Integrated / speaker pairings in the $6-7K range

What synergistic integrated/speaker pairings have you experienced in the $3K-range per component ($6-7K total), given a moderately sized room (say 150-250 sf)? For example, I know from personal experience (and recommendation) that a Belles Aria and Vandersteen 1ci's work really well together. Curious for your ideas. Thanks!
Audiotroy: Are you saying you can cut the OP a deal and give him the amp and speakers for under $7K???
Really depends on what sound characteristics are most important to you.

^^ this ^^

otherwise the replies will just become a chinese menu of 112 random items

hegel h160 or h190 and any good $4000 / pr speaker

same for a naim nait xs2 or 3 with good ps