High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Effect

I'm looking for some advice please.
Has anyone used/is using a High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Power Conditioner?
What are your observations?
I'm looking at possibly getting one.

Have a number of extras already:
- Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer
- Akiko Audio Fuse Box Tuning Chip
- iFi AC iPurifier
- Russ Andrews 'The Silencer'
- Mad Scientist Nitro power cables
- Signal Ground Solutions Grounding Box
- Bybee iQSE

I'm not looking for comments from those who have not heard this in a system.

Got 1 of the MC 1 Pros i order to day. From High Fidelitys great sell they had going on about a month ago. Add the NPS 1260 to the prongs and plugged it in to the line that feeds the front end. In the past MC1 Pros  would take about 20 hours before i started to hear a better difference. With the 1260 it was less than a hour before the bass became much more defined and stronger sounding. the layers in the sound stage, just got better more darkness  between the instruments  and voices.
Hoping the rest of my order will ship soon.
Thanks a lot. I'll pick up another MC-0.5 or whatever budget allows.

Yes, i use the NPS 1260 on all cable connections. Have applied it to the male end of my XLR cables. With good results, just be careful you only get it on the pins with no spider webbing between pins. Have used it on speaker cables both ends, speaker jumpers both ends, some on speaker binding  post, power cord prongs and the MC 05-to the Pro wave guides.
I did see Rick and crew apply it to the female ends of XLRs and to the female end of power cords (unplugged of course).
I believe the sell ends on the 16 of July. But would check their web sight for sure or call them.
The HF cleaning clay was used to clean any debris of the cables that the magnets pulled in. (small metal filing).
Good luck
I received a jar of HF Cleaning Clay with the purchase of a cable. Anybody know what this is used for?

Do you use the contact enhancer on cable connections?

I have al so started treating them with the NPS1260 contact enhancer, giving a nice increase in air and clarity.
Yes a great price i order a couple more from High Fidelity direct. Hope to have them soon.
Hey 68Pete,
               I have toed my speakers straight at me now vs straight a head mostly to cut the reflections off the side wall plus put up 2 sound acoustic panels. I need 2 - 3 more panels one to go in back of tv and 2 on the ceiling. 

Has any one using High Fidelity wave guides or any other High Fidelity Cable product, change their speaker position at all?  More toe in - less toe in- closer to wall - further from wall - speaker  distance between them?
Wow, Sounds great. I saw that Rick had 3 MC .05s at B stock prices but never see a 1.0 at B stock price ? Wonder why, to expensive to let it go I guess. 
I'm wanting to upgrade my speakers, not sure when but have the desire. 
Happy Listening.
Hey aseaman, I just sold the .05, and now have the 1.0 hooked up to my amp only, as I just purchased a Synergistic Research power cell for the rest of my system. That 0.5 is what got me going on the power upgrade and let me hear what it can do. I just love the sound that my system puts out now. Very detailed,clear and alive. I see me upgrading the 1.0, as I am a believer in the High Fidelity products. For now, I have to let the bank account recover.. : )
Hey GiantSalami,
                     How's it sounding now since added MC .05 Sig. ? 
I rolled my own for about $40 each. Only made a dozen cuz fitting them in is not easy as stated. Overall my Inakustik PC made a much larger improvement.  Read the patent and went from there. Certainly can't sell them and have no intention of making any more than the ones I use. It was a fun project.
I picked up mine through The Music Room. Good price, about a year old. Looking forward to hearing it.
@giantsalami  Great, yes I find turning it up brings more detail and the bass is stronger. I turned my down one db. 
I think I will order one more while supplies last, sale ;)
I have a 1.0 pro on the way. I will let you know the difference I hear between it and the 0.5 Helix sig. It seems that I can turn the volume up more and the detail, especially vocals, just stay clear and tight. More bass, I actually had to turn my REL's down. Again, very happy with this.
Does a second MC - .05 Helix Signature make a big difference in your sound stage ?
Keep on rocking 
Lowrider57, That sounds like a sweet system, I cant imagine how good it sounds. Thxs
Oh thxs 68Pete, sounds about right from my distant convo with Rick last mth. Deciding to get another or not. I'm not sure if it will change anymore to the better. Thxs
I think the Helix is the braid of the magnets (how they are arranged in the tube or wave guide and the signature is gold platting of the magnets . 
I'm using Devore Gibbon Super 8 with an Atma-sphere S-30 amp. These speakers have a wide and deep soundstage on their own. Adding Sylvania tubes and the MC-0.5's gives me a holographic image.

Nice, I hear alot of good things about tube amps. No conditioners just a couple of PS harvesters and the MC - .05 Helix signature, your right nothing on exactly what the signature is or does on webpage. 
What speakers do you use ? Thinking of new speakers but love the sound I have now. My goal was spend more on front end and budget speakers last. Honestly I like my sound but not for everyone. ;)
Happy Listening
@aseaman007 ... Nice. I like the tight well defined bass. Are you using any traditional power conditioning?

My system is very revealing, all tubes. With the EquiCore 1800 plus 3 MC-0.5's I'm very pleased the sound of my current setup.
It’s on their website, its the MC - .05 Helix signature. The way I understand it, they are stronger then base .05 s plus gold internal connects stronger draw to middle of wire. 
I’ve got the 3D going now, voices are smooth, bass tight quick solid sound. I like that no boomy sound. I have Yamaha RXA 3050 Flagship reciever, 150 per ch. Fronts n center, Bi amped so 300 watts to each speaker, plenty of sound dbs.
Their horns so I get perfect voices plus set amp at 80hrz so all going to top mid end. Sub takes low end. Clean n loud but only push less then half volume, neighbors already let me know... Sometimes I get way into it. Lol
Happy spinning the sound.
I couldn't find info on the Signature, how does it differ from the standard MC-0.5?

I can tell you that two standard modules were 2x better than one. Adding a 3rd was even better. This is when I achieved holographic sound and more smoothness to the music; of course components play a role in achieving 3D sound.
I have two in my dedicated 
analogue duplex and one on the digital line. Also on this line is an EquiCore power conditioner.

Lowrider57 that's what Rick told me so I just am passing along same info, I assume he's tried all arrangements with MC-.05s, 
Just wondering if 1 more will make a big enough change or not., I have the MC.05 Helix signature now, what's your thoughts on your 3 in your system. 
Happy Listening
According to Rick, most benefit is having the MC-0.5 plugged into the receptacle, next is a power strip. Least effective is in an active power conditioner (YMMV).

I had one in a duplex and one in a power strip on the same line. I then changed the setup by plugging both into a T-adapter and got more of the 3D effect...

(I'm using 3 standard MC-0.5's)

I have mine,the MC-0.5 Sig.., plugged into the same outlet that feeds my RGPC 600, which feeds my PS Audio Dectet. I will do some experimentation after break in. 
@Jay73, That's what I would do plug into the socket v Isotek as my convo with Rick. He's the expert on this product, but get others take on postion. Read all the posts. 
I am happy with my MC - .05 Helix Signature, can only imagine what a Pro 1 would sound like. Wow
Happy Listening
Hi All,

Glad I found this thread. 

I bought a MC-0.5 some months ago around the same time that I bought a Isotek Evo 3 Sirius Power Bar.

I kinda started using both around the same time so it's hard to say which one had more effect.

Have a question regarding placement though.

I have 2  wall sockets and all 4 outlets among those walls sockets are taken up (one being the isotek). 

I have the MC-0.5 plugged directly into the Isotek, along with my Integrated Amp, DAC, TT, Blu-ray Player (using as a cd transport for now) and phono pre-amp (it has 6 outlets).

Is it suggestible to plug the MC-0.5 in the same wall socket as the Isotek instead of directly in the Isotek? I suppose I could make that happen if it would have a better effect.

aseaman007, I was so impressed the other night, I have been swapping out my other 2 monitors to hear the effect on them. So far, the Odyssey Kismets win. More listening and swapping to come. I am very intrigued by this tweek and the products they sell. We will see what more time brings.
@ MC.05 board, curious on the # of units in your system to where your the happiest with the sound ? Ex : 1, 2, or many ? 
Happy listening folks
@giantsalami  How's your system sounding now ? Like I stated it seems it took my system about 400hrs for me to really hear the 3D, tight bass, smooth sound in general. 
Happy Listening
@giantsalami, Yes it seems it takes alittle time to notice a change. You will really like your system at 400hrs like I did. I’m amazed it changed my system for the better, when I said to Rick I would be totally amazed if it changed any sound in my system. My system sounded great before MC.05 entered into my system, running horns and all.
Today marks 21days in my system.
I might get one more, will decide before end of April. Happy Listening.
I've been running mine for almost a week. It started out all over the map, as people have said. Last nights session was fantastic. More detail, clarity and emotion out of it. I was sitting there thinking, Wow, I am very happy with this! I don't want to speak too early, but, this is one of best improvements to my system. I was really trying to analyse the sound and down play it, but I am VERY impressed with this. More ramblings to come...
Deffinitely have the 3D working now, smooth sounding voice, instruments. Sweet ear candy. Lol. 
Now I'm wondering what a second one would sound like, I find it very hard to think it could get any better then what I have playing. 
Awesome, I'm liking what I'm hearing so smooth, even with old recording not remastered. Played some old Tommy james n Shondels, The Grassroots, The Guess Who (These Eyes) .Not as crisp as the new remastered stuff but awesome compared to my system back in HS listening to the same music. Funny how I've changed over time with my music tastes. Listened to Bob Dylan.. Keep Rocking folks
68pete is right. With a clearer, cleaner perspective, you're hearing more of what was recorded. So it is more accurate, and that is what contributes to the realism.

All the best,
Your hearing is not playing tricks on you. The sound just gets better across the board. With the back of the sound stage being clear tight and focused. The background vocals are much more noticeable.
@nonoise to me when I turn the volume up I can hear separation of instruments in the music. Does anyone hear that too ?
It seems certain instruments have a more profound sound signature, smoother, fuller.
Or is this my mine and hearing playing tricks on me ? 
Keep on rockng peeps
    It seems that once those digital nasties are gone, you hear more easily into the music. Turning it up only makes it more enjoyable.

All the best,
              I noticed the samething in my system, i thought i was going Wuhan virus crazy. But i noticed the volume knob, same setting but louder
but it sounded so good i kicked it up a couple dbs to much got a call from office. Lol
Just enjoying some Fleetwood mac, Boston.. lol
Yes, it's getting better now, some depth, some 3D, bass is alittle tighter even quicker. To these old ears, alittle Steely Dan, V.Morrison, guitar sounds great. 
But like I've stated it sounded good before the MC.05 Helix signature, but looking for more ear candy. I hear fully broken in at 500hrs from sales mrg. so just waiting. Q, did you hear a increase in volume little, seems my system has increase alittle from normal listening setting. Today i moved the volume up 2dbs more. Sweet
You should be hearing a wider, deeper soundstage if your speakers are set up correctly. And the image should become more focused as break-in progresses.

Well it sounds better than day 4, but I can't put my finger on what has changed exactly. But its been in now 12 days, like I told Rick my system sounded good right now. Just wish i could figure what really changed, sounds cleaner, bass is good, tight. So it's a positive but maybe my hearing isn't as good as others on this forum. Lol

I'm happy with the MC.05 Helix, signature, so another 200+ more hrs to perfection. I can't wait but hoping I can hear the difference in the sound.  Thxs