Interconnect Directionality

Have I lost my mind? I swear that I am hearing differences in the direction I hook up my interconnect cables between my preamp and power amp. These are custom built solid core silver cables with Eichmann bullet plugs. There is no shield so this is not a case where one end of the cable’s shield is grounded and the other isn’t. 

There are four ways ways to hook them up:
Right: Forward. Left: Forward. 
Right: Backward. Left: Backward
Right: Forward. Left: Backward
Right: Backward. Left: Forward. 

There is no difference in construction between forward and backward, but here are my observations:

When they are hooked up forward/backward there appears to be more airy-ness and what appears to be a slight phase difference. When hooked up forward/forward or backward/backward, the image seems more precise like they are more in phase. The difference between forward/forward and backward/backward is that one seems to push the soundstage back a little bit while the other brings it towards you more. 

What could possibly cause this? Does it have something to do with the way the wire is constructed and how the grains are made while drawn through a die? Am I imagining this? Have I completely lost my mind?

Showing 24 responses by thecarpathian

Darn! I missed pop quiz one. Trick question as photons are never at rest. That is a misnomeric moniker.
But then we can get all sciencey and discuss invariant mass and relativistic mass, except for it's time for me to take my milk of magnesia, do a push up, and cry myself to sleep...
Because the gravitational pull of a black hole is so tremendous it actually bends space inward. Light Is merely following the curve of space into it. The escape velocity at the event horizon is faster than the speed of light, hence not even light escapes. For my prize, I'd like 10 of your acoustic resonators, please.
I wasn’t inferring the two were related, just wondering if it’s possible for quantum entanglement to occur within these parameters. Oop, gotta go. My cartoons are on...
Hi jag, that arrow could be more indicative of a shield/ground directional indicator and nothing to do with metal extrusion or crystalline directionality. And electrons don’t really flow. They more or less just sit there and vibrate. Also, they do not constitute the audio signal. But you are definitely correct about the ’crazy s**t’ part! Ha, beat you to it, geoff!
Mayhaps they do both...hmm. Even more curious, I wonder if a photon within a carrier can be subject to quantum entanglement. What are your thoughts on this?
Geoff, how and where do you believe the photons travel using the copper wire as a medium?
Or, what about solid core vs stranded wire? How is it possible for every strand to be correct directionally?
But, isn't the surface of the wire also saturated with signal carrying free electrons and the signal is passing through them with less mass to slow them down?
Or, it doesn’t matter where the electrons are because the signal never leaves the confines of the electrons whether at the core of the wire or on the surface, making mass identical. Hence no paradox. Guess it was the grilled chicken after all. Either way, I still missed Johnny Quest.
I understand that. But Isn’t it true the photons are also ’skimming’ across the electrons that constitute the very outer surface of the wire, where they are subject to less mass in the space between the wire and the dielectric? This would create an incoherent em wave, since they are travelling across all the electrons from the center of the wire to the surface of the wire and all points in between. Hence the paradox. Or my grilled chicken. You realize I’m missing Johnny Quest for this...
Because the electron distribution at the surface of the conductor is greater than at the conductor’s core...and since the audio signal utilizes electrons as its travel medium, skin effect comes into play.
I can’t believe I’m agreeing with clearthink.
roberttcan, your knowledge is appreciated. Your insults and condescension, not so much...

@roberttcan. Say someone takes a homeopathic remedy for chronic pain. The remedy has been tested and the results are it contains no pain relieving properties. Yet the person taking the remedy swears he is pain free and feels great. Are you stating he’s wrong and he is not pain free, he’s just fooling himself and he actually IS in pain and feels terrible?
@roberttcan, um, yeah. Really don't see how you not answering my question proves your point. Care to elaborate?
What if you threw the device in the river and played 'She Blinded Me With Science'??