that the entire broad argument of analog/vs digital superiority or viceversa is inherently specious and I am quite sure even old Ludwig Wittgenstein would find it problematic on purely logical or epistemological grounds.

"I am quite sure even old Ludwig Wittgenstein would find it problematic on purely logical or epistemological grounds."

if you're going to kick my ass please speak English.


but comments about my SODA (i assume you mean SOTA--state of the art) vinyl setup performance being musically superior to digital is my feelings.

to be more specific; the emmlabs represents an acknowledged reference of the best digital performance. not to say there are not others; but for sure the emmlabs is in that very top level of digital performance.

if then, my vinyl setup consistently delivers a more satisfying musical performance then it is completely valid for me to say that. yes, i am specifically saying that at the very top of both formats vinyl is superior in reproducing music according to my and 100% of many others musical judgements visiting my room (25-30 listeners) in the recent months.

if we are judgeing the performance potential of two formats; and at least one setup represents the best of that format; and the other format is judged consistently better......then it is valid logically to say that one format is musically better. that is not the whole story; but it is not invalid.

now, this is only a subjective opinion shared by myself and other visitors to my room. and for sure; YMMV. certainly, there may be some/many that may not reach the same conclusion......which wouldn't invalidate their perspectives.

to call my perspective 'invalid' is quite pompous and unsupportable. this is not science but art which we are judging; which calls for subjective opinions; not scientific method.

have a nice day.
Guidocorona, I looked here:

Epistemological stereo

I see his opinions about life, religion and such, but cannot find a listing of his stereo system. Do you really believe this guy is a better expert on sound than Mike Lavigne?

He died in 1951, so I have my suspicions, Mike still listens, every day.
Yea, but Ludwig was using an old Garrard player in 1951 and you kept evolving until you reached the air bearing, linear track status for playback of your analog.

As memory serves, Ludwig was gone, long before (long gone?) the first Sony CD player ever hit the shelves.

Besides, I have it on good authority he did not cotton to the "Cool" Jazz movement, so I don't trust him.
I missed this thread for a few days. From my experience Mike is on the money. My analogue front end was always better than my Audio Aero. Unfortunately once my cartridge died I was without analogue for a while. I just listened to my Audio Aero and was basically unsatisfied. I then purchased my EMM setup. From memory, I was sure that my analogue would not equal the EMM setup. My previous cartridge, a Koestsu just didn't have the dynamics nor the extension to compete w. the EMM. I had to change phono preamps & cartridges which took a lot of time. Once my analogue system was put together w. now a VdH Condor & WN Audio phono section, my EMM setup was definitely still better sounding to me. But once my cartridge and phono stage began to break in everything changed. It became quickly aparent that analogue is better sounding in my system compared to my EMM setup. An analogue system that is compromised in any area will be bettered by the EMM setup. Especially in the bass and treble regions. In my system w. a Nottingham Hyperspace w. SME V & Condor I have incredible bass & midrange. My top end is just boardering excellent. In fact from the low end to the highs my analogue setup is equal to digital. In terms or musicality, image palpability, and harmonic integrity analogue is superior. Prior to my cartridge breaking in (still not done though 100%) we all felt the EMM was better. Once the Condor finally began to break in all my friends, only one of them an audiophile, the rest musicians prefered analogue to digital. When the LP was a poor recording obviously this was not the case. I don't know how anyone can conclude that any digital is better than vinyl unless they make the direct comparison in a system they are familiar with. That being said, I fully agree the EMM is good enough in most cases to abandon the pursuit of vinyl. The EMM gear is excellent and the sound is highly involving. I would easily accept the EMM setup as a parking place in terms of sources for most people. But my lowly analogue setup, not SOTA to all but for me in the ballpark, is better than SOTA digital of today.
Mike Lavigne

you and I are friends. You make this statement over and over and I don't think that I am naieve when it comes to high end stereo but honestly I don't know what the heck you mean when you say it

vinyl continues to reveal more and more as the system gets more out of the way.

Please explain so that I can understand.
Apologies for the typo Mike, yes I meant your SOTA--state of the art) analog rig.
As mentioned, I have no argument with the fact that you and your guests may find the SOTA to be superior to the EMM, and in fact I'd be interested in knowing more details of your comparative findings, e.g. ICs, PCS, and types of recordings used (redbook/SACD?), have you had many opportunities of comparing the same recording on vinyl and SACD ?

I have also no problem if you state that overall you truly prefer vinyl over digital and you find it more musical/satisfying, etc. . . That is a purely subjective statement, and therefore valid by definition.

The problem is rather in the generalization steps that lead you to make an unequivocal statement of superiority of one format over the other one--irrespective of direction I should add. My objection has nothing whatsoever to do with the music or the sound, but only with the process. You start with the postulation that (1) the EMM is the very best that digital has to offer, and (2) if SOTA is found to be superior to EMM, (3) SOTA must be superior to digital, and because (4) SOTA is the best of Vinyl. therefore (5) vinyl must be superior to digital.

The problem is in the postulation in statement 1, which to be valid must be held as a universally accepted truth--which in this particular case it is unfortunately not, as there does not appear to exist an objective unanimity on the subject.

Regardless, I'd love to listen to both your rigs some times, as I have not been fortunate enough to listen to either EMM nor SOTA! As for old Wittgenstein, I suspect he listened mostly to live music. There is a book called Wittgenstein's Vienna (or The Vienna Of Wittgenstein) which may shed some light on the subject. Have not read the book yet.

ok lets fix your misunderstanding ,with a book of the misunderstanding of life....only in hi-fi...

You guys should charge, for this is priceless
OB my friend;

sorry if my comment is not clear enough. i will try to expand on it.

when i say "vinyl continues to reveal more and more as the system gets more out of the way" i am describing my audio philosophy......which one's system improves there is less and less between the content of the software (the music) and your listening experience.

in the last year i have changed everything in my system except my sources. when i first moved into my new room there were components that made their character and limitations known; you were here to listen at that time.

the speakers simply could not energize the room and low bass (under 40hz) was not evidant.

the new room was much more 'live' opposed to the slightly over-damped character of the old room. the Kharma Exquisites were still slightly soft on top and the tonal balance was not bad. but, the new VR9 speakers added even more high frequency energy. the additional bass energy of the new speakers combined with the additional high frequency energy really took the whole system out of balance. combine all that with my learning curve on all the adjustability of the speakers and i had taken 2 steps forward but one step back.

i was hearing way more information from my system but this additional info was causing problems.

my 3 year reference phono cartridge, the vdH Colibri, is the most explosive and life-like piece of audio gear i have ever heard. in my old room and old system; the Colibri was happy with the system. the 'old' system 'hid' the problems the new system exposed.

for a few months i was not sure what was causing what. did the Colibri have a problem? was it my phono stage or preamp? maybe the amps? i was not sure. maybe the room was too live......or i didn't have the speakers adjusted properly.

as i lived with the new speakers and tried to get the Colibri to blend into the new room and system i started to make some progress.

first, a friend brought over the Grand Prix amp stands.....WOW......everything got more natural, more detail, better more solid and articulate bass. i bought GP amp stands and racks......big improvement.

next, i bought some Jena Labs Fundamental 1 power cords for the subwoofer amps...WOW......the bass improved a ton in every way....tighter, deeper, and more articulate. in addition, the whole frequency range cleaned up.

i had been using both the Tenors and darTZeel amps with the Placette passive. i was still getting some edge with the Colibri. i finally assumed the issue was the Colibri and bought a Dynavector XV-1s to try. the edge went away but so did the vividness and dynamic explosiveness. i liked the XV-1s but missed the Colibri.

all along the digital had been 'happy'......there was no problem and i had felt that the emmlabs had somehow crept closer to the vinyl performance......especially with the XV-1s.

then the new battery powered darTZeel preamp arrived. this turned out to be the 'missing link'. to make a long story short; i was able to get the Colibri back into the system and now all that information that the Colibri had been killing me with became 'music'......the vinyl performance has leapt to a few levels beyond anything i have yet heard.

yes, the digital was also improved but not nearly to the degree. the potential of the vinyl format simply allows a much larger upside. if your vinyl system is capable of exposing enough information the comparison is no contest.

but to live at that level of information all must be right. when the rest of your system gets the hell out of the other words......your speakers, amps, racks, cables, and room are synergistic, neutral and not limiting......then the most revealing vinyl components will reveal more musical information and deliver more musical satisfaction than any digital i have heard.

the improvements to my system did improve the digital; but the degree was considerably less and the final performance level was also less.

if you play around with vinyl for awhile at a fairly high level you will soon come to the conclusion that anything you do makes large differences.....sometimes amazingly large differences. why? IMHO it's because there simply is so much info in those grooves.

take 5 digital players at $5000 increments from $1000 to $26,000......the best one's at each price point. compare.

tweak them all. listen again.

do the same for vinyl.

at each commitment level for vinyl there will be clear improvements. and if you continue up the scale past $26k for vinyl there will continue to be clear improvements on up for awhile.

much past $10k all digital will be similar....and it will be more issues of difference as opposed to improvement. this is not a bad thing but speaks to limits of resolution.

as you continue to lower the noise floor of vinyl playback with more and more sophisticated gear more and more info is exposed. i don't think we are thru yet in this direction.

my digital and vinyl experience of the last 10 years is exactly that comparison.

i rest my case.

sorry to go on but the answer to your question is not simple.
Well I had assumed that when you say "get out of the way of the music" you were referring to the invisibility of your speakers. Anything else to me is a reflection on the improvement of a system as well set up speakers are indeed invisible and to me get out of the way of the music as you term it

How do you know that the new stands, new cables,new cartridge etc are not creating some sort of sonic signature that "is" in the way of the music and creating a coloration that is partial to "your" ears. I am just uncertain as to why you suggest that the additions you made have created a state of musical neutrality. How can you be so certain?

I feel this is a reasonable question that we all must ask of ourselves. I have said time and again that with any new piece of equipment one must ask himself whether he is hearing something better OR is he merely hearing something different.
"Well I had assumed that when you say "get out of the way of the music" you were referring to the invisibility of your speakers."

it is not possible to isolate issues to one factor.....and more than a few speakers 'disappear'. in addition there is more than one version of 'getting out of the way of the music'.....i'm sure many systems do that.

i'm referring to an overall ability of a 'system' to 'meld' together and allow the source and speakers to be optimized.....maximum info from the source....and the listener then recieves the 'whole'.

i am most definitly referring to more, better and opposed to different.

that is the beauty of my Colibri tells you so much that if the delivery system for that info is not 'just right' it sounds like garbage. there is no different...there is only right and wrong.

which is not to say that my or anyone's system is totally without colorations......but that they are fairly insignificant IMHO to my ears.
MikeL, Thank you for the invitation! I've never heard your vinyl setup, but I am sure it is really great.

I am sorry to say, but it would be impossible to visit you before the CES show in January, so please accept my invitation and visit us at T.H.E Show.

Do you have any type of stand alone CD Recorder (Pioneer for example?) If you don't, I can send you mine and some black CD-R discs. Would you mind to record your best sounding vinyl directly from your phono stage to the CD Recorder and bring the CD-R to my room at T.H.E Show?


Alex; you will be welcome here any time it might work out.

as far as your generous suggestion; unfortunately my current setup for vinyl utilizes a pre-production darTZeel preamp with only BNC outputs operational. therefore i have no way to input the phono signal into a CD burner from my phono stage/pre. even if your burner had a RIAA chip that would accept the direct signal from the tt; that would miss the 'magic' that the darTZeel phono/pre is doing.

my own dart pre is due 'yesterday' (the hope is before the new year); it will have multiple outputs that will work fine.

i have not burned CD's from Lp's in the past; what level of A to D is sufficient? and is that level resident in your burner?

i am currently in the market for a standalone CD burner (focused on improving redbook, not on burning CD's from Lp's......why would i want to dumb-down my Lp's anyway?) and have read all the current buzz on the Reality Check and other approaches as well as different CDR's. i am looking for some clarity on which direction is best and then plan to jump into that.

in any case; i'm not sure the timing for CES will work with this scheme......but i am game for it however soon it can be worked out.

i do look forward to hearing your latest at CES.