
Responses from mdemaio

Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
Thanks Atmasphere. I've really only kept the ST70 for sentimental reasons (my dad built it when I was in utero). It sounds great, but runs hot, needs to be biased frequently, is cosmetically OK but not particularly beautiful, and most of all I don... 
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
Thanks, Doyle. I love the Volti stuff - I got to hear a pair of Vittoras a few years ago at Rocky Mountain and was floored (that's where I first heard the Border Patrol DAC, which someone will pry from my cold, dead hands;). I've always. been int... 
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
Thanks for all the thoughtful responses, guys.  Soix, we are very much aligned - the two amps that have risen to the top of the  consideration set so far have been the Cronus ("Dark" version) and the Unison Unico Nuovo (or Due). Just not sure how... 
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
BTW, have you heard the Quicksilvers with the Sourcepoints, or are you making an educated guess based on specs or similar pairings?  
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
Thanks Bojack…Quicksilver gear is great, but I’m looking for an integrated.  No space in my NYC apartment for monos and a pre.   
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
Yes, I rarely listen above 70-75 DB. I'm not looking to peel the paint off the walls, but  ideally I would like to add some body and texture without losing control in the bottom end.   
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
Thanks guys..I appreciate the comments. I've read the reviews and seen the numbers, but that doesn't always tell the whole story. That's why I'm hoping to hear from someone who has actually heard the speakers in situ with a tube amp.  As for loud... 
Question for current Sourcepoint 8 users
Thanks immatthewj. Unfortunately walnut is not in stock, there or anywhere else. I also have a dealer I have worked with in the past whom I like.  
Question for current Sourcepoint 8 users
Thank you again, yogiboy. They don't actually come with them - they package them together and discount the price. I bought mine without because I'm not a fan of their stands ...I would prefer to make my own. Thanks again!   
Question for current Sourcepoint 8 users
Apartment living in NYC and 96 lb. floor standers don't mix very well, Deep. ;)  But thanks for the suggestion. GKelly, there are no guarantees, but I'm willing to wait for the 8s. Just a better fit for my space.    
Question for current Sourcepoint 8 users
Thank you so much Yogiboy. Still looking for verification from someone who actually has them in hand, as I’ve found in the past that the actual cabinets can vary by as much as 1/2" from stated manufacturer’s specs. Sometimes things get tweaked in ... 
integrated amp with phone for graham ls6 under $4000 new
FWIW, Morrow Audio has a 60% off sale running through the end of the month. They have different price points, offer good value (from personal experience), and have a trade-up program. I use their speaker wires (level "4" in their product line) pai... 
integrated amp with phone for graham ls6 under $4000 new
I have those speakers, which I purchased from Gene Rubin. I have heard them with the Belles Aria (standard version), LFD LE VI, and the Exposure 3510. All are great pieces of kit and each has its strengths, but my personal favorite overall when pa... 
Integrated / speaker pairings in the $6-7K range
@shtinkydog No,  I think he misread the parameters... 
Integrated / speaker pairings in the $6-7K range
Thanks, soix. I was just trying to be generative here...not wanting to impose too many restrictions just yet. There are other factors that I would consider as well - sound characteristics are certainly one, as are size/form factor, ability to arti...