I have a AC Regenerator. Get dedicated line too?

My PurePower APS 1050 AC Regenerator made an incredible difference in my system. Since everything connected to the unit is fed perfect, steady 120V power, is there any reason to expect that running a dedicated 20 amp AC line to my system and installing new high end receptacles would make any difference at all??? If you have experience with this I would appreciate your opinion, if you have an opinion without experience, tell me your thoughts about this. Hurry, before I spend any more money just to find out!

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Showing 2 responses by jdub39

Sure the Powercord from the wall makes a difference be it small or huge, it makes a difference! Age old rule Ladies and Gentlemen " Good sound in Good sound out" and yes that applies to powercords as well.
The only convincing one should need is to consider the difference better shielded cables have made. The dedicated line is a no brainier ( 20 amp 10 or 12 awg), as it further isolates your gear from the rest of the house and gets everything (power related) off to the best start possible. I like to look at it this way if it's in my ability to effect the outcome of what I hear, I do my best to achieve maximum results from my gear, you can't choose the power cable running to your house, but once it hits the breaker it's all yours!