Higher end value cables

Need some advice folks. I have a pretty good audio system which is, I think, worthy of good cables. Honestly, the blue jeans cables look great for their price, but my reading indicates that bjc is terrific for mid to lower fi gear. So, love the prices of the bjc, but one step up in price and quality might be just the ticket. I have 11 components total, so I cannot afford hundreds of dollars per cable! Advice so needed...thanks a bunch and happy holidays
Okay. Cardas and cerious technologies. Well, am looking for the best cable I can get for the money. Used cables for a better price will certainly help. Going to search now. Thank you, and yes, the wells is a great amp. Not sure what power you currently have...the wells is 150W per channel. Good power but not up there with a number of mono blocks and some other amps
Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme is a great cable for the cost.
Check out my thread on the Cerious Technoligies cables.


Great system!  Wells is at the top of my list if I ever feel the need for more power. 

If you use some components much more than others, it might be worth it to splurge on those connections (and skimp on the least used, at least temporarily).  Of course, if you're into DIY, then your budget will go much farther.

FWIW In MY system, I found entry-level Cardas to sound significantly better than Audioquest, Belden, Mogami & Wireworld, and not at all like what some reviews would have made me believe.  To me it's full, dynamic & detailed--the oft used term "laid-back" does not come to mind.

I'm not trying to suggest that it's therefore right for you, so much as it's definitely worth the time to try at least a few options out. Good luck!

Thank you. Actually this is a brand new system for me and I need interconnects. I do however have tributaries speaker cables. I will look into these suggestions. It seems to me that for a tubey sound copper might be best, as I understand silver can brighten things up a bit
Ah.  Sorry I misread your post.  So, just for reference and now that we know what you're looking for, what interconnects and speaker cables are you currently using?   It just helps to know what your current reference is to help make better recommendations. 

That said, in my experience you're looking for a tough combination of traits at that price point.  Off the top of my head and if I'm you, I'd demo some Morrow Audio MA2 interconnects and maybe also SP2 speaker cables.  You might be able to strike a deal with multiple cables as well and very low risk to demo on your system, which is invaluable.  I'd be surprised if you're disappointed, but if you try them make sure they're broken in before making any firm judgements.  Again, best of luck!
Wow, good advice. I have a tube jolida preamp, and a wells audio class a power amp that has an excellent tube sound. Anybody recommend interconnects that would compliment that approach?
Lots of good suggestions.  Call Steve at The Cable Co. and see what he recommends, as well.  They do have a lending library that will let you audition candidates at home.  

With their generous return policy, it costs you very little to audition Teo Audio’s Game Changer ICs. That is, unless you decide to keep them! ㋡

For the cost of postage ($15?) it is a worthwhile experiment.
Definitely helps soix. I don't actually have any bjc cables. I know I like a tubey sound.  I love clarity, separation and details, but I also love that dead silent...inky sound. I love the sound of analog as well!
If you know which aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you and/or know areas in your system you'd like to improve, read some reviews to see which cables seem to excel in those areas.  When you find one or two that seem interesting, just buy some used cables and give them a shot.  If not a big improvement over your BJC you can likely sell them at little or no loss and move on.  Some usual suspects would be Acoustic Zen, Audioquest, Synergistic, etc. 

Another route would be to try those manufacturers who sell direct and offer in-home trial periods.  Morrow, Triode Wire Labs, Grover Huffman, etc.

Hope this helps and best of luck. 
For my amplifier - LAvardin IT - both types of DNM cables work very well - in fact I use and have some Nordost Heimdall 2's and I found that the DNM's gave a better sound with better flow and cogency.
I spoke to LAvardin on the premise I required cables longer than they manufactured and they recommended the cheapest Nordost cables - called 2 FLAT - they told me to save my money and not waste them on more expensive cables.
I came across some cables by a company called 'wire on wire' and in the set-up I heard them in they were good and very affordable.
There is another cable that I have used by a company called 'Missing Link' in the UK as well
I’ve been very satisfied with cables by Audio Sensibility in Canada.  They use mostly all OCC cooper and silver to make their cables.  I’ve had good results with Audio Art cables as well. 
Kimber PBJ should probably be on your list of possibles. $117 for a 1 meter pair of RCA interconnect.  Kimber makes a range of speaker Cable options in a similar style called 4TC, 8TC, and 12TC.

good luck!
Check out Cullen Cable. I'm very pleased with the sound, build and service from them. Excellent high value cables. 



do you want ’tone controls’ cables or more neutral cables ?

Some cables alter the purity of the recording or add sonic characteristics such as warmth, extended or "rolled off" highs, or how the soundstage is presented. This may be done intentionally by the manufacturer to create a "house sound," or it may be due to the materials used in the construction of the cable.
Cables can be used like a tone control when the components don’t have good synergy, e.g., if a system sounds too lean or analytical, cables with a warmer sonic signature may be used to provide a full-bodied or smoother presentation.

A neutral cable provides a transparent and accurate presentation of the system’s sonics. The goal here is to present the recording as accurately as possible; the way the producer and engineer intended.

This includes interconnects, speaker cables, digital, and power cables.

Audio Art Classic interconnects. I think, they are $100-$120 new for 1 meter pair. I tried them out of curiosity, excellent for the price, not harsh or bright, reasonably good balance and tone, good bass. If you get them just make sure to point arrows on the jacket in the right direction, they are very small and hard to see. Audio Art has 30 days return policy, as I remember. The cables require 170 hours of burning in time, they don't sound terrible brand new, by the way. I don't use mine, keep them just in case.

1) PSB Imagine T3 speakers

2) Wells audio Innamorata power amplifier

3) Jolida Fusion Preamp level 1 modified

4) Simaudio moon neo 380d dac (non dsd version) https://www.soundstagehifi.com/index.php/equipment-reviews/644-simaudio-moon-neo-380d-digital-to-analog-converter

5) Musical surroundings nova phonomena phono preamp

6) PS Audio Perfectwave CD transport

7) Questyle 600i headphone amp/dac

8) Lumin D1 streamer

9) Melco N1A server

10) Project Xtension 10 turntable with superpack

11) Shunyata MPC-12a power conditioner

Was thinking of interconnects in the $60 to $125 range or so. Haven't figured the other details out yet, but just looking for a general brand(s) in that price range that gives good performance without charging my retirement
How much can you afford ? Do you need RCAs or XLRs ? How long ? And what is your equipment ?
Cables are really difficult to recommend. Besides, do you want 'tone controls' cables or more neutral cables ?