How to restore faded veneer due to sunlight?

Hi A'goners,

I'm looking for some helpful advice...

I've had these hifi speakers for some years now and sadly I've managed to spoil them by allowing them to sit in direct sunlight so the UV rays have seriously faded the wood veneer (one one side of each speaker).

The veneer wood has a varnish coating so that applying a cherry wood (Danish oil or similar) restorer doesn't make any difference. I could lightly sand the surface with a fine grade sandpaper beforehand but I think this could end up ruining them even more!

Here's a couple of old photos of my speakers before they were faded:-

Thanks in advance,

Since you only need to work on one plane (speaker's side) you can try the following. LIGHTLY buff with 0000 steel wool. Only trying to slightly dull the gloss finish. Look for Minwax PolyShade (stain and poly in 1) in a matching color, satin finish. Again, very lightly apply the PolyShade. Allow to dry and lightly buff with 0000 steel wool, blending the new finish to old and softening the sheen if necessary. Add more PolyShade as needed.

I've tried this with very good results. Working with only one plane lessens the need for a perfect match to the other planes. Hopefully you can find the correct tint (stain) shade.

Test on a small area, if you don't like it remove with mineral spirits.
Hi Magfan, I think that sounds like a great idea (had I of only of done this before...) but one side of each speaker is really faded now so it's too late for me to use "preventative measures" - cheers for the tip though!

Kbarkamian - I'll look into that and will see what I can find over on Audio Karma, many thanks for mentioning that :)
Motorcycle spray polish for plastics etc. Keep in mind most finish is plastic coat but it works fine on french polish lacquer painted finish LP jackets etc.
There's a product called Howard's Restore-a-finish, or something like that. A lot of DIY guys have used it on water marks/rings on veneered speakers with pretty good results.

Not sure how it handles fading though. Not sure if it's in the UK either. I'd try posting on Audio Karma. Lots of guys restore vintage gear over there. I'm sure someone has taken care of faded cabinets before.
UV is tough on everything.

I'd get some UV Proof 'thin film' coverings for the widows.

Some of that automotive window tint may work. Just make sure it is UV blocking.
Thanks to everyone for your comments and advice.

Although I'd like to restore the colour, it does sound like a fairly risky process (bleaching the wood etc.) and I think there's a good chance I could really mess them up if I'm not extremely careful!

I had previously considered swapping the speakers over as I realised the sun would eventually fade the opposite sides of the cabinet so they were the same (albeit lighter) shade again.

On the sides where they haven't been exposed to the sun they haven't really shown any signs of fading, so it was definitely the UV rays from the sun which did this.

I didn't no that cherry wood is particularly susceptible to this and I don't think they'd look as nice in back so I think now I'll just swap them over but otherwise leave them as they are.

Anyway I appreciate all the help, it's enabled me to decide what I should do next. I have no plans to sell them as I still think they sound fantastic. There's not many Dunlavy speaker owners here in the UK so I feel privileged to own a pair and hopefully they will last me a lifetime :)
Johnk, could you tell us what type of spray (better yet, a brand) to look for? Is this safe for most any finish, including paints and plastics? Thanks.
Well after looking at the pics I can see why you wouldn't want to move them. Those are some huge speakers!
Just move them as others said so the not faded areas are exposed to light. Cheery is very susceptible to sun shading or fading from UV light. We expose ours to it before shipping so they do not have as much issue. You can also use a UV protecting car wax or spray finish use over faded area while exposing unfaded to light till they match up a bit them cover full speaker with UV protecting spray etc.
The best thing to do is turn the speaker around to expose the other side to the sunlight. The wood will change color to match in a relatively short amount of time without spoiling the finish.
I can't think of any solution except as Jab suggests. You may before you completely strip them get a wood finish scraper and remove the varnish and apply a Watco type finish. The real proble you have is first: veneer is thin and you won't get many chances 2 if your lucky. Second: you really don't have an are that you sample for color with the exception of the bottom if it has the same veneer.
Depending on how long you've had them 4est's advice may be the most practical solution and try a good waxing with BriWax or similar to preserve the wood from further drying and restore some gloss.
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