If I upsample digital flac 16/44 to hires 24/192 is the sound equal to native 24/192

sam here again. Using jriver media when i upsample from commercial digital download flac 16/44 to flac 24/192 and then check the spectrogram of the upsampled file i get this. https://i.postimg.cc/3JbvJ7pg/07-Ebony-Eyes-Bob-Welchflac.png

When i upsample the same commercial digital download flac 16/44 to flac 24/192 using foobar2000 and the multimedia dsp filter using the preset zero order hold https://i.postimg.cc/pTt0GKLX/zero-order-hold.png the spectrogram looks like this. https://i.postimg.cc/K82DymyJ/07-Ebony-Eyes-Bob-Welch-French-Kiss-1978-digital-vinyl-wav.png

When i play the upsampled 24/192 zero order hold file in voxengos span filter to check the wave form i get this. https://i.postimg.cc/MTSS7Mk1/span.png

commercial digital download flac 16/44. http://u.pc.cd/fwv

jriver media 24/192 upsample. http://u.pc.cd/Ccr

multimedia 24/192 upsample. http://u.pc.cd/HL

Bonus: sample 1 copy at 16/44 with old piece of wood placed on the p.c power chord at the wall socket to encode the natural wood frequencies and tone onto the digital audio.http://u.pc.cd/BpbotalK

When it comes to upsampling/downsampling/filtering/DSPing...  One mans sugar may be another mans sand...
old piece of wood placed on the p.c power chord at the wall socket to encode the natural wood frequencies and tone onto the digital 

I've tried both ways and I'm not a fan of upsampling/DSPing at all. A little upsampling (to DSD perhaps) can sometimes make a poor DAC sound more euphonic...sometimes.
It all depends on what device or process you are using to upsample your music.

No, not really.  No upsampling algorithm can reproduce harmonics as in the original session. 

They can however improve the frequency response and jitter performance of the DAC.

It all depends on what device or process you are using to upsample your music.
Hey Sam,

If you upsample from CD you cannot get more data. 

The Zero Order Hold filter looks like a really bad idea compared to Bezier curve models.  You are adding odd order harmonics due to the square nature of the sample reconstruction.

So, you are playing around with harmonic sugaring, which if it pleases you, go right ahead.  Not my cup of tea.
Only your ears will know if there is a difference. What you hear is entirely based upon your system, your room, your power delivery and the quality of your source. Any other opinions or thoughts are just that. Take it for what it’s worth. What you hear and feel is all that matters. Too many variables to mention between each listener and their observations either real or imagined.🎶👂