iPad "Remote" App for iTunes

Introduced to me by Mezmo, this free Apple app looks through the iPad to iTunes and all the music on my Mac Mini.

Therefore, from the comfort of a chair across the room, one can browse the entire selection of music, see all the cover art AND adjust the volume.

Although I am not yet sure how this affects the sound - particularly the use of the volume control - this has otherwise solved my Mac to DAC to amp problem, where for this one source, I no longer need a preamp, nor a DAC with an attenuator.

For comparison's sake, I have ordered an Antelope Zodiac + DAC (with attenuator) and will report back with any interesting findings.

For general use, surfing an iTunes collection, the remote app seems useful for anyone who also has an iPad.
Follow up, the other day I broke my OS trying to sort out the permission issue. Who'd a thunk it was so blithely simple to casually break an OS. And I mean broke to the point of a burn down and clean install. Well, live and learn.

All that said, my relationship to Apple and audio remains the same as the old quote about the US government: it's the worst possible thing I can imagine, but it remains better than all the alternatives....
The new Microsoft indeed. Sometimes it seems like a full time job just staying ahead of Apple's apparently evolving efforts to break its own software. Lovely. I've said before, the new corporate motto seems sometimes to be "If it aint broke, quick break it. Apple smash." Now it seems that every time my system idles, iTunes helpfully locks all of the harddrives and crashes. Then there's no talking it out of it, and a hard restart is the only remedy. Very much the opposite of endearing. My love/hate relationship endures.

In terms of sorting, you can happily get iTunes to do that for you. May not be a default, but in the settings you can get it to show the "file type" column. If you then go to view by tracks and click on the "file type" heading, it will automatically sort everything for you. "AAC" and "Protected AAC" will be the cloud droppings from Apple. Everything else should be what you did on purpose, in whatever file type was your default for importing. Joy.


Thank you - you have elegantly and perfectly articulated exactly what I feared might be happening, as well as confirming previous suspicions that Apple is the new Microsoft.

It will take me some time to work out how to best address, my local / lossless copies vs iTunes copies of various things.....but in the meantime, suspect I will renew my phone contract in March with a Samsung Note II!
Heh, iTunes. Since I have accrued some credit, seems also I deserve the blameÂ… The new version of iTunes is definitely a pain in the ass. Still trying to dial much of it in as well. Far as I understand it, yes -- if you're getting the dreaded cloud icon beside a track, that means that iTunes is convinced it is not a local copy but resident off in Apple's proprietary ether and: (a) it is streaming it from this wherever, (b) it is NOT lossless, and (c) it very well may be further polluted by Apple's digital rights management (DRM) scheme. This third point, DRM, is where you can run afoul of BitPerfect, as it can't handle DRM material. Think it is supposed to hand playback back to iTunes when it encounters one -- so that it can actually go -- but in my experience, it just won't play the DRM stuff.

The more sticky question may be why iTunes has apparently “substituted” things that you previously had local copies of (presumably lossless local copies ripped from CD, for example) with “the cloud” copies. Hopefully, this isn’t the case. I understand that there is a new “feature” in iTunes that basically moves all of your stuff onto the cloud – so that all accounts have access to the same library. Fine, sounds super, in typical Apple faux-helpfulness mode. Trouble is, these cloud-resident copies will not be lossless (think they are AAC, not sure which bitrate). So, if you’ve started with a lossless copy and then moved to the cloud, Apple has kindly down-sampled and down-graded your software. Significantly. You would prefer to avoid this. And to further complicate matters, if you actually click on the “cloud” icon beside a track, Apple with kindly download this track from the cloud to your local drive. However, it will still be the lossy version that started on the cloud.

None of this, to the best of my knowledge, should replace anything that you have locally. For example, I don’t buy anything off of iTunes. And I have placed nothing on the cloud. However, my wife regularly does, and we use the same account (which is real convenient in every other way). But, this means that my iTunes includes all of the material she has purchased. In the previous versions of iTunes, all of the stuff she purchased was not visible on the Mini, because none of it had been downloaded there (but I could access her library, which is on a separate computer, through our shares network). However, in the new version of iTunes, EVERYTHING that has ever been purchased on the account is now visible on every instance of that account – and the ones that have not been downloaded on a particular local instance are shown as being on the cloud. Thus, my new version of iTunes on the Mini is now showing hundreds of tracks on the cloud. This is a “feature” of the cloud – Apply trying to be “helpful.” Further, many tracks in my main (previously entirely lossless) library are now duplicated – with both my local lossless version and a cloud version (presumably because I have a lossless rip from CD and my wife at one point bought a copy of the same track from iTunes). Hopefully, this is all that has happened. I think there is a way to convince iTunes not to show anything on the cloud. This would – should – revert you to exactly what was there before the “upgrade.” Personally, I’ve left all of the cloud (duplicates or otherwise) items visible so far. I am just careful not to use them, unless I mean to and there isn’t another lossless copy already there.

Hopefully that made some sense and was at least vaguely helpful. (And if not, you know where to find meÂ… ;)

Thanks to everyone and in particular to Mezmo, who first gave me the tip for this concept.

In my excitement to buy a newer iPad for the remote, I got a message that it would only activate if I downloaded a newer version of iTunes, which I did.

The iPad seems to be working fine, however, a few things I dont know how to work out:

1) I now seems to be "sharing" files, where many of the songs I thought I bought (downloaded) and/or owned now have a cloud icon next to them..

..does this mean they are

a) being streamed by iTunes and/or
b) not being played at the highest resolution?

2) If so, perhaps this explains why my BitPerfect app no longer seems to work?

Previously, the BitPerfect icon at the top of the screen would turn to green, and everything sounded much better.

Now, the BitPerfect icon remains black and everything sounds much worse.

Thanks for any ideas updates / on using the remote app while maintaining high resolution playback.
CWLondon, M_snow is correct.

1) I use headless mac mini and play Audirvana. Majestic sound. The Audirvana manual explains the importance of bit perfect feed to DAC, which can be only guaranteed if you keep volume at 100%. Else the PC output gets digitally altered.

2) Audirvana includes settings where iTunes engine including volume control and the identification of the time that the track has played till is disabled. This is to guarantee bitperfect feed.

3) For playing FLAC files, in Audirvana Plus menu, switch to iTunes integrated mode. Then may be you need to quit and restart, use command+tab to switch to Audirvana Plus, then in same menu you will see "Add files to iTunes" option. Clicking on this will lead to a box where you can drag and drop flac files. Then press "Start" at bottom of box.

4) you can use the remote app on iPad to now play flac files just as if they were wav/aiff/mp3/mp4 files. There will be no difference in sound quality, something you can verify if your system is a highly resolving system. With Antelope Zodiac you will certainly be able to verify.

All the best.
Bit Perfect didn't have much information: does it support DSD? Does it automatically switch sampling rates?
And I definitely don't like the idea of having to use a 3rd party to import FLAC files.
I think AudirvanaPlus trumps BitPerfect (even in iTunes integration mode) particularly if your DAC/USB supports INT and Direct mode in Lion/Mountain Lion
Personally, I like Bit Perfect on the Mac. It's super simple, sounds great, gives you a fair amount of control and customization behind the scenes, and is way less of a PITA than setting up an alternate player to iTunes as far as I am concerned. It sits invisibly on top of iTunes, but essentially castrates it to take over all playback. There's a huge thread about it over at Computer Audiophile (which I can’t seem to link to directly, but worth a quick search of their forums) for anyone that's interested. Have to admit, though, that I've got relatively little experience with Amarra/Pure Music/Audiovirna/etc to know how it compares – but it is itself so useful and easy that I stopped experimenting with other stuff once I found it. Just my two cents.
Antigrunge is wrong: the Remote app will work with all 3 of the products he lists.

And he's right -- any one of those three will make a HUGE difference in your sound.

I personally use Audirvana - but all three are excellent products.
The Apple Remote app is just a remote. It's displaying what is happening in iTunes playing on the Mini. The music is not being routed through the Remote app.
So you're talking about the simple remote app. It does a great job of controlling itunes but you should look at the Pocket Cloud app to control all functions of the Mac Mini. After getting used to Pocket Cloud I disconnected my monitor and do everything via my iphone or itouch.
I believe the remote app was one of the very first apps apple came out with back in 2008. Its a handy little guy.
I can't answer your first question as I never tried it and don't have any music stored on my iPhone or iPad. As a remote, the interface is wonderful, many options and I can pull up all the artwork, etc.
Does JRemote allow you to stream the music back to the iPad or iPhone? That is one of the features of Gizmo I like. However, the Gizmo interface is far from sexy. Also, I think JRmote does not work on Android and Gizmo does not work on Apple.
I use J Remote on my iPad and iPhone to control J Rivers Media Center. Best investment I have made in a long time.
It's just a remote, and it in & of itself doesn't affect the sound; but if you're using the volume control built into iTunes it IS affecting your sound. As you turn the volume down, you're losing bits of information.

Can anyone explain exactly how this is working and what affect it might have on the sound? Or is it truly just a "remote"?
Wait until you get good and knowing al, the ins and outs of remote for iPhone or iPad and then apple will Change it and take away all the things you liked about it. It was really important to me to be able to pull my phone out and rate music quickly if I heard something I liked. Now that have taken away the ability to do that with the new version of remote. Stupid.
JRiver has a similar app (Gizmo) for its Media Center system. Gizmo is not as flashy as Apple's Remote, but it works fine of Android phones and tablets. It can connect on my local network or remotely through the Internet. So, I can connect to my home library anywhere that has WiFi or 3G/4G connectivity.

I was at a friends house recently and used Gizmo from my Galaxy III to access my music library at home and then played it on a local Bluetooth speaker. Connected through his WIFi so we had good speed and used no data from my phone plan. Not bad for a couple of guys in our mid 60's.

With JRiver I can also connect a remote PC from anywhere I have Internet connection to my home server and use it just as if the library were local. I am in the process of setting up a system in Switzerland to play from my library in Boston. I have not tried it yet, but I am hoping it works fine.
Do yourself a favour and get Puremusic, Audirvana or Amarra.
Remote won't work with them but I-Tunes makes your Zodiac+ suffer from severe 'garbage in- garbage out' digititis.
Try Screens or Mocha VNC as an Ipad support instead of Remote