Integrated amp + DAC + room correction all-in-one for Nola Boxer 1 + REL R328 sub

Dear forum,

I’m looking to upgrade my integrated amp + external DAC source to an all-in-one integrated amp + DAC + room correction box. Budget to $2500, may stretch to $2800 if super-compelling.

I currently use a Creek 5350se integrated amp, with external DAC input from a Yamaha RX-V773 AVR (TI/Burr-Brown PCM1681 DAC chip on whatever circuit Yamaha cooked up).

Loudspeakers are Nola Boxer 1 on Dynaudio Stand 4, and REL R328 sub connected by Neutrix cable to main L/R binding posts on amp. Loongg runs of ProWire speaker and Neutrix cables through crawlspace to loudspeakers / sub.

Music = classical + opera, electronic, new & old rock, alternative, trap, house

Room is 18’ x 12’ x 13’h average ceiling height (2808 cu feet), hardwood floors, random furniture objects. Speakers 6’ apart, REL sub in corner to right of right speaker, listening position 8’ from center of speaker axis.

Requirements (but will flex if compelling):

  1. one box, no separates: amp + DAC and ideally + room correction
  2. ethernet-in on DAC circuit <= can be talked out of this if sensible alternatives
  3. ’classic’ & useful front-plate design <= no NuPrime IDA-16
  4. simple, solid, non-stupid remote <= again, no NuPrime. Rogue doesn’t get hi marks here either
  5. known affinity with Nola Boxer 1 a huge plus

Here are units I’m researching in DESC order of coveting-ness:

  • Hegel H190 <= yes $4K USD srp, will stretch to $2800 to buy used
  • Parasound HINT6 Halo <= ESS Sabre32 Reference ES9018K2M DAC, new product, no reviews/track-record. No ethernet-in either. Will stretch to $2800 for used ... and probly have to wait a long time for that.
  • Creek Evolution 100A <= no ethernet-in. Eventual poor reliability experience with my existing Creek 5350se, which used a lo-quality ALPS input switch, which is failing
  • Micromega M-100 <= will stretch to $2800 for used. No ethernet-in afaict.
  • Rogue Cronus Magnum II <= reviews suggest cheap-feeling remote. No ethernet-in.
  • Yamaha A-S801 <= ’budget’ solution at $900 USD, ESS Sabre ES9010K2M DAC circuit. Needs Yamaha wireless connector for ethernet-in. May not have room correction?

All helpful feedback appreciated including units I haven’t considered. Relatedly, I’m wondering how much I’d give up if I went the ’budget’ route (Yamaha A-S801).
I use a Bluesound Vault2 ethernet-in then spdif out to 2170

Thanks uberwaltz for the alternative. For .flac files on NAS I use ethernet-in on Yamaha RX-V773 AVR then out to Creek amp over Audioquest Sydney RCA cables. T/I Burr-Brown PCM1681 DAC circuit in the AVR ... not the most discerning but it does the job.

I’m seeing the 2170 is 170w into 4 ohms - presumably 85w into 8 ohms? Wondering how that will drive Nola Boxer 1’s - I’ve seen comments suggesting Boxer 1’s do best with a bit more horsepower. Though they seem to do just fine with my Creek 5350se at 90w into 8 ohms ... 2170 would probly be fine too.

Micromega is amazing sounding...Has everything you want
Thank you audiotroy for the patient recommending of the Micromega - the M100 is on my short list. I do wonder about long-term performance, reliability and company staying-power. Have seen nothing suggesting any shortfalls, I just don’t see much intel or track-record out on the interwebz.

edit: on closer look, I am concerned about the weird rear case design - that overhang looks like a real obstruction for easy access to one’s connections to the amp.
Honestly the Micromega is amazing sounding.

Everytime we fire it up no one can believe how good it sounds.

Has everything you want.,

Dave and Troy 
Audio Doctor NJ 
That is correct, the 3400 fixes that but at quite a price hike although it also boasts more power and a built in music server.
Not sure what you are using for present music streaming but I use a Bluesound Vault2 with direct internet in and than feed the spdif signal out to the 2170
Thank you all for the feedback ... Lyngdorf 2170 looks real hopeful - but alas no ethernet-in, either on stock config or as optional module.  Or am I just not seeing it?
The Lyngdorf 2170 just seems to do everything you're looking for.  I'd save my sheckles and/or just wait for one to hit your price threshold.  Seems like the perfect solution for your situation. 

Your reasons for going all in one mirror mine as I was slowly replacing each and every unit at considerable cost in search of "nirvana"
Since the 2170 I have not even looked at amps or dacs, all I added to this mix was a decent phono stage, Goldnote PH-10 which appears to match well with the 2170 and my Nottingham Analog tt.

Enjoy the journey and check this thread out for 2170 real world experiences.

... demo a Lyngdorf 2170 ...
Thanks uberwaltz for the guidance. I did glance at the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 - looks great and crazy-above my budget. Clearly I should look at the 2170.

... your reasons for an all-in-one?
Thank you david_ten for the insightful question. Reason for the all-in-one: I'd like to get this phase of my audiophile OCD over with in one shot, and not mosh about it any further in this lifetime. Really.
That’s a lot to expect from a component, given your budget. Can you share more about your reasons for the focus on an all-in-one solution?
If you are even remotely considering the 4k territory then you HAVE to demo a Lyngdorf2170.
Yes I am very biased......
Replaced well over 10k worth of seperates in my rig.
useryAnthem STR Integrated.  Check out the review on Stereophile.comHappy Listening!
Usery the Micromega M100 is fantastic and it does have an ethernet port, and it sounds sublime I doubt you will find one that cheap however. 

The new Anthem STR integrated has a great built in dac, a powerful amplifer and room correction it is $4,500.00

The Anthem STR and the Hegel sound similar clean, dynamic with great bass, the Micromega is warmer and more melodic.

The Parasound Halo is a fantastic buy but the more expensive units do sound even better. 

Save your pennies and get the Anthem or the Micromega.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ