iPad "Remote" App for iTunes

Introduced to me by Mezmo, this free Apple app looks through the iPad to iTunes and all the music on my Mac Mini.

Therefore, from the comfort of a chair across the room, one can browse the entire selection of music, see all the cover art AND adjust the volume.

Although I am not yet sure how this affects the sound - particularly the use of the volume control - this has otherwise solved my Mac to DAC to amp problem, where for this one source, I no longer need a preamp, nor a DAC with an attenuator.

For comparison's sake, I have ordered an Antelope Zodiac + DAC (with attenuator) and will report back with any interesting findings.

For general use, surfing an iTunes collection, the remote app seems useful for anyone who also has an iPad.

Showing 3 responses by cwlondon

Can anyone explain exactly how this is working and what affect it might have on the sound? Or is it truly just a "remote"?

Thanks to everyone and in particular to Mezmo, who first gave me the tip for this concept.

In my excitement to buy a newer iPad for the remote, I got a message that it would only activate if I downloaded a newer version of iTunes, which I did.

The iPad seems to be working fine, however, a few things I dont know how to work out:

1) I now seems to be "sharing" files, where many of the songs I thought I bought (downloaded) and/or owned now have a cloud icon next to them..

..does this mean they are

a) being streamed by iTunes and/or
b) not being played at the highest resolution?

2) If so, perhaps this explains why my BitPerfect app no longer seems to work?

Previously, the BitPerfect icon at the top of the screen would turn to green, and everything sounded much better.

Now, the BitPerfect icon remains black and everything sounds much worse.

Thanks for any ideas updates / on using the remote app while maintaining high resolution playback.


Thank you - you have elegantly and perfectly articulated exactly what I feared might be happening, as well as confirming previous suspicions that Apple is the new Microsoft.

It will take me some time to work out how to best address, my local / lossless copies vs iTunes copies of various things.....but in the meantime, suspect I will renew my phone contract in March with a Samsung Note II!