Interconnect Directionality

Have I lost my mind? I swear that I am hearing differences in the direction I hook up my interconnect cables between my preamp and power amp. These are custom built solid core silver cables with Eichmann bullet plugs. There is no shield so this is not a case where one end of the cable’s shield is grounded and the other isn’t. 

There are four ways ways to hook them up:
Right: Forward. Left: Forward. 
Right: Backward. Left: Backward
Right: Forward. Left: Backward
Right: Backward. Left: Forward. 

There is no difference in construction between forward and backward, but here are my observations:

When they are hooked up forward/backward there appears to be more airy-ness and what appears to be a slight phase difference. When hooked up forward/forward or backward/backward, the image seems more precise like they are more in phase. The difference between forward/forward and backward/backward is that one seems to push the soundstage back a little bit while the other brings it towards you more. 

What could possibly cause this? Does it have something to do with the way the wire is constructed and how the grains are made while drawn through a die? Am I imagining this? Have I completely lost my mind?
How can you be sure both cables are in the correct direction at the same time?
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I experimented with a pair of interconnects in a different location in my audio chain and again it seems like interconnect cables have directionality to them. When they are going “the right away,” there is what I will call a “phase issue” that goes away. What I’m not sure on yet is whether or not there is a forwards and backwards or if all that matters is if both cables are going forwards OR backwards together. I’m leaning towards “yes” but the difference is more subtle compared to when one cable is forwards and one backwards. 

I think it’s those damn quantum states jerking our supposed reality around again....

...and I think I’ll just go back to petting this cat I just let out of a box.

It was easy....I don’t believe the box everyone keeps talking about ’thinking outside of’ exists; just another excuse for bad educational experiences.....;)

Y’all are Fascinating. Even Spock would be ROTFLHAO.

Geoffy, you still have not made a case for why directionality exists, much less of how it’s implied asymmetry of energy delivery could possibly be a benefit to sound quality.

>>>>Well, actually I have made a case for it. You are not convinced, that’s all. If in fact you did read any of my posts, which you probably didn’t. I can’t help noticing you didn’t refute or rebut any of my evidence. What would convince you? Some people believe what they choose to believe. You’re not one of those people, are you? 🙄
I think it's those damn quantum states jerking our supposed reality around again....

...and I think I'll just go back to petting this cat I just let out of a box.

It was easy....I don't believe the box everyone keeps talking about 'thinking outside of' exists; just another excuse for bad educational experiences.....;)

Y'all are Fascinating.  Even Spock would be ROTFLHAO.
Geoffy, you still have not made a case for why directionality exists, much less of how it’s implied asymmetry of energy delivery could possibly be a benefit to sound quality. 
The evidence is the thousands of audiophiles who have heard directionally. I’m just trying to give some technical support, you know, instead of flapping my gums. If you can be swayed by reason, that’s too bad.
ahofer, so I assume you don’t actually have any kind of theory and just like flapping your gums.

Nothing wrong with theory, but the assertion was there was an *audible* difference in practice.  There's a way to support that assertion with evidence, but I'm not seeing it here.

Did you mean "flapping your gums" as more of an improbable tweak? Like this?
jea48, unless I miss my guess Herman, the person you quoted in your last post, is as confused as a puppy dog meeting his first female puppy about the whole subject of electricity, current and the electromagnetic signal and the fields involved. In fact, there are so many errors in the Herman quotation I hardly know where to begin. But if you insist on a list of errors it would be my pleasure. You realize when you quote people so frequently you do you run the risk of being tagged with the same paint ball, don’t you?
ahofer, so I assume you don’t actually have any kind of theory and just like flapping your gums. 😬
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Well, not you, specifically. It’s the editorial “we.” 😬 At this point in time I’m just being Devil’s advocate.

I have the distinct feeling you do a lot more of that than you let on.

When I was thinking about updating my Blue Jeans Cable interconnects and Monster 14GA speaker wires/cables after reading on such in various forums, @geoffait here on agon was posting about interconnects and speaker wire/cable directionality.

At the time I didn’t think anything of it until I bought used 2 pair of Clear Day Cable RCA interconnects and 2 pair of Clear Day Cable Double Shotgun speaker cable. On the interconnects and speaker cable I noticed a very distinct arrow that I assumed was for directionality from the source to the speaker with the Clear Day Cable Double Shotgun speaker cable and from the source to the integrated amplifier/receiver for the Clear Day Cable RCA interconnects.

I am not a physicist but I reasoned that if directionality is/was important to Paul Laudati, the owner and maker of those wonderful sounding and very cost effective Clear Day Cables, then it’s ok with me.

Paul, has since passed away but I was blessed, to have had a chance to talk to him before his passing.

This, I also know from first hand empirical experiences. When I would burn in speaker wire and interconnects, I could tell the difference between my interconnects and speaker wire, coincidentally being burned in - one direction only - and keeping the burned in interconnects and speaker wire - in that direction - after the settle in period.  Thanks geoffait.

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Well, not you, specifically. It’s the editorial “we.” 😬 At this point in time I’m just being Devil’s advocate. 
We already know that wire directionality is real and that it’s audible.

When, exactly, was that established. And how?
OK, here we go! The MAGNETIC 🧲 FIELD induced by current traveling through wire is located outside the conductor. Inside the conductor the flux density of the MAGNETIC 🧲 FIELD is zero. The ELECTRIC ⚡️FIELD portion of the ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE is orthogonal to the MAGNETIC 🧲 FIELD which points outward from the conductor. Thus, ELECTRIC FIELDS are also OUTSIDE the conductor. This has all been described by Heaviside and Maxwell. Nevertheless, the ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE itself is INSIDE the conductor, as are the CURRENT (charge per unit time) and the COPPER FREE ELECTRONS.

Therefore it’s possible that directionality of wire is real, and that there is a physical reason for it. One can easily imagine that the electromagnetic wave (PHOTONS) traveling through the solid copper wire is influenced by the orientation of the copper crystal grain structure, deformed when pulled through the final die. The orientation of the crystals - as I’ve oft opined - can be likened to a porcupine’s quills. The easiest way for photons to propagate is with the grain.

The only thing we don’t know at this point is HOW the crystal grain structure affects the electromagnetic wave such that directionality is audible.
You’re supposed to pick a theory and support it. You can’t have it both ways. I’m willing to listen to any theory regarding the general subject of electricity in wires, how the EM wave can be distorted and wire directionality. I’m willing to listen to either side of the issue you wish to propose.

So, I’ll ask again, If the EM wave “energy” is entirely outside of the wire what does that mean for skin effect?

Also, is current the same thing as the electromagnetic wave? If not, what is the EM wave? This is the Socratic method. Fire at will. 

Keep in mind the subject of this thread is interconnect directionality.
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We are beyond that. I just got through pointing out (get it? Pointing?) 😛 the location and direction of Poynting vectors ☝️ in a copper wire are irrelevant to wire directionality arguments. The next thing you know they’ll be saying all wire sounds the same.

But here’s a question for the group. If the “energy” of the electromagnetic wave travels primarily outside the conductor, what about skin effect? Is that a dead donkey all of a sudden?
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It actually makes no difference to the argument for wire directionality whether the “energy” of the electromagnetic wave EM travels inside the conductor or outside the conductor. The Poynting vectors argument is a red herring. This is because the material of the conductor and the dielectric determine the nature of the electromagnetic wave, including velocity. The conductor is not irrelevant. That is why the velocity of the EM wave in copper wire is different from the velocity of the EM wave in other materials, including free space where it’s equal to c.

This relationship between EM wave propagation and the physical material of the conductor also explains why there is an audible difference in wire direction. More to the point, you cannot rule wire directionality because the EM wave travels outside the conductor. Even though the wire may be acting as a “waveguide” the physical composition of the wire affects propagation of the wave, thus the wave itself. Since we know the composition of wire is non-symmetrical, it makes sense that the wave will propagate differently depending on direction of the wire.

Quick Summary of the difference between electron drift velocity and the signal (electromagnetic wave) velocity

“The word electricity refers generally to the movement of electrons (or other charge carriers) through a conductor in the presence of potential and an electric field. The speed of this flow has multiple meanings. In everyday electrical and electronic devices, the signals or energy travel as electromagnetic waves typically on the order of 50%–99% of the speed of light, while the electrons themselves move (drift) much more slowly.

Electromagnetic wavesEdit

The speed at which energy or signals travel down a cable is actually the speed of the electromagnetic wave traveling along (guided by) the cable. i.e. a cable is a form of a waveguide. The propagation of the wave is affected by the interaction with the material(s) in and surrounding the cable, caused by the presence of electric charge carriers (interacting with the electric field component) and magnetic dipoles (interacting with the magnetic field component). These interactions are typically described using mean field theory by the permeability and the permittivity of the materials involved. The energy/signal usually flows overwhelmingly outside the electric conductor of a cable; the purpose of the conductor is thus not to conduct energy, but to guide the energy-carrying wave.[1]:360”

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Or, what about solid core vs stranded wire? How is it possible for every strand to be correct directionally?
We already know that wire directionality is real and that it’s audible. So, obviously the signal must be traveling inside the copper, not outside the copper. Some portion of the signal may be traveling near the surface. Polishing the surface of the wire as Audioquest does seems like a good idea, maybe he knows something we don’t. Another question is how deep does the physical crystal deformation go when a wire is drawn through the die.
Or, it doesn’t matter where the electrons are because the signal never leaves the confines of the electrons whether at the core of the wire or on the surface, making mass identical. Hence no paradox. Guess it was the grilled chicken after all. Either way, I still missed Johnny Quest.
I understand that. But Isn’t it true the photons are also ’skimming’ across the electrons that constitute the very outer surface of the wire, where they are subject to less mass in the space between the wire and the dielectric? This would create an incoherent em wave, since they are travelling across all the electrons from the center of the wire to the surface of the wire and all points in between. Hence the paradox. Or my grilled chicken. You realize I’m missing Johnny Quest for this...
Relax. There is no paradox. The copper has the necessary free electrons, not the air or the dielectric material. We know photons can travel through solid material. X-Rays, radio waves and Gamma rays are well-known examples. So it’s not as if it’s a mystery. And we don’t need to find a reason why photons can’t travel through copper wire. Follow?
But, isn't the surface of the wire also saturated with signal carrying free electrons and the signal is passing through them with less mass to slow them down?
If the electromagnetic wave (signal) is comprised of photons AND the electromagnetic wave is carried by free electrons in the copper then doesn’t it make sense that the photons must be traveling through the copper? We know certain electrical and magnetic properties like the induced magnetic field are measured external to the copper wire and perhaps other fields, too. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Geoff, how and where do you believe the photons travel using the copper wire as a medium?
I wasn’t inferring the two were related, just wondering if it’s possible for quantum entanglement to occur within these parameters. Oop, gotta go. My cartoons are on...
Even if they do both - travel inside and outside the wire - at least some photons will go through the solid copper. But how can even one photon go long distances through solid copper? Furthermore, if the photons travel inside and outside the wire, the photon velocities outside the copper would be much higher than those inside the copper, no? So the EM wave would not be coherent. You don’t even have to get into quantum mechanics. It’s simple logic. Even if you’re joking.
Mayhaps they do both...hmm. Even more curious, I wonder if a photon within a carrier can be subject to quantum entanglement. What are your thoughts on this?
The elephant in the room 🐘 of course is that photons (the electromagnetic wave) travel a long way through solid copper wire. Don’t they? If photons traveled on the outside of the conductor they would not (rpt not) need the drift electrons 🔛 in the copper to carry the charge/current.
Hi jag, that arrow could be more indicative of a shield/ground directional indicator and nothing to do with metal extrusion or crystalline directionality. And electrons don’t really flow. They more or less just sit there and vibrate. Also, they do not constitute the audio signal. But you are definitely correct about the ’crazy s**t’ part! Ha, beat you to it, geoff!
i thought this was crazy s**t until i noticed that my cables had little arrows, so i promptly changed the direction. big difference in sound. as pointed out it’s the way the copper is drawn out and so has a perceptible impact on the flow of electrons that constitute the audio signal. makes sense i guess.
Darn! I missed pop quiz one. Trick question as photons are never at rest. That is a misnomeric moniker.
But then we can get all sciencey and discuss invariant mass and relativistic mass, except for it's time for me to take my milk of magnesia, do a push up, and cry myself to sleep...
We have a winner!!

Sorry, thecarpathian, no resonators, but you have a choice of Morphic Message Labels sheet of 80 labels, Flying Saucers for Windows or New Dark Matter. PM choice and shipping info.
Because the gravitational pull of a black hole is so tremendous it actually bends space inward. Light Is merely following the curve of space into it. The escape velocity at the event horizon is faster than the speed of light, hence not even light escapes. For my prize, I'd like 10 of your acoustic resonators, please.
You totally did not get my comments. I found no problems or errors with the links. That’s why I said quoting ANY scientific explanation is like saying the sky is blue. Just because a statement is true doesn’t necessarily mean it supports a given proposition. The reason I said e=mc2 helps explain my proposition regarding how the audio signal works is because that particular equations includes the term c which is the speed of light. We know for sure that photons are the only particle that can/must travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, so we can probably conclude current in wire or in free space is composed of photons. Now, I’m not saying that proves anything about directionality, but first things first. If you can find a scientific explanation or equation that indicates or provides evidence why directionality cannot be real I’m all ears.

Pop Quiz 2 (free tweak for first correct answer) - If it’s true that photons have zero mass why is it light cannot escape a black hole?