Integrated amp + DAC + room correction all-in-one for Nola Boxer 1 + REL R328 sub

Dear forum,

I’m looking to upgrade my integrated amp + external DAC source to an all-in-one integrated amp + DAC + room correction box. Budget to $2500, may stretch to $2800 if super-compelling.

I currently use a Creek 5350se integrated amp, with external DAC input from a Yamaha RX-V773 AVR (TI/Burr-Brown PCM1681 DAC chip on whatever circuit Yamaha cooked up).

Loudspeakers are Nola Boxer 1 on Dynaudio Stand 4, and REL R328 sub connected by Neutrix cable to main L/R binding posts on amp. Loongg runs of ProWire speaker and Neutrix cables through crawlspace to loudspeakers / sub.

Music = classical + opera, electronic, new & old rock, alternative, trap, house

Room is 18’ x 12’ x 13’h average ceiling height (2808 cu feet), hardwood floors, random furniture objects. Speakers 6’ apart, REL sub in corner to right of right speaker, listening position 8’ from center of speaker axis.

Requirements (but will flex if compelling):

  1. one box, no separates: amp + DAC and ideally + room correction
  2. ethernet-in on DAC circuit <= can be talked out of this if sensible alternatives
  3. ’classic’ & useful front-plate design <= no NuPrime IDA-16
  4. simple, solid, non-stupid remote <= again, no NuPrime. Rogue doesn’t get hi marks here either
  5. known affinity with Nola Boxer 1 a huge plus

Here are units I’m researching in DESC order of coveting-ness:

  • Hegel H190 <= yes $4K USD srp, will stretch to $2800 to buy used
  • Parasound HINT6 Halo <= ESS Sabre32 Reference ES9018K2M DAC, new product, no reviews/track-record. No ethernet-in either. Will stretch to $2800 for used ... and probly have to wait a long time for that.
  • Creek Evolution 100A <= no ethernet-in. Eventual poor reliability experience with my existing Creek 5350se, which used a lo-quality ALPS input switch, which is failing
  • Micromega M-100 <= will stretch to $2800 for used. No ethernet-in afaict.
  • Rogue Cronus Magnum II <= reviews suggest cheap-feeling remote. No ethernet-in.
  • Yamaha A-S801 <= ’budget’ solution at $900 USD, ESS Sabre ES9010K2M DAC circuit. Needs Yamaha wireless connector for ethernet-in. May not have room correction?

All helpful feedback appreciated including units I haven’t considered. Relatedly, I’m wondering how much I’d give up if I went the ’budget’ route (Yamaha A-S801).

Showing 9 responses by audiotroy

Usery the Micromega M100 is fantastic and it does have an ethernet port, and it sounds sublime I doubt you will find one that cheap however. 

The new Anthem STR integrated has a great built in dac, a powerful amplifer and room correction it is $4,500.00

The Anthem STR and the Hegel sound similar clean, dynamic with great bass, the Micromega is warmer and more melodic.

The Parasound Halo is a fantastic buy but the more expensive units do sound even better. 

Save your pennies and get the Anthem or the Micromega.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Honestly the Micromega is amazing sounding.

Everytime we fire it up no one can believe how good it sounds.

Has everything you want.,

Dave and Troy 
Audio Doctor NJ 

Micromega seems pretty stable these days. The overhang really is no big deal

The M100 or M150 just got a rave review


The Micromega is our favorite integrated amp for the price and this is among a staple of the Naim products, the Anthem STR, the NAD M32, and a few others. The Naim Nova is one step up but we are comparing a $4.5k integrated vs a $7,500.00 one as we only have the the entry level M100 on display.

The M 100 sounds lush in the midrange, and soundstages superbly, the amp is very involving, and the bass is deep and punchy.

The Micromega just sounds musical in a way that few integrated amplifiers for the price can do. The Class A/B amplifier is a marvel of compact design, the fans are compact industrial grade fans that are used for long duty cycles cooling computers,they are very quiet and quite effective at lowering the unit’s temparate, couple that with an aluminium chassis which acts as a giant heat sink this video shows you the brilliant packinag job that the Micromega engineers did to accomplish this form factor:

Here is a review of the bigger brother the M150 which you can see the reviewer adored ,the M150 adds 50 watts of juice a beefier power supply and includes the room correction kit.

I know some people here are loving the Lyndorf products, however, we are not so enamoured with Class D amplification, except for a few standouts, naimly the Nuprime gear, and I am sure the Lyngdorf sounds clean and effortless but does it offer the same musicality?

The Micromega offers one incredible feature set:

: 1: Native High resolution PCM up to 768k plus Quad Rate DSD
2: Analog inputs
3: Phono stage
4: Headphone playback
5: Class A/B amplifier
6: Slim form factor
7: Plenty of digital and analog inputs
8: Ethernet jack
9: Appple Airplay
10: Blue tooth
11: Room Correction
12: Software upgradable
13: Roon playback via airplay
14: Internet radio and control app,
15: Subwoofer output

When you add all of these factors the Micromega product is pretty unique.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Micromega dealers

Hey Usery,  Let us know how you like the M100,  use a set of Isoacoustic footers and a good power cord and you will be loving the sound it is so musical.

Wish you would have contacted us about the piece we are very knowelgable about the M100 as we were one of the first displaying dealers for the product.

Good luck and burn it in well.

You can use Roon to control it via the airplay tab on Roon.

If we are right please say so.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Usery that is one reason we would have loved you getting the unit from us you would have gotten the guidance on how to setup the piece and we would have loved to earn your business.

You are using the Micromega the wrong way, Ditch the Chromcast.

Get a copy of Jriver and you can stream your library or streaming music directly to the M100, It works like a charm and the sound quality is great.

You can do full upconversion or DSD directly through Jriver and send the data stream via the etherne connection directly to the Micromega.

Also use a set of four Isoacoustics Pods for $20 each under all four sides, aside from sounding better it enables you to gain access to the cabling much easier.

Also please retire the belden the Wireworld Starlight is a huge improvement.

Also after a 100 hours the sound quality will be far better. and the Cullen cables are okay you can do way better.

We are so delighted that you are loving the M100 we have been championing the Micromega M100 and in our shop it is extremely hard to beat the combination of musicality, bass drive and impact and feature set for the price.

Dave and Troy
Micromega dealers

Please give us a call we can answear all your setup questions.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Netgear extender 85 bucks at Best Buy

Jriver on the  same network works great.

Jremote to control.

You can setup Jriver to audiophile network stream to provide 24/192k over network sounds way better than CD run that way.

Isoacoustics and good power.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor Nj 

Djones there are better streamers for less money, and the Altair has a dac in it you dont need. 

If you want a great Roon streamer Inuous Zen $1200 wonderful sound and build quality.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ