I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment.

I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. What is your solution?

Yes I am serious and this will work. Much talk has been created about sitting down and enjoying the music... finally. Even more discussions about the ever ending quest for better gear vs just enjoying the gear you now own.

So that's what I will do. I am not buying new gear. I will enjoy the music now.


It's a good thing you stayed away from the statins. All my life I've had higher than normal LDL levels but everything else was fine. The doctor I had then said not to worry as it was most likely due to genetics and that my other levels compensated for it or they'd be off as well. 

Fast forward to my present doctor and she said I was pre-diabetic and put me on some statins that lowered my levels by over 40 points in one month. The downside was some awful constipation so I stopped cold turkey with the statins and nothing bad came of it. I told my doctor about it and she was fine with it. 

It appears that Big Pharma loves its product and their pill pushers are still doing the lord's work doling out the meds. By the way, I went Vegan years ago and like you, never felt better, dropped 30 pounds and felt like a spring chicken. After a few years I stumbled and had a cheeseburger and it's been rough going ever since. I just may take it up again.

All the best,


@nonoise Here are the real facts so now you know.

All commodities importing into china, need pay the 3 types tariffs:

I. Customs Duty
II. Value-added tax
III. Consumption tax

This just for value added Tax... (There are plenty more.)

All goods imported into China are subject to the nation’s value-added tax (VAT) of either 13 percent or 17 percent. The 13 percent tax is available for certain goods that fall mainly within the categories of agricultural and utility items, while the 17 percent tax applies to other goods subject to the VAT tax.

Go read the real story... (from 2022)


BTW... I’m sure you know that Biden impossed a 100% tariff on Chinese cars just before leaving office. But that was OK. No complaints then.

on Chinese electric cars, yes.  they went hand-in-hand with subsidies for the production of EVs, semiconductors, and other technologies designed to stimulate U.S. growth (which Biden's successor denounced).

You left that part out.


That 13-17% VAT sounds about right, but compared to the 17-27% EU VAT which has been around since, forever, sounds tame. Doesn't it all depend on the country and its market? Some industries are highly valued and imports would devastate that market so they, like we, protect certain industries in our respective markets. It's done all the time.

As for what Biden did, yes, he did impose a 100% tariff on Chinese government subsidized EVs to stop undercutting our EVs made here. Countries do it all the time but one must look at the underlying reasons for doing so. China made 30 million EVs but could only sell 22 million in country so their government tried to sell out of country, undercutting real world prices for them. You know, dumping. What Biden did was retaliatory

Biden's tariffs were largely symbolic since they were imposed as he was leaving office. That, and Rump simply banned Chinese EVs once he came into office.

All the best,

I hear, there are plans to significantly lower the value of US dollar. What else do they have in mind to potentially complicate our audiophile life, I wonder?