High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Effect

I'm looking for some advice please.
Has anyone used/is using a High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Power Conditioner?
What are your observations?
I'm looking at possibly getting one.

Have a number of extras already:
- Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer
- Akiko Audio Fuse Box Tuning Chip
- iFi AC iPurifier
- Russ Andrews 'The Silencer'
- Mad Scientist Nitro power cables
- Signal Ground Solutions Grounding Box
- Bybee iQSE

I'm not looking for comments from those who have not heard this in a system.

Well that sounds as good as I could ever imagine, good explaination to me. 
True depending on draw from everything and surrounding houses i guess also has something to do with it. 
Like you and 68Pete stated patience is a virtue, something i fight with all the time. Thxs
aseaman, this is normal. I'm going to take a guess and say that it's due to fluctuations in the line voltage to the home and from the service panel. There are variations in voltage level, noise level, distortions in the sine wave of the AC. The magnetic field is constantly trying to align the electrons in this current and until the components in the module are fully run-in there will be inconsistencies. 

Just my take on the subject.
And 4 days is only 96 hours.  

Hmm, 4th day in the outlet, not sounding to good today. Weird, sounded better last 3 days.
Wonder why it does that goes from good to not so good.
But from other posts it sounds like this is normal. Any ideas why it would do that good to not so good.
@aseaman007, My information came from a conversation with Rick Schultz. The magnetic field is constant as long as there is power feeding the MC-0.5. And it travels through all connected conductors, even back to the service panel via the neutral (return) wire.

If you’re asking me why my first try with the modules didn’t work out, I now know that I didn’t give them enough breakin time. They had a harsh top-end and I was moving them to different positions.

Now, with three modules at the receptacles, I experience a lower noise floor, a layered 3D image, and a smooth top-end. Plugged into the duplexes gives me the most dramatic effect. Next, is in a power strip, and the least was in my power conditioner. Rick confirmed my findings with his research.

I’ve seen the pics of 10 MC-0.5’s being used. That was when they were first introduced, but I have to believe there is a point if diminishing returns.

@68pete  That's what the residual effect is, wires will stay magnatized for a while after pulled out. How long I don't know, but you proved it when you unplugged your system for days away. When you plugged it back in it didn't take long because it had some magnatism left over in your wires. 

Ok, back to some Jethro Tull n Styx... 

@Lowrider57 that was my thinking, I’m not a Electrian but current is constant unless there’s a breaker in its path so it should get through into the reciever especially on standby. Which mine is set and the surge protector is live also.

I read one of your earlier posts stating your amp issue, is it fixed now. What’s changed in sound in your system since mc05 add ?
I’ve read people have 10 mc05 units in there systems, if there’s a good improvement might get one more max. It's been almost 4days I'm not sure yet, plus i have the mc05 helix signature which one guy says it takes even longer to breakin. So I'm looking forward to the improvement even more. Thxs
Wow, so much for the 30 day return policy. 2hrs a day lets say.... Dangg. That’s alot of days. Lol
The MC-0.5 is constantly breaking in since AC is continuously flowing from your service panel into the MC.
And it’s best to leave the power conditioner or strip turned on so the magnetic field will continue through those circuits.

The system doesn’t need to powered up. AC is converted to DC by a regulator after it has entered a component.

I will get one more once I hear it works, with all these positive reviews I have no doubt it will work.
But I'm a big skeptic when it comes to all these types of tweaks. Fingers crossed that I get alittle difference sooner then later, I want to swim in the musical narvana like the rest of you guys....lol 

Just like some peace of mind knowing in the outlet is the best place with only one unit. 
Thxs everyone. 
Thxs Jerrybj, 
              I put it where Rick said it should go so I'm hoping its right, but why in the strip. Isn't the outlet feeding the surge protector strip as mine is and most people. 
I put mine in my power strip.
Having read lots of comments decided that was the best place for it to go.
Wow, so much for the 30 day return policy. 2hrs a day lets say.... Dangg.  That's alot of days. Lol
Well looks like a long melody to be had for breakin. 
Hello aseaman007
Break in time is the time it is used in the system with system playing. I do not move mine around, i leave them where they are  plugged in at. So the lasting residual i have no clue. I have powered my system down (unplugged from power) when i am out of town. It seams to return to full strength (good sound) with in a hour or so after being off for a couple of days. All of my system power runs through High Fidelity products.
Another pt I heard you say, leave it in one place. If you change it to another powerline that makes sense, but if on the same line as your system then I would think that would not matter.
According to Rick the mc 05 leaves a lasting residual on the line after you unplug it, for a time he stated 24hrs. Food for thought.
I can think of one question, the time these posters are talking about breakin time. Are they speaking of time you play your system or time in the outlet ? 

Or do they mean the beat to the music you listen too ? Crazy mental gymnastics in this hobby. ;)
            I installed it in the outlet that feeds my system, I am going to get one more for my surge protector strip where all my plugs are plugged into. 
Rick's advise before I bought it. Hopefully this will give me the biggest change to the sound. 

Some posters here claim an immediate change, some say after 4days, 200hrs, 400hrs biggest change. We shall see or hear. Lol
Thxs 68Pete, I read that on one post so I won't move it now. 24hrs has past now. 
Listened this morning haven't noticed anything yet. 
Tommyu it's a new Rick creation I believe from what i can remember from his convo. 
Looking forward to the change, like I told Rick I will be totally surprised since my systen sound pretty good if i especially playing 196hrz 24bit rate music. Wow, it's like a drug once you hear it.

But reading one fellows review I don't want to catch what he caught off these little drugs, 10 in his system plus a pro mc.05.... 
Let you know in the future. 🎶🎸🎷🎹🥁🎺🎻
The Helix signature will take a while longer than the base MC 05 to break in. The base will not sound right for a while. But once broken in a cross the board will be better. The detail will be much better, with more space between the notes. Back round  will be more noticeable and clear.
Good luck  But you will need to be patient for a while (best to leave them in place and not move them around while breaking in)
Just bought the MC.05 Helix signature, plugged in about 4hrs now. What should I focus on hearing to see if working ? Thxs
I've joined the MC  club today also.It's only been plugged in for a couple of hours but already having a positive effect.Mostly by a more realistic ambiance  as others have stated.A bit of a glaze on the upper bass which everyone claims will clear up.A nice natural sound overall.Some things are leaping out of the mix in a very cool way- an aggressive pluck of a guitar string or a drum stick.Very nice!
Put my money where my mouth is and purchased second unit today.. Will put this one on the 'digital' outlet.
Quick update - everything sounding VERY nice.  Little instrumental clues are much more clear, soundstage well delineated. Seems to enhance the space, sweetness, and silence between notes and instruments that I appreciated first with my MIT cables. Bass firmed up from initial installation, and still nice and deep.  Overall a definite winner.  I did not move the unit to the 'source' side/outlet, but will likely add another MC unit within the next couple of weeks. (Original unit is between 200 and 400 hours so far). Thumbs up !!
@lowrider57 ,
I use one Gutiwre on my SACD player and noticed a bit of improvement. Since all of my RCA inputs were used on my integrated, I had to wait for the XLR adaptor to use it and with the MC-0.5s in place, the improvement was more than without it on the SACD side of things. 

All things not being equal and me being too lazy to try it out all ways, I'm going to believe that with the MC-0.5 in place, using the Gutwire would be more noticeable an improvement than without the MC-0.5 in place.

Also, I haven't tried any grounding blocks and simply don't have the room for any more clutter around back on my media rack. 👍

All the best,
Great to hear you gave the 0.5 another chance and that it's starting to perform.

Do you use more than one 
Gutwire and have you ever tried one of the grounding blocks on the market?

I just spent the last hour with the adaptor back in place sharing two MC-0.5s with my integrated's outlet. All it took was about halfway into the second track and the odd effects I heard before were tamed down. By the third track, it was wonderfully balanced and I was getting what @lowrider57 was describing as that 3-D effect.

If I need to wait another 200 hours for it to get better, than it will be icing on the cake as it's great right now. Vocals and acoustic guitars are eerily present in the room. Mixing and recorded effects are behind them as there are now distinct planes of music before me.

I like it so much now that I may get just one more to add to the other one that feeds my SACD and ancillary equipment. I've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

On an aside, after getting the first set of MC-0.5s, I also got a XLR to RCA adaptor so I could attach my Gutwire Grounding wire to the unused XLR input so I could ground my Kinki EX-M1 integrated at the circuit board. That was another step up, specifically in overall clarity. Kind of like popping your ears, though not as drastic, but still noticeable.

All the best,
Thanks lowrider. Considering getting a second unit after a little more break-in.
B-stock pricing is pretty sweet :D
I really believe the 0.5 will have more impact on the source receptacle. Use an adapter if you don’t have room, that’s what I’m doing.

I have one on amp side, 2 on source.

@lowrider57 Power to sources are unfiltered, direct from the wall. I do use DIY powercords using cryo’ed Acrolink 7N 4030II cables and Oyaide P-004 terminations for both transport and dac.  MIT interconnects and speaker cables.
How are your sources being powered? As stated, sources are the primary position for the MC.

I’ve found the top-end and mids will change many times during breakin. Each new module added to my system sounded overly detailed and I could hear changes for the better while listening.
And you should get some 3D imaging at some point.

@nonoise and @lowrider57  - Thanks guys. A little afternoon listening today and I would say:
1. Initial upper midrange prominence (more thrust forward than overdone) has retreated back to similar/proper stage with the other frequencies - although the snap of a snare drum several feet forward was pretty cool
2. The bass that was a little boomy has now firmed up some, and I think I'm getting another few cycles than without the MC
3. The upper treble is still nicely detailed, but is missing that absolute last bit of extension on cymbals and triangles. (May be hot afternoon power flow to my house vs. late[r] night)
One thing I think that may be effecting my overall sound as well - the unit is on the same outlet as my amp and I have a subwoofer powercord on the splitter with the MC-.5.  Maybe that's contributing to the sense of extra bass from the sub; I many ultimately need to dial the sub gain back a few ticks.  

 There is a breakin period of up to 400 hours according to manufacturer, although I'd say it's about 200 hours. There should be a noticeable effect immediately and over time highs should become smoother and soundstage will open up in all directions.

According to Rick, if using one module in your system, it should be placed on the line feeding the sources. 

I found the base to be more prominent but also, more detailed, lower, and tighter in presentation. I've been wearing out some Billie Eilish CDs lately (I find her fun and refreshing) and the synthetic base simply growls and excites my room in a way I've not experienced before.

I'd give it some more time before you reach a final conclusion.

All the best,
I bought a MC-.05 to try.
Put it in outlet that supplies my amplifier power.
Burning in for 2 days now.
Did notice a *little* more upper midrange clarity,
But depending on music/recording, the bass is a little more boomy.
Is this normal for 'break-in period'?
Looking forward to more burn in..

I bought a B Stock 0.5

Is playing now.
A nice start.
More detail is instant.

Have three Bybee iQSE.
One in my fusebox, one in amp, one in Dac.
Looking for one more, to go in my Dac power supply.
I hope you bought the discounted 0.5 since you may want to add a second module.
I've added my 3rd module and this is where experimentation needs to happen. I placed it in my power conditioner and let it run-in for a few days. Soundstage opened up, more inner detail, but did not increase the holography or the sense of realism. The effect was more like that of a traditional PC. 
I moved it to my source line wall receptacle which now has two modules via a T-adapter.
Sound was overly detailed at first, but I now realise that there is a run-in period. There are immediate benefits such as 3D imaging, but the smooth, organic sonics are slowly presenting over time.

Rick said to experiment. Also said the MC-05 doesn't perform as well when plugged into a power conditioner with a large torroid like mine. 
But, it's exciting to hear the results tonight.

My 1 x MC-0.5 is due to arrive this afternoon.
A major delay on shipping from the USA.
It was my carrier's mistake.
High Fidelity Cables were very supportive through this.

Have jealously read the positive comments on their effect in your systems.
I also have some Bybee iQSEs (2 inside my Cary CD303/300 + 2 below my Cary 300SEI) and two QSEs on my fuse box. The MC 0.5 was a worthwhile tweak that removed another layer of noise (without making the sound more analytical), even though I have an Audience power condition, albeit an old prototype model. My MC 0.5 is plugged into a Furutech NCF duplex outlet which is also effective in removing noise.
An acquaintance has 6 MC 0.5s and brought 4 over to hear what further improvement they would make. While the improvement with all 6 was major in his system (which is much higher-end than mine) the effect was relatively minor on mine. Currently, the main bottleneck in my system is the old power conditioner which limits the performance of everything else.

So in summary, the optimum number of MC 0.5s is going to vary from system to system. Fortunately, HFC along with most dealers offer a trial period so you can determine how many are optimal for you. Another tweak I can highly recommend is the Furutech destat iii and/or the IsoTek Full System Enhancer CD to maintain optimum performance.
I purchased my MC O.5s over time, every time i add a couple the sound just got better. The Helix design was not on the market  yet. The Pro works well with the MC O.5s making the sound even better. As Rick will tell you the more magnets the better the sound .
enjoy Pete 

Going from the .05 to the MC-1 pro Helix is a Giant leap . I don’t understand how you can possible even fit 49 for that kind of money the mc pro plus helix  would destroy all of them put together . I have a Bybee Q inside my amp ,then 2 tuning 
sticks one usb in my music server, and one on the spdif input these work nicely removing dirt of the earth ground . The MC-1 pro weighs like 3.5 lbs  make sure you have a heavy duty audio receptacle. Mine I had to put a wedge of wood under it to hold it suspended. It ran respectable after a few hours  then over night 
got flat sounding a bit , Rock said that is part of all those magnets aligning and the small .1 capacitors Running in .rick said up to 400 hours to full runin .
now at 75 hours really just starting to open up . 3 dimensional in  many areas 
the fiddle you use to hear now  you can literally hear and feel the rosin crossing the bow  the instrumental laying front to back as well as side to side soundstage 
explanation is beyond reasoning and we still have over 300 hours to go .i am just letting it play I have my line conditioner plugged into the wall with my sub 
even the bass has much better bite and grip. This B stock for$650 off was a steal 
it is easily the best upgrade I have even made it is like going from a $ 5k speaker to a $20k one . Next since I don’t have the $$ for his cables at the moment 
I  built my own with a VH Audio 6-9 OCc Copper foamed Teflon solid core litz
which sounds very detailed same with speaker cables. 
Rick said his Quad RCA adapters from sourse to preamp is a BIG bang for the buck. That is what I am buying magnetic power $550:for 4 is a No brainer 
as Rick said he is so sure money back first give them a solid 75-100 hours to really get  a field stabilized in through the cable. I will report back after I first 
breakin the MC-1 pro.
The Pro Power conditioner is in a league by itself. Just when i thought my system sounded good for what it is. The Pro Power conditioner took it up several notches.  To get that kind of performance i thought i would need to do a major component up grade, may be 2 components.
@lowrider57 , yes, we audiophiles can be funny that way. I tried out one of those adaptors but like I mentioned earlier a few posts ago, to my ears, it sounds better with just one per wall outlet.

As utilitarian as it looks, it does the trick.

All the best,
Thanks for the reply. The PRO conditioner must be something special. 

You're definitely addicted to magnetic conduction; I can see why. I have a module in each of my two lines and will be adding more I'm sure.

Hello lowrider57
I started with 2 MC O.5s one on each line at the wall. I really liked what  they did to the sound so i would add a couple every so often, when budget would let me. I tried a couple in my PS Audio P10, it was ok. But better at the wall feeding the P10. Later removed the P10 for the Mc 6 Hemisphere With a couple plugged into it, that also was good. I now have the PRO POWER conditioner with a couple plugged into it. But the big majority our at the wall. Divided between 2 power lines, the amp line and the line that feeds the front end of my system.
How many 0.5's did you start with?

Beside the receptacles, where else do you have the modules installed? I'd like to know if you can hear a change in efficacy between different locations of a module?

Something like this....

It's funny how we worry about every inch of cable and conductor; eg, fuses, plating on AC receptacles. But it's ok to add an adapter with who knows what type of metallurgy or construction.

@lowrider57 ,
No worries. I appreciate the advice. 👍

I was really tempted when Underwood had them at discount a while back. Research them, I will (channeling Yoda).

All the best,