High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Sorry Friends, I get frustrated wading thru mental masterbation bla bla bla to find relevant info on HFCables. It's so boring for me to hear, over and over again,, judgments from people who have never heard High Fidelity Cables.
Jimi asked,"Have you ever been experienced?" Well, I have!
I firmly believe that if you've never heard the HF stuff, you couldn't have any idea what we are talking about. I invite you to hear a power cord or other high end HF gear for yourself. You don't have to believe what I say, just discover for yourself. Although I have gained a surprising amount of both, our knowledge and notoriety are not the topic here.
More appropriate here might be how you are Enjoying the Music! D
These cable do actually getting better with usage. This is due to magnetic conduction technology. All the positive reviews can,t be wrong
The ultimate speaker cables are working very well in my system.
Thanks for asking. I prefer to stay out of the debate, I own lots of different brands of equipment and they all have there strong and weak points.
I am reading/discovering with great interest the HF cable and am contemplating using it in my system. Just wondering if sharing the HF PC, ie. using the HF PC as an extention cord to a multi socket power strip and then plugging all the components using cheap but good value PCs like Morrow MA3 which I am currently using will extract the maximum benefit from a single HF PC. Has anyone tried?
They will be gone soon. as suggested in an earlier post, don't bother reading anything from Mapman, Jafox or Jmcgrogan2 as they don't have or don't care about audio systems and are just trolling for attention.
Well Ddraudt - I have been on these forums for over a decade and have contributed much here….and received many thanks by many members again and again for sharing my experiences and results with numerous cable trials, tube rolling experiments, system optimizations, etc. Can you say the same?

Such members here as Albertporter, Jadem, bposner, and numerous others have much to with the incredible performance I now have. Please take a look at my system here and re-evaluate your immature statement that I don't care about audio systems. Your only contribution here is how good each new High Fidelity cable is again and again. If anything, you're the one here who is providing zero value to this thread.

My question,
Are the cables actually "changing" or are your perceptions changing as you become more and more used to the new sound of your system?
was clearly beyond your comprehension and yet Albertporter and Almarg added commentary that many things are going on that we can not clearly identify as a root cause of perceived differences. Now that these two members have made comments that go against the grain that changes could be due to something other than the cables, will you soon label them as shills? I hope not because based on their significant contributions and knowledge here, it is clear that you could learn much from them.

Rather than dismiss contributions from members who do not own or are not praising your your holy grail cables, perhaps you can take a few steps back and appreciate that we are all in this together - to achieve incredible musical performance in our homes.
@lak. How are the ultimate speaker cables working out for you. I have an ultimate ic that I'm enjoying.
@ronnjay. What kind of equipment are you running in your set up. I'm just interested in how high fidelity has worked in your system. What cables did you have before high fidelity. What difference did you hear in your system. I'm using one ultimate right now going direct from my resonessence dac to an amplifier.
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@Ddraudt I totally understand. I took the high fidelity out and my system lost its mojo. I took my pre amp out and I ran some high fidelity ultimate straight from my resonessence dac to the luminance audio kst150. Bammmm. The speed and naturalness is off the charts. Straight to dac and no pre amp. Magic is back. Be bop jazz and percussion work is off the charts.
As I've said in a number of past threads, in audio it is very easy to attribute a perceived change to the wrong variable.

IMO. Regards,
-- Al


I've preached that ever since I signed up at Audiogon. It's important to listen relaxed and long term.

Sounds easy but in reality a very difficult rule to stick to. Many people change two or more things at once or make a decision before they are certain about results.
Ddraudt, It appears the CT-1UR was in correctly, the output is the south facing pin. the input the north. I'll listen to my CT-1E for a while then switch back to the CT-1UR. Thanks for your help.
Dear Geoff, yes my friend your missing a lot but the truth is so complicated that I simplified a statement to someone else for a simple explanation. I've zero interest in discussing sub atomic particle theory on this thread, or electrophysics or quantum mechanics.
I listen to High Fidelity Cables and surmise that they are much better than all I've heard in 35 years of listening. Hint: Selecting audio equipment requires listening. I invite you to hear these HF products for yourself.
"Geoff, I must apologize for the Troll invasion on this thread. They will be gone soon. as suggested in an earlier post, don't bother reading anything from Mapman, Jafox or Jmcgrogan2 as they don't have or don't care about audio systems and are just trolling for attention."

Well, you are wrong on that. Why jump to such a conclusion?

Geoff loves my posts (I think). We all know that. I find him interesting in a manner similar to Godzilla and pay way more attention to his posts than most I think.
Al, hi, do you have an audio system? if you had heard these cables i'm sure you wouldn't be wasting all our time. I'm sure plenty of threads love to discuss perceived change but we are into actual change here so I suggest you my be on the wrong thread.
Geoff, I must apologize for the Troll invasion on this thread. They will be gone soon. as suggested in an earlier post, don't bother reading anything from Mapman, Jafox or Jmcgrogan2 as they don't have or don't care about audio systems and are just trolling for attention.
Like so many before them, they will be banned, say goodbye children!
And for those are actually on this thread for info on High Fidelity Cables, Welcome!! and I hope your enjoying the music.
For those of you who actually have HFCables, I know you're enjoying the music like never before!!! Cheers D
09-18-14: Mapman
... is it possible that both the product and your perceptions are both changing?
Not to mention the possibility that something else altogether is changing, in the system or its environment. E.g., ongoing aging or breakin of components, seasonal changes in temperature or humidity (see this post, for example), changes in AC line voltage or noise conditions, etc.

As I've said in a number of past threads, in audio it is very easy to attribute a perceived change to the wrong variable.

IMO. Regards,
-- Al
Oh, one more thing. Wouldn't the electrons clump up into a big ball around the positive end of the magnets? Am I missing something?
Whoops, I meant that for Ddraudt, not Jafox.

Dd seems to attribute EVERYTHING he hears to this product. WHo's to say for sure or not, but that's usually a red flag for me.
Jafox, is it possible that both the product and your perceptions are both changing?

Most of us are human and not machines and are hence subject to such things.
Jafox, the sound is actually changing in my system. Give your subjective idea a try and let us know how it works out for you. Thanks
If magnets would make electrons move faster than one meter per hour I'd be a happy camper. Get along little electrons, get along!
Magnets attract or repel electrons but unfortunately not the audio signal since the signal is not electrons. Follow?
GEoff seems to understand perfectly how colors affect sound but apparently not that there is a proven relationship between electricity and magnetism. Go figure.
Geoffkait, seems like a simple question but it confuses me..
How could you effect one without effecting the other?
Scientists proved 100 years ago that magnets effect an electron beam.
Further complication is that electrons have to be flowing to be effected by magnets.
So magnetism effects the flow of electrons which effects the signal.
An the best of all, this cables have the ability to sound better and better in time.
Are the cables actually "changing" or are your perceptions changing as you become more and more used to the new sound of your system?

A subjective experiment would be to run with your current set of cables for 3-6 months and then install a new set of cables with an immediate report on the difference.
We have joined High Fidelity Cables' family as dealers last year.
This changed the way we were doing business. HFC, changed also our demo system in the shop in a way that I couldn't believe it was possible. We are using all CT-1UR now, from Interconnects to Speaker Cables and Power cables.
An the best of all, this cables have the ability to sound better and better in time.
The magnets are affecting what, the signal or the electrons? Just curious.
Ronnjay,Your welcome, direction critical in all magnetic conduction cables. IN wrong direction signal would have to flow upstream from the magnetic push, robbing most of the energy. If not that, something is likely to be not connecting properly internally or externally.
Looking forward to hearing what you discover!
Enjoy the music!! D
Ddraudt, Thanks, I too was thinking that would be the case by going to a CT-1UR from a 1E. I will check the magnetic polarity for proper direction. However remember this is a single cable in a digital connection (SPDIF) from Esoteric transport to a Bricasti DAC. I haven't touched any interconnects or speaker cables yet. They all remain Kubala-Sosna.
Yping - you are incorrect....

"Ric" is the owner/operator of Tweakaudio/EVS, www.tweakaudio.com - he primarily designs/mods equipment and also makes cables.

"Rick" is High Fidelity cables, the cables under discussion in this thread
Ronnjay, WOW the sure is a mystery as the UR is 100 times better that the E in all systems I've heard of. Only thing I can think of it that it was in backwards, broken or mislabeled so one or both are in backwards.
You could experiment with turning them around. Using a compass is a crude way of checking direction.On interconnects- the north pointing ends are the input and the output ends are south pointing. For speakers cables input= Red is north, black is south.
Output Red south.. Black north. I hope that helps more than it confuses.
If the cable is mislabeled or does not totally blow away the E, I'd send it back. Maybe it is good you commented here because this can be fixed.
Cheers D
@tbg. Good music and great environment for listening. I totally understand. With a music server at your fingertips and only time to listen on your hands. That's what is all about. Best High fidelity hooked up to great equipment. That is some happy listening!!!@Ddraudt I finally get it. Lol.
Calvinj, I'm newly back from spending July and August in the mountains of northern New Mexico and from an audio point of view at last able to hear everything together and well broken in. I had my new music server for only three days before I left and took it with me, but most of the HFC pcs stayed here as did my Tripoint Troy Signature and my big room.

Everything is sounding wondrous and real.

Yping, yes Rick also uses Ric, but there is another Rick Schultz in audio.
@tbg. How are you. How is everything sounding have you made in recent changes in your system.@ddraudt. How is everything going. I'm doing ok. I had a subwoofer sitting in the corner by my speaker. I removed it. It made my room and everything in my system.
I Love High Fidelity Cables because:
their magnetic conduction designs allow much more music to pass.
I'm so happy to listen to music with HF Cables.
I've never heard anything as good in 35 years of audiophiling.
They've raise the level of sound quality 1000%.
happy to be an early responder to the new direction audio will be going.
Fun to blow everyone away with the purest sound quality ever.
Glad to find other audio sojourners who have found the Grail.

I'm also glad to hear that there will be no more commenting on non HF posts. If you feed trolls they keep coming back, if you do not feed the trolls, they waddle off elsewhere to get scraps of attention.
Kzhtoo, Welcome. I have heard both the CT 1E and the CT-1 U. The E was a very nice improvement over the CT-1. THe Ultimate Digital is a huge improvement over the E. vastly improved. I have not heard the HiDia as my last digital was a Stealth Varidig Sextet. I've been listening to different high end cables for decades and In my not humble opinion
nothing else ever came close, not even digital cables at twice the price.
I hope another High Fidelity friend has heard the HIDiamond your using.
ENjoy The Music
Well. We have been officially hi-fi jacked. This exactly what people want. We are not discussing performance or sound or music. For those who read this thread for the music I will say this to you. I only deal with companies and audio people who meet the following criteria. 1) great customer service 2) audio performance. I met Rick Schultz 4 years ago at the Lone Star Audio Fest. He was brimming with enthusiasm about his product. We talked for an hour. I came back and he talked again. Initially it all flew over my head but I knew that I heard something that intrigued me. We ended our conversation and was invited to hear his product in his system. I got busy and never got back with him. At the time I was demoing cable after cable after cable from the cable company. I was sent his cable to demo on a suggestion by Steven from the cable company a year later. I was floored by the performance I didn't know it was him. I looked on the internet for the cable and googled his cable. I looked at a YouTube video and saw it was him. I called him and he spoke to me freely for an hour on 2 occasions and then told me when I could come out to listen. I did a month later and was floored by the performance. He was very nice and customer service oriented. A good person and a believer in God. I'm not here to push my religion on you but I'm not afraid to let people know I am a believer. I listened again and then I demoed his cable in my system. They were the most open and non fatiguing cable that I heard ever. The speed and naturalness was off the charts. I continued to listen and demo. He took his time to show me things in audio. He didn't make a dime doing that. He did it because he wanted to help an audiophile brother. I eventually got something from him and will be a customer again in the future. I don't make any money off my posts here. I wouldn't want people to be misled that way. High fidelity is really good but the people behind it are better. I could care less about what anybody else has to say. I been on an audio trip of my dreams. I have been shown the best equipment. I have been educated on how it works and my ears have been allowed to have skittles, now&laters and sprees all at the same time. Lol. My audio calms me after a long day practicing criminal law here in Dallas TEXAS. It brings me a joy and a high that can not be reached with anything else. His product has put me in the audio matrix more than I have ever been. I have had bad experiences with other high end audio. Audiolabryinth can attest to that. We we're both mistreated by another company who I won't name. Lol. Calm down kieth we don't want to get audiogon spanked for saying the A-.word or the name of the seller. I say all this to say I am not posting here for payola or other reasons. I'm a real music lover who finally found a great product with great customer service backing it. Look if your feelings are hurt easily go see somebody about that. I'm good with who I am and I don't ever say someone has zero credibility. My ear is my ear and yours hear differently. If they hear at all because if you ain't heard it you can't comment. I will no longer address the negativity of those who spout off because they are insecure about who they are. I have no issues with anyone I just tell it how it is. TEXANS do that. So that you know down here in Texas AMIGO is a term of endearment. So to my fellow AMIGOS and MUSKATEERS. We have more spots open and it is free to join. We have one requirement and that is your ears have to like the sound of the music. Happy listening to everyone amigo, MUSKATEERS or not. I will add more items in the future from this company because of how it makes the music sound like I'm there. Not because I'm being paid to do so. Thanks everyone. Now I have officially moved on. I will only post about my experiences from this point on. Happy listening to all of you high fidelty or not.
Kzhtoo....I did the same thing. I went from the HiDiamond digital reference to the CT-1E then to the CT-1UR. It's been in place all summer and last week went back to the CT-1E. I actually believe I like it better. Soundstage broadened out and more air around instruments. Nice transients and meaningful lows all returned again. Perhaps the CT-1UR wasn't fully broken in yet when I removed it. I'll put it on the cable cooker and try again later. Or perhaps the CT-1E performs better as a digital cable without the pod in the middle. CT-1E highly recommended as a digital cable.
Hi first time posting on this thread. Looking for info on HFC digital RCA cable CT1-E or CT1-U if anyone has tried them. Thanks in advance. I currently use HiDiamond digital reference RCA cable.
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Mapman, I think that is what some hope, but I think those of us interested in others' experiences with HFCables should just ignore those such as Jmcgrogan2, Jafox and Audiolabyrinth and stick with what we had been discussing.
John, since you own some HF cables, that promotes the HF team to the 4 Musketeers! Doesn't that make you feel special?
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In my experience the CT-1 was a great experience in natural sound and openness. The CT-1E was twice as good with added clarity bass and highs… very nice! The floodgates open with CT-1 Ultimate, a truly different class, 10 times better than the E, jaw dropping realism
amazing bass and highs, pure engaging sound, hard to imagine or describe. The CT-1 Ultimate Reference was, to me, 10 times better than the Ultimate!!
A new galaxy!!! so good it's as hard to describe as magenta to a Tara person.
Funny, do you remember what snoopy heard when humans are talking?
Wa wawa wa wa wawa wa! That is what post about how much better these sound with good costumer service or all the hype without ever hearing the magic. I glaze over when the wa wawa wa starts and look for some interesting to read.
Enjoy the Music mi amigos
Jmcgrogan2, well in addition to sounding great each of my cables takes time every night to walk my dog. The neighbors' jaws drop so I have to hold the walking off until after dark, and this disrupts my listening. But hey, I don't want to be unappreciative.

Oh, my cables, on reading what you say, are angry with you and promise to email yours to tell them what a twit you are.
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Oh well guess I touched a nerve. Anyway it's America. Speak freely everyone. Anyone else who have heard high fidelity please post so we can get impressions on what your thoughts are of high fidelity that you actually heard. Just want to know what you like or don't like about them. No offense to anyone but I guess when I hear something that's good I call it what it is. I'm hear for the music and anything that makes me enjoy it I give it credit. Enjoy what ever you use to feel the music. This is what did it for me. Happy listening everyone.