High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

More to the point positrons and electrons are self annihilating.

Cheers, GK
Geoffkait (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Also, when they annihilate they produce a pair of 511 Kev photons that travel 180 degrees from each other. Probably not what you want happening in your listening room! ;-)

I think luckily there are many in this world who think ethics matter and will speak up when needed. If not for that, we'd all be in an even bigger world of hurt by now.
You are correct Mapman - I just prefer listening to music rather than talking about it. However this forum has not only kept me entertained Ive learnt some stuff along the way so thank you to everyone who has contributed. Just trying to toss up now whether to go down the power conditioning and power cables route or to buy a new dac.
Not only is this forum somewhat informative regarding HFC but entertaining too like a "soap opera! 😉
"Mapman, I totally disagree with your statement, "The ultimate sound is not the only thing that matters in the world, even in these parts."

TBG, you might be right. It seems to be the only thing that matters to you. You would think integrity and ethics would matter as well, especially when large sums of money are involved? Go figure!
FWIW this appears to be Sammons first and only post to Agon.

It's not a crime....just pointing it out.

Whatever happened to the OP? HE seems long gone. Was his shift over? :^)
Why can't David speak for himself on this? I'm not the only one bothered by him. The only explanation would be he has something to hide.

All I care about is if he is a dealer selling the product and profiting from it. If you can't understand or accept why that matters, then there is nothing I can say that will help.
".'DD' is under no obligation to explain anything to you or anyone else."

So what? I agree. HE is under no obligation to anyone. HE can say or ask whatever he wants as can I or anyone. Everyone is free to respond as they please.

Mapman, I totally disagree with your statement, "The ultimate sound is not the only thing that matters in the world, even in these parts."

I know that David is not a dealer unless it is for heavily modified gear.
Sammons..thanks for your post.it is great to hear your experience with the HF cables.it mirrors what a lot of we cable junkies have, fortunately, also discovered.
Mapman..'DD' is under no obligation to explain anything to you or anyone else.Get over it!!!The forum heading is about the cables..not about who is affiliated or not with the company.Take your attidude somewhere else.
Post removed 
As I stated up front in my first post, the relationship between electricity and magnetism is well documented so I have no doubt changes to one will affect the other. HEnce My interest in the design concept behind the product.

The questions will be of course the magnitude of the effect and the nature of the effect in terms of how it changes the sound in addition to merely the magnitude of the change.

The value proposition is a pure individual judgement call.

Does the vendor offer any money back guarantees with the product? That's all that is needed to address any risk that a prospective buyer might incur dropping thousands into any product with promise where results may vary or not be totally assured up front.

Saying you can't judge it without trying it sounds like a cheap sales ploy otherwise. Most people cannot try it without risk otherwise. If one merely acknowledges and addresses the risks (Present with any expensive endeavor) rather than mere shilling on the perceived benefits) credibility would go way up I would expect.
I am not sure if HF cables behave similarly as some carbon nanotube Bybee filter cables I have, but have spoken to the designer about these.

I do know that for every current flow in a conductor there is an associated electric field and a magnetic field oriented at a right angle to the electric field. It is by manipulating either the electric field or magnetic field that current flow is altered. This phenomenon is well-known and it doesn't take much incredulity to believe that you can change current flow through the use of magnets. The trick that Rick has obviously found is through the orientation of the magnets to affect the current. Others have tried this effect with varying results, either by not affecting the current flow enough to produce a change in sound, or by magnetizing the cables over time to reduce the effect and the resultant sound improvement.

It is also well-known that electrons are normally found in pairs, each pair consisting of electrons having opposite spins, one of spin up and one of spin down. These packets of electrons are known as Cooper's Pairs of electrons. However, in current flow, some stray electrons are passed that are not in these packets. The designer of the Bybee Filter cables claims that the carbon nanotubes pass only Cooper's Pairs of electrons, thereby improving current flow. I suspect, but do not know of a surety, that manipulating the magnetic field would also reduce stray electrons and improve current flow. You can imagine that if you can manipulate and improve current flow that you could change the sound produced by a conductor.

Anyway, sorry for the technical lingo, but my attempt to explain what might be happening here on a quantum level. I wish I had stayed awake more in a quantum mechanics class I took in college. Whatever the explanation, I am quite taken by the sound of these cables once they have broken in.

Why do you oppose peoples right to challenge what at least appears to be in question?

All DD has to do is say he is not financially affiliated with the maker when asked. HE has decided to not do that repeatedly when asked. If he is, obviously his enthusiasm might be biased and others might not share it. It just does not look good, whatever the truth. Unfortunately, perceptions often matter as much if not more than reality. So it is important to address peoples perceptions, especially if negative for whatever reason.

The ultimate sound is not the only thing that matters in the world, even in these parts.
"On the other hand they work!"

Its not hard to make wires that work. Even I could do it. Wire hangers work. That's the thing about wires, if it conducts electricity, it works.

Making wires worth thousands of dollars, now that's quite the trick in my mind. :-)
"Swampwalker, just a quick point about positrons that I mentioned in my previous post. Although they do exist, they are only produced during very specific radioactive decay processes. They are not in natural abundance and would likely not be involved in the effect described."

More to the point positrons and electrons are self annihilating.

Cheers, GK
I didn't realize you had a problem with the second pair of CT-1's.
What happened?
You might want to give HFC a phone call to find out what the heck is going on with the repair. They have always been fast to answer my questions on the phone but I must admit I have never emailed them.
Tobes, I am of two minds with regard to HFCables. I have little or no training in understand the influence of magnets on ac currents in wires. I have had many conversations with Rick Schultz and have seen his efforts to explain how they work, but I still really don't understand much more than the fact that magnets encourage current flow. But why does the polarity of the magnets go north pole from the wall or source for the hot and north pole for the return at the wall with ac current in the wires?

On the other hand they work! And I know the various innovations as one goes from the original CT-1s to the Ultimate References are clear improvements. I think this is a work in progress in a world where we really don't have the science we need to explain what is going on. We need to realize that we are dealing with both particle and wave behavior mixed.

Jmcgrogan2, I am unaware that anyone here is really a shill or that HFC cables are overpriced especially given the continuing investment in experimenting with maximizing magnetic conduction and failed efforts. I have compared these cables with more expensive and less expensive cables and continually found the HFCs superior, especially the Ultimate References.

What I really don't understand why anyone thinks they have value as scam police. People will spend their money on what they like. That is their right and not someone else's right to criticize them and their exchange with others with such enthusiasm. You are no one to be saying others here are disrespectful and unethical.
Post removed 
Long time lurker first time poster and as this thread is so entertaining I cant resist posting my thoughts although in hindsight they will probably be shot to pieces. I'm from NZ so I can't possibly have any connections to dealers or manufacturers. I currently have a full loom of HFC cables having rather cautiously agreed to buy a pair of enhanced speaker cables from overseas a year ago. Before the cables were sent the dealer offered me a pair of used ultimates at a very favourable price. So my first piece was a 2.5m ultimate speaker cables that were well run in. To say I was impressed is the understatement of the year and what I originally thought was a highly risky and impulsive buy soon turned into an absolute bargain in terms of the dollars I've spent on speakers and equipment upgrades. 3 ultimate interconnects soon followed. Today I received my ultimate reference speaker cables and 1 pair of ur interconnects which I've had in the system for the last 5 hours. Again my partner and I have been amazed at the improvement straight out of the box and which will I'm sure improve during the running in. They may be expensive but they have done wonders for my hiend setup.
Ddraudt, for my part I didn't mean to convey negativity (not sure if CalvinJ is taking aim at me?) - I'm genuinely interested in the principles at work here. Hopefully if there is some 'breakthrough' involved with the HF cables, there will be a way of producing a trickle down version at lower cost. Cheers.

PS - I wanted to let this one go:

01-14-15: Csmgolf........
As to the statement about electrons of opposite polarity, they do exist and are called positrons. Same mass as an electron but with a positive charge, so the statement is conceivable at least in that regard.......[/quote]

But I seriously doubt Rick Schultz is proposing positrons are being produced (nor that there would be any benefit in doing so): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positron
Swampwalker, just a quick point about positrons that I mentioned in my previous post. Although they do exist, they are only produced during very specific radioactive decay processes. They are not in natural abundance and would likely not be involved in the effect described.

DD, you could stop the banter if you would just answer the simple question you have been asked multiple times on this thread. Do you sell or have any other financial interest in HF cables? You have never answered and it is a very simple question. Yes or no? If you do not answer or divert the question yet again, everyone will have the answer they have been looking for. That is not trolling, it is looking for transparency and integrity, something that appears to be in short supply here.

I am glad for calvin, tbg, etc. that they have found what you are looking for with these cables. I will get to try a pair in my system, hopefully soon. As I said before, I will post my impressions at that time.
Tobes, sorry, I was trying to help but I seemed to stir up a nest of trolls!
You know... I could be wrong... one possibility.
Is it possible some haven't delved into CURRENT theory deeply enough.
History is festoon with humanities hate and fear of the unknown So you are all forgiven.
My system sings more sweetly so I care little about "Clowns on a Thread"
Spoiler alert!, this thread is read by 10 people. Hahaha!!
I LOVE High Fidelity Cables and my knowledge and experience has me excited about the sound. Others like myself share here. We just step over "unhelpful"piles in our path to elation.
Sorry Kids!! The Music is ON and I got to GO!
Swampwater, you dear silly fool, you MUST LISTEN to them to know how they SOUND.
@everyone. I will give you an example of grudges and how people hold on to things. I sold my LSA statement to cmsgolf. I had a better one than he had. I later decided I might want one again. I almost bought his old one and decided not to. Guess he never let it go. If you say something about a friend of theirs they take it personal. This exactly what I'm talking about. This has turned into I don't like you so I will post something negative. It has nothing to do with how something sounds. I don't care about some guy who I've never met challeging my ethics. There were certain things that I was taught growing up. There are limits to what I would comment on about another man especially about a profession that an individual has worked hard to achieve. Told me all I need to know about the person making the comments. No decency or integrity. More importantly to make those comments because of an audio product. I don't know enough about him to challenge his ethics in what he does for a living. This is where we have to be careful as audiophiles. I don't speak for all audiophiles. I can only speak for myself. It's the Internet. Some guys think there is a hierarchy on audiogon. If you been on the site for a while you get a medal. Lol. I think it's silly. If something sounds good I say it. If it doesn't I don't. I have tried or owned the entire ct1 line. I haven't just tried one. I have tried them all. Listen for yourself. My comments or anyone else shouldn't determine whether you get them or not. Find out for yourself or just like cmsgolf ask a friend you know and trust. Lol.
This forum has been extremely interesting. I love the music and I love how well my high fidelity has performed along with the rest of my gear. I just wonder how anyone would come on any forum. Not just this one. When they have no idea how something sounds nor do they care for even trying it. I have enjoyed meeting some great people on the forums and I have received great advice and observations from a number of people who post here and other places. I realized a long time ago that you are going to get certain things from certain people. The other thing is how anyone can post anything about anybody. I used to get worked up a little when somebody said I'm marketing when I post. I had to realize that junk in junk out. Why would I expect anyone who came on to thread that had nothing to add on a product to actually have something worthwhile to say. I'm not pointing to anyone directly but it's just an observation. I'm thankful that I found the perfect product for my musical enjoyment. I just encourage other audiophiles to consider the source of negativity when individuals don't have any audio evaluations to speak of. We all need to listen for ourselves and not let folks with personal grudges or other motives to affect our decisions on what we choose to listen to. Personally, does it sound good? What does it sound like? What do you like or don't like? Does it make you happy? Has the posting person heard the product? Does the person envy those who can purchase it? Does a person view sound the way you do? Does the poster have similar tastes? How often do you see negative posts about the actual sound of the product? How many different people post that like the product? How enthusiastic about a product are they? Are they posting about the product or are they posting because they don't like a person who likes the product? I think most audiophiles are mature and have been out of high school for a while now. I love the music. Does it make your music sound good? Grudges and attacks are just sapping all the fun out of something that we audiophiles love. Enjoy everyone and answer the question for yourself that I posed tonight.
01-14-15: Ddraudt
.......Part of the scientific explanation would include quantum spin dipole movement of electrons plus electromagnetic theory at the atomic level.
I imagine peoples eyes glazing over at this point....
An excerpt of the simpler explination is repeated below..
"Scientific research has now confirmed that electrons
interact like common bar magnets. In effect, electrons
are attracted to other electrons of opposite polarity in
the same way that magnets are....

This doesn't really help me Ddraudt. Like Swampwater states above, electrons have a defined negative electric charge (which is a fundamental constant). Perhaps something has been misinterpreted by the ad-copy writer?
Or perhaps the manufacturer doesn't know why or how they work - ie he's discovered the effect empirically? Which would be ok, I guess, and probably better than coming up with a pseudo science explanation.

Anyway, as long as you are happy with the sound/$ equation I suppose that's all that matters. Far too spendy for me:) Happy listening.
Swampwalker, seems the cat is out of the bag on DD, doesn't it? It is amazing what has happened to this site over the last couple of years. It has long been the practice, if not policy here, for persons with a financial interest in a product to disclose that relationship when they make posts promoting that product. It is called being ethical, and it seems some of the newer members are having trouble understanding this. One of those having trouble understanding why some of the long term members have a hard spot with this unethical behavior is a lawyer. He seems to be taking it as a personal attack on him. WTH? JMcgrogan has stated openly several times that he has OWNED the CT-1s and found them very good but not game changers. It is amazing how many times he has been accused of having never heard them and belittled by the psychofants AFTER he stated several times that he had owned them.

As to the statement about electrons of opposite polarity, they do exist and are called positrons. Same mass as an electron but with a positive charge, so the statement is conceivable at least in that regard. Beyond that, I don't know.

I have no reason to doubt the sound quality of these cables, as two people that I know and trust have commented extremely positively on this thread. One has offered to bring a pair of his CT 1s over once I have the rest of my system settled in. I have heard his system a couple of times before he got the HF cables and was very impressed. He has told me on the phone how good they are, and I believe him. I look forward to hearing them and will report back my thoughts on them after I listen.
I'd like to add that if one goes to the High Fidelity Cables website to the "NEWS" section there is a link to Audiogon news letter that has a short, film/ad about how they work. The pamphlet will go further.
Mapman, High Fidelity Cables magnetic conduction cables sound improvements are a major difference!! Big Difference! Huge Difference!! and there are reasons why. Thanks!!
As for you're-quote of my re-quote, I was re-quoting words from HFC. well, the part of my post that was in quotes at least. So,,, I don't think my re-quote was a mis-quote.
My system is sounding uber fantastic!!
"Enjoy the Music"!! D
Well, well, well. Ddr has access to literature from HF Cables that is "not out yet". Does that give you any more information about his relationship to the manufacturer? I will agree w him on one point. The "simpler explanation" is decidedly non-scientific (as in not scientifically valid or outside the realm of accepted science) when it starts talking about electrons being attracted to electrons of opposite polarity. As far as I know, electrons have only one "polarity"; which by convention is defined arbitrarily as negative because their charge is the opposite of protons which are arbitrarily assigned a positive charge.

None of this has anything to do with how the bloody things sound but I prefer to deal w people who don't try to baffle me w bull$hit.
Here's what a google search on high fidelity cables turns up on the technology from the vendor's website.

The accounting DD cites would seem to have some discrepancies, for example the website mentions exposing the wire to magnetic fields as part of the manufacturing process and there being magnets in the connectors, but nothing about magnets at strategic intervals inside the ICs.

"Inside our
interconnects, we strategically place a series of
magnets of varying sizes and strengths, placed
around a solid core metal conductor at strategic
intervals in a north-south/north-south configuration."

SO I'm not sure where DD gets his info or if he is even relating it correctly, but that would seem to be a major difference.
Tobes, Good question! You are right that the patent info is more of a concept explanation. I just read a new pamphlet about High Fidelity NON Cables with better insight explained more simply. (With images) Should be out soon.
Part of the scientific explanation would include quantum spin dipole movement of electrons plus electromagnetic theory at the atomic level.
I imagine peoples eyes glazing over at this point....
An excerpt of the simpler explination is repeated below..
"Scientific research has now confirmed that electrons
interact like common bar magnets. In effect, electrons
are attracted to other electrons of opposite polarity in
the same way that magnets are. Inside our
interconnects, we strategically place a series of
magnets of varying sizes and strengths, placed
around a solid core metal conductor at strategic
intervals in a north-south/north-south configuration.
The free electrons in the audio signal are so
powerfully attracted to the guiding forces of our
magnetic array that they have no choice but to be
pulled along the extreme center
of the conductor directly to their destination.
The strong
magnetic pathway generated by our neodymium
magnets, subject to the Lorentz Force law of
electromagnetism, will directionally align, lock onto
and accelerate electrons in a preferred linear path
following the densest and strongest magnetic field
path centered within the CORE of our connectors.
In laymen’s terms, the electrical current is pulled
through with such force that the electrons are unable
to break free from the magnetic pathway created by
our design.
As a result, the noise and distortion of EMI (RFI, conductive impedance, skin effect, capacitance, ect.)
are simply overpowered by the magnetic conductance
technology used within our products."
Keep on the lookout for this pamphlet!
I hope that helps! Feel free to contact me for further scientific explanation or other answers to your questions.
Feel Free to enjoy the music!! D
01-11-15: Ddraudt.......Magnetic conduction pushes and pulls the electrons along AND tightens the electron flow toward the center of the conductor.

How? This may be beyond the scope of this discussion, but can anyone with a scientific bent explain what is happening in these cables. I had a look at the patent but it appears to just discuss the method (in broad terms) with no explanation as to what might actually be happening.
I agree, uncanny realism that is impossible to capture in words. How can High Fidelity Cables do what other cables cannot? Simple, THEY ARE NOT CABLES!! They are a different device with a different method than other cables. Electrical conduction cables, no matter how simple or complicated, no matter how expensive, all allow electrons to pass. Magnetic conduction pushes and pulls the electrons along AND tightens the electron flow toward the center of the conductor. Most here could imagine the benefits of this electron "help", but the sound created by magnetic conduction is something only hearing will divulge. To Quote Tbg, "Shockingly Superior"!!!
@lak. The more I moved up the chain the better it got I agree. The high fidelity ultimates have been the sweet spot for me. The music is real. The timing and space is flat out special. The realism is the key. Just sounds live.
Lak, I certainly agree that each of the four levels of HFC is better than the previous level, but I do vividly recall putting the original CT-1s in and being shocked by the speed and high end of these cables. They were a totally new sounding cable.
I have to admit that the HFC do something that gives the music that extra boost of realism, but as I have stated before I had to move higher up the line to hear that. I seem to hear more definition, detail, space and speed.
Just my opinion...
I have just returned from the Consumers Electronics Show. I heard little realism there. I heard good sound reproduction with some of it not sounding as directly out of the speakers and with some presenting a big sound stage. But not one gave the realism that I heard last night listening to my system!

I cannot say that the HFC cables or my Ultimate Reference level of those cables is totally responsible for what I hear, but certainly can say that they are an essential part. I have recently removed all of them and lost the realism. I have also removed the Tripoint Troy Signature and the new Thor SE grounding cable and lost the realism. But removing all the isolation or removing all the components and substituting others was more than I was will to do.

There were no HFCables at CES, that I saw.
I've found the High Fidelity cables open another window into the artist's connection to the music. One of my favorite artists is Lyle Lovett... and one of my favorite songs is his version of West Texas Highway from his album Step Inside This House. The last verse of that song reads "But I'm still wishing... To this very day... That he had my cloths... And my big Chevrolet... And it was me going to Haskell... With a women down in Abilene".

With the High Fidelity cables, when Lyle almost out of breath Lyle says "With a women down in Abilene", I get the sense that he'd actually trade it all to be that person "With a women down in Abilene".
good question and answer guys, Friend and I were listening to High Fidelity Cables in our systems and commenting that there seems to be stuff going on the is not within audio terms. Some sense of joy and a rightness to the world that we had not experienced without HF cables. A level of intimacy not possible before HFC. A total lack of added tone or coloration and a noise floor of less than zero that allow subtle clues like airspace and shape to be added to the texture of the performance. Yes the pace and speed are no longer effected by the many negative issues of electrical conduction so HF are closer to perfection. The awesome rightness of the sound causes me to let hours drift away in blissful musical flight.
So, pretty good then... D
Calvinj, I have an ambiguous answer to your question. There is no doubt that these cables result in music that is much faster, more dynamic, and easier to hear details such as finger plucks on guitars, voices, drums, hi-hats, etc. However, when my system warms up after a few minutes, music sounds so much more real and time seems to slow down. I find myself mesmerized by music, even when listening to crappy recordings, of which I listen frequently. I am not thrilled by great sound and lousy performances like that found on many "audiophile" recordings. Dunno if I answered your question but there it is.
@raks@rlawry@ddraudt@jazzonthehudson@lak. Do you guys find that the music moves faster with the high fidelity in the equation. They seemed to be quicker. I went to friends and got a power cable and substituted it in for a while and the music lost prat. What are your experiences.
Great sharing- Thanks fellows. I'd like to hint that there is much to be gained
with positioning and treatment of the waveguides. Especially the speaker cable with waveguides. If your into that tweaking thing. Each of my HF UR SC waveguides has a 15-17 piece system of vibration transfer, isolation, and damping, as well as shielding from RF/IF. (Tweaking is a longtime hobby of mine). My experience tells me that a happy waveguide is isolated from floor and airborne vibrations, static electricity, It's own vibrations, magnetic and radio frequency interference. With breathtaking results..BREATHTAKING!!!
I've been listening to beautiful music all day! ;-) D
+2 Rlawry: spot on description! I started with the CT1 IC which was, as also described in my systems page, a no brainer upgrade from my NordOst Valhalla IC and I have been somewhat hooked to HFC since then with upgrades, now having a full loom CT1-U and that is where my addiction stops.

For years I have tried "giant-killers" but all of them that I have tried (in my systems) have some kind of deficiency. Even less affordable ones like NordOst is far from balanced: as we know, their Valhallas are very fast and detailed but lacking upper bass and certainly sounding (too) lean if you have a bunch of them (again, YMMV). So I was very skeptical before going back to the full loom (had HiDiamond D8 SC before), the CT1U SC are still burning in so no final verdict.

I would say the IC and digital cable are the most obvious upgrades.

On the other hand I agree that there should be a sound relationship of the values of cabling and other components (indeed, I regard cables for a while as components because they act like one and (improve) sound like one).
@rlawry. I agree with you on the body and weight coming back after they are left in and they are played for a while. I'm listening to an amazing album that a buddy of mine turned me on to called "The Artistry". It is an absolute must if you like quartet jazz. It is smooth but lively at the same time. The musical arrangements and the segways in the songs are on point. They slow down and speed up all in a unique transition that is just intoxicating,natural and effortless. Enjoy.
@lak. I feel the same way you do. I was on the cable merry go round for about 4 years straight. I have have stayed with high fidelity longer than any others. I don't see myself changing that part of my system. I'm listening to a quartet as I'm writing this. The speed, space and the decay of these cymbals are blowing my mind. The natural openness is great because I used to associate open with being bright but this is not the case with the high fidelity ultimates. It's moving from instrument to instrument in an effortless way. Right now all four guys are playing and you hear all of them in proper space, timing and decay. Even when the musicians emphasize a particular note. It stands out starts and stops just right.
@raks I haven't had the Nordost Tyr speaker cables but I have owned the Nordost Tyr interconnects and I changed from them into a high fidelity interconnect. I will tell you that I thought the Nordost Tyr were pretty good but when I pu the high fidelity in it sounded like a veil had been lifted. I thought the Tyr had a little deeper bass but the midrange and highs were not even close to the high fidelity ct-1. I thought both were fast but the ct1 had a quiter background with better starting and stopping. The decay on the Nordost was good but I thought the decay on the ct1 was special on cymbals. The ct1 had more of a live sound without being bright. The Nordost sounded like a very very good recording. I liked both but the ct1 was better because of the quiet backgrounds and the upper midrange and lower treble. That particular area was exceptional to me. It is where the voices are. It is where a lot of the strings and pianos are. The initial strikes of instruments a clear and impactful. The Nordost had a little more body and weight but not by much. However, the higher level high fidelity closes the gap completely. The high fidelity will give you a more live immediate sound. The other thing is to be patient doing the a & b comparisons. I used to do that like crazy and I had to get off the merry go round. Be patient sip the wine don't guzzle it like Kool Aid. Play multiple cds and different types of music to evaluate what the cable is doing and what it sounds like. Enjoy and remember. Don't talk just listen. Lol. Enjoy your music and your system.