I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment.

I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. What is your solution?

Yes I am serious and this will work. Much talk has been created about sitting down and enjoying the music... finally. Even more discussions about the ever ending quest for better gear vs just enjoying the gear you now own.

So that's what I will do. I am not buying new gear. I will enjoy the music now.



You can mitigate all you want but it's here and it's going to get worse. Much worse. Finding solace in your system won't help much as we're all caught in the net. No man is an island in these new times.

To think so reminds me of that old Twilight Zone episode, Time Enough At Last, where an avid book reader with a nagging wife and boss just wants to read as it gives him joy. He can't stand the interruptions. One day he's down in the bank vault when nuclear war destroys the planet and he's the only survivor. 

He comes up and rejoices as now he has salvation in the rubble of a ruined world. He looks at all the books he can read and is beside himself. As he's going through all the books, his glasses falls off his face and shatters on the steps of the bank and they were some very thick glasses. His vision is so bad he can't read any of the books he lusted after. 

Replace those broken glasses with the broken systems we're facing and others to come and the analogy becomes obvious. We're just biding time.

All the best,

The consuming masses quite ignorant of the power they hold. People like to blame manufacturers, other countries, gvts. for the trade situation. American consumers chose to vote with their wallets many decades ago, I well remember the 1980's and the establishment of Wallmart and other big box retailers displacing local mom and pop establishments. Consumers have one track lowest price minds, hey cheap Chinese products, I'll have some of that. The de-industrialization of America during same period also comes to mind, we pay too much to union workers, outsourcing for cheap labor results in lower prices, the consumer says I'm all for that.


And now you tell me we're all done with that, I don't think so, consumers continue to cry about high prices, inflation, I don't think reliance on solely American citizen labor and a complete rebuild of infrastructure is going to help that situation. Nope, we're at the point we're all screwed, mass consumerism ain't going to fix it.

He was supposed to lower prices.  Another lie. Sorry but true. Gotta at least keep track of the whoppers that affect everyone. More time and money wasted for all. A complete cf.

To the OP question, I'll be practicing the "buy locally" approach. Plenty of excellent nationally made products to choose from. And when not available locally/nationally, I'll only be looking at "friendly" locations/nations. I do not like bullies and will always stand up to them. They always loose.


Name me one bully who has bettered the group of their choosing. Advancement only happens when you have cooperation on a mutual interest.

As for only one side having tariffs, that’s nonsense. The average tariff in the EU on US goods is around 1.97% with the weighted average around 1.34%. The average US tariff on imported goods from anywhere was 1.61% so it was tit for tat and nothing to write home about, until Rump came to town.

In his first term, he cost Americans consumers more than $51 Billion with his tariff games. The cost of bailing out our farmers from his trade war with China was 92% of all the tariffs he put on China. Tariffs we paid, not China. We won nothing. It’s going to cost us a lot more this time. He’s losing approval faster than Tesla stock so now he’s ordering US car companies to pay the tariff taxes that we’d have to pay so we won’t feel the pain. That sounds very Stalinist, doesn’t it? Price controls, favoritism and no free markets.

All the best,