I have a AC Regenerator. Get dedicated line too?

My PurePower APS 1050 AC Regenerator made an incredible difference in my system. Since everything connected to the unit is fed perfect, steady 120V power, is there any reason to expect that running a dedicated 20 amp AC line to my system and installing new high end receptacles would make any difference at all??? If you have experience with this I would appreciate your opinion, if you have an opinion without experience, tell me your thoughts about this. Hurry, before I spend any more money just to find out!

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IF you had read PS Audio's lit you would have seen that they recommend a high quality cord from the wall. And yes, I use a PS Audio PPP and one of their better cords and yes, I have tried cheaper ones and it does make a difference. Have YOU ever done any of these things or are you just guessing?
If you're getting multiple new power cords, just install one from the wall to the regenerator and see if you can hear a differece. If placebo, or reality, show themselves, then upgrade that cable and consider a dedicated line, otherwise, put the cable back where it was purchased to go and listen in peace.
Hey Jdub39, you're killing me here... As an audiophile, I will do almost anything for better sound, and your reasoning is very much like my own... I want to believe, however, I'm trying to do what I always do, which is to "prove" to myself (and my wife, who lucky for me has very good ears) that what I'm spending money on is an audible improvement.

I can get dealers to let me audition cables with a money back guarantee... but have not found any electrician willing to let me audition his installment of a dedicated line in my home. Hence, the purpose of this posting.

Somewhere in A'gon-land there must be someone who has run a Blind A/B on this question.
The only convincing one should need is to consider the difference better shielded cables have made. The dedicated line is a no brainier ( 20 amp 10 or 12 awg), as it further isolates your gear from the rest of the house and gets everything (power related) off to the best start possible. I like to look at it this way if it's in my ability to effect the outcome of what I hear, I do my best to achieve maximum results from my gear, you can't choose the power cable running to your house, but once it hits the breaker it's all yours!
Mceljo: That makes sense, my old cable must have been introducing some EMF grunge that did not come from the regenerator, but maybe picked up via air or proximity to other stock cables that are not shielded well.

Aside from shielding from EMF and EMI, I wonder if the upgraded cable's increased ability to transfer AC current also plays a factor? Either way, I'm upgrading all my power cords from the regenerator to components.

I have yet to be convinced that money spent on a dedicated AC line will pay off in sound quality.
Sure the Powercord from the wall makes a difference be it small or huge, it makes a difference! Age old rule Ladies and Gentlemen " Good sound in Good sound out" and yes that applies to powercords as well.
Assuming that the regenerator is producing perfect power the losses then start from that point through your system. It makes sense that if the new power cord does a better job of transferring the power to the preamp then you could hear a difference. All cables have some negative effect on the signal going through it since nothing is a perfect conductor.
I tend to agree with Mceljo. The PurePower AC regenerator takes any crap coming out of the wall, converts it to DC, which completely eliminates the grunge and then converts it again to CREATE brand new perfect sign wave 120V power which it stores in a bank of internal batteries and feeds the components this juice as needed.

The idea that the most important cable is from the wall to the power center was referring to a CONDITIONER, not a regenerator... totally different animal.

That said, I'm still very interested in hearing from anyone who has A/B'd this question with a regenerator. I'm not opposed to getting a dedicated line if there is something I'm missing here.

Stanwal, the tests PurePower has done on the juice coming out of the regenerator seems to suggest that it is actually "perfect" power... and considering the enormous difference it made in my system, it is believable.

Now as an aside, upgrading the power cord from the regenerator to my tube preamp made another enormous difference which I don't quite understand... anyone have any thoughts on why?
Again, from the PS Audio website:

"The PS Audio’s Power Plant AC regenerator takes the power you’re given from the utility, converts it to DC and then regenerates brand new and perfect power once again. For more than 13 years the Power Plants have been producing perfect AC all over the world, helping audio- and video-philes and people who simply want better results from their investment achieve the best their equipment can provide."

If the PerfectWave Power Plan is advertised to produce "perfect" power then it must be assumed that when you purchase one you don't need to upgrade the power cord to get perfect power.

To recommend an upgraded power cable would be hypocritical given their marketing.
It regenerates the power, not makes it perfect. The better it starts the better it will be at the end. The companies which make the regenerators or conditioners suggest you use good cables; they should know.
Here's a quote from the PS Audio website:

"The Power Plant concept acknowledges that we cannot control the quality of the home’s incoming AC power, nor can we fully repair its problems. Instead we simply ignore the problems, start over and generate new AC, thus eliminating the problem entirely. There is no connection between the input and the output of a Power Plant."

So it would be double-speak to suggest that an upgraded power cord would have any effect on the output when also claiming that there is no connenction between the input and output.
If it is truly regenerating the power then I can't see a connection between the input and output. That's the whole point of regenerating the power in the first place, right?

If I upgraded the power cord, outlet, or got a dedicated line and could hear a difference, I would want my money back.
Yes a dedicated line will help; a related question often comes up; why spend any money on a good AC cord to the regenerator when perfect AC will come out anyway? My experience is that using a very good cord to the regenerator makes it sound better; PS Audio says this also and Shunyata says the most important AC cord in the system is the one between the wall and the conditioner. By extension we can see that quality of the AC line must also have an effect.
No, I haven't, I got the PP after putting in all dedicated line near my HT, sorry!

Have you A/B 'd your system when the PurePower 700 is plugged into your dedicated line vs. a regular outlet? That would be a great experiment!
I have the PurePower 700 and do run it off a dedicated line, can't hurt and since it will only increase peak performance seems logical to me.
A regenerator will not bennifit as much from a dedicated line. There might be bennifits from it, but the regenerator takes care of the ac on it's own.
But... it can't hurt to have a dedicated line.
I have had the same experience with the 1050 which I bought in February. I would be inclined to think that a dedicated line would not make a difference.