High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

@lak. I le mine hang but it's because of the kind of rack I have and the listen space. I just try to keep them off the floor.
Lak, My digital waveguide rest on a block that is on an isolation table holding the amp. all my signal and power waveguides set on some sort of isolation from the floor and most have damping and shielding also. I'm still experiment to find the most ideal situation but it sound quite wonderful now.
Lak..good question..my 1 pair of CT-1U interconnects does hang in the air and does not touch the ground. i am sure you could use a cable elevator to support the center magnet as long as it was not metallic..
Lak, I use the Stillpoints rack which has no shelves, so for my two pairs that go to my phono stage and my dac, the 1 m. HFCs hang but they touch nothing. My 1.5 m pair to the amps have their waveguides on special foam that is used in shipping chips. Finally, my phono cables that have a DIN connector into the bottom of my Ikeda tone arm had to sit on an Accapella platform that is on my SP rack under the Koda preamp. This platform is isolated from the SP rack.

I have thought of tying cotton cable around the ends of the waveguides. I could then tie another cable to the SP rack to support the cables from the sources to the preamp. However, I have had no problems with these ics.
Lak- I'm sure that one of the HFC crew could fix you up a magnetic levitation cable support platform for another $5K.

So has anyone other than the two fanboys seen dd and calvin at the same time? The mystery continues??? Maybe we can get Geraldo Rivera to investigate?
Lak, I use the Stillpoints rack which has no shelves, so for my two pairs that go to my phono stage and my dac, the 1 m. HFCs hang but they touch nothing. My 1.5 m pair to the amps have their waveguides on special foam that is used in shipping chips. Finally, my phono cables that have a DIN connector into the bottom of my Ikeda tone arm had to sit on an Accapella platform that is on my SP rack under the Koda preamp. This platform is isolated from the SP rack.

I have thought of tying cotton cable around the ends of the waveguides. I could then tie another cable to the SP rack to support the cables from the sources to the preamp. However, I have had no problems with these ics.
Calvinj, Tbg, Colloway, Ddraudt or anyone else that owns the CT-1 UR Interconnect.
Hello all; since there is quite a bit of weight to the CT-1 UR Interconnects. I was wondering if you let the magnet in the middle if the wire hang behind your rack or if you place it on one of the rack shelves behind your component?
I might have a conflict because I might have my God son. I committed before i knew you were having a session. I will know friday.
Calvin, are you coming down on Saturday? If so, you will need my address.
Mapman, I often asked last Saturday whether Calvin was there. I cannot say for sure that one of those there plays Calvin, but I sincerely doubt that Calvin and Dave are the same. I hope you didn't place a bet that they were the same person.
Marqmike..probably a good idea to 'go to another thread'…these cables probably couldn't help your system...
I guess I got caught up in the hysteria. Boy it is easy to get excited and loose equilibrium. So what are the facts, just the fax man, nothing more. I guess I will have to go to another thread for that.

Your logic is impeccable!

Remember though that logic is fairly useless without the facts.

Once you have the facts, a little logic can go a long way.
I think, if I understand Mapman correctly, next time I start making a change I should start with the cables first and work out from there. Spend more on my cables. And I agree with him if understand all the comments on this thread are correct, that I will be living in hi fi heavenly paradise with just one HF cable. As if right next to the 'one' himself. Then if that is how it turns out I just may look for some passive components like a passive amp and such to make my cables shine even more. Keep the comments flowing baby.
I have no complaints with High Fidelity Products or their effects on my system. Quire the opposite, HF magnetic conduction stuff is amazing.
It's too good to resist and I want more, but this is a personal issue of mine.
I love the stuff!!!
And yes, my equipment isn't anywhere near as super fancy as Tbg's amazing setup and my system is limiting the HF cables peak performance. HF Cables lifted my system up many many levels.
Our systems are extremely different. Even if I had $200,000 to help catch up, I would go in a different direction. Tbg does have many expensive items I'd love to have but can't afford. Would not want his whole system though. WE do what we can. I do have many new components coming and already have one of the best systems I've ever heard. I wonder where will be a year from now?
The music is on and I'm enjoying it. That is what's important. D
It might not. If its as good as DD describes, it could be the rest of the system that is the bottleneck.
DD, who has more HF products invested in their system, you or TBG?

From what I read here, that alone will be the determining factor on which sounds best. :^)
Dd becomes the star child.....this weekend....be there,

Segue way to also sprach Zarathustra.........

Ddraudt, given what you've said, you might want to worry about this Saturday.
Couldn't resist! I just sent money for another URR power cord. After hearing the wonder of a 3rd High Fidelity URR in my system last Saturday, I must have another!! I did not heed my own cautions about the danger of listening to another HF power cord. OH well!?! The sound, the miraculous, awe inspiring Sound... Totally pulls me out of my listening room into virtual venues
where the performances are really jamming' and all the fans are thrilled to be in attendance. ( including me). Undeniably Otherworldly!!! Something you would HAVE TO HEAR to believe.
Come on over!! ;-) D
Calvinj, you are welcome to come down this weekend to join the gang to hear my system. You can get my email on StereoTimes webpage or call Rick or Dave from here.
Thanks for all the answers. The ones I have have gold-plated connectors. Just confirming as I was surprised to find "CT-1" written on CT-1E cables. They are bought from the authorized dealer so they should be correct.
I believe the regular CT-1 interconnects have silver-colored female connectors and the enhanced versions have gold-plated female connectors. You can see them on the HFC website. Other than that, the other differences are internal.
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Kzhtoo, I think it is very difficult as for the ics, only the cable was changed. For the speaker wires, however, the Enhanced have wave guide near the center of the cables.

I would suggest calling HFC.
How do you distinguish between CT-1 and CT1-E interconnects? I just received CT1-E IC and digital cable, but it says CT-1 on these cables. Thanks.
@sammons. Do what you can to make it work if possible with in the rules where you live. The more you have in the more it improves.
Sammons, so you can or cannot use the HFC Waveguide power center with US outlets for ac out? Today I heard the Waveguide used with another brand of pc into it and HFC pcs out. And it worked quite well.
Sammons, I understand why you would want to stay all magnetic with the High Fidelity, but if you need a cable to muddle through with, I would recommend the Elrod Statement Gold to the conditioner before switching to High Fidelity. Nice.
Big visit with URR power cords. Today was my turn to have audio friends in from out of town to hear and play with my system. 3 people came and brought many audio toys. Some toys were trade offs as is the case with many products but no trade offs with High Fidelity Magnetic items. Two friends brought HF URR power cords so we added a 3rd to my system.
Wow! so much more venue information, deeper, wider sound stage, more effortlessness, note sustain, cleaner more musical, more shape, air, dynamics, listening enjoyment. I already had those attributes with 2 URR's and an HF UR WGPC filter but the third was another HUGE jump. We marveled at the sound, amazing! Truly Amazing!!
Then we put a 4th URR in, Wow again as another HUGE performance upgrade was revealed as we were engulfed in the soundstage with impossibly wonderful realism. Sheer JOY!!
One HF power cord is amazing! The more you add, the more amazing it gets.
Warning do not listen if you can't buy them, Hearing them will change your life and You will never again be truly happy without them. ;-) D
Sammons, sorry it's such a mess to get HF power there in NZ. From what you were saying, it is difficult but not impossible. Good luck and enjoy the music!! D
Sorry ddraudt and tbg. It's not that easy. In nz we are not allowed to use non nz plugs into the walls as it would negate our home insurance in the event of a fire. Of course tourists etc can use adapters but this isn't a choice in a domestic dwelling for use in the long term. So in exploring the options to get round this crazy rule, we came up with using a nz terminated cable from wall to power conditioner and then either us or schuko terminated cables between the conditioner and components. This would get round this but hardly an ideal situation. I'm reporting this third hand of course. Other crazy rules are that we are not to advertise for sale any components that are not 230v. Bit of a bugger that as I have just sold 2 japanese voltage turntables through audiogon rather than our homegrown audio website as they pulled off my 2 auctions as soon as I mentioned 100v and step down transformers. Anyway I will get there somehow but first the dac upgrade
Sammons, I don't think an adapter would defeat the magnetic process.
I have used my HF power cords to a non magnetic junction box and out of that junction box with non Magnetic power cables to components with wonderful results!!
I would not recommend extra connections for signal cables, however, the power parts are less effected by such things.
I would recommend, if you can't get NZ blades... get an adaptor, clean it well and add contact enhancer like "Stabilant 22". You component inlets could be replaced with US inlets also.
Like Tbg, I'm fortunate to have the High Fidelity UR power filter with a HF URR power cord plugged into it. Beyond Breathtaking! I have a HF URR pc out of my HF power filter to non magnetic distribution.
I hope to try a 3rd URR this week. Cheers D
Sammons, does this mean that Rick has said you can use any cable from the wall to the Waveguide? If so, I humbly disagree. I have tried three different cables, some of which were quite expennsive, to the HFC Waveguide and the HFC URR is quite superior. Since I have never opened the wall plug on my HFC cords, I really don't know whether the NZ plug can be easily substituted.

If not, I would think a US blades to NZ blades would be better than a total power cord.
@Ddraudt - problem is I cant just get one power cord as they are US/ Schuko plugs both of which are not suitable in NZ outlets without a adaptor which to me would defeat the object . The best solution is to get the conditioner first up and then get the power cords so that in itself is a rather large financial commitment. My local dealer and Rick have been talking about this a while ago on my behalf. Rick has confirmed that there is no downside to having a NZ terminated cable to the conditioner as all the magic happens from the conditioner onwards.
Sammons, on HFC power, I think if you were to try just one power cord you would understand the many positive effects of magnetic power. That should help you two make an informed choice. Glad you are enjoying your music. D
@Calvinj yes the soulution is superb. I should probably upgrade to the HFC power first but I just can't quite get over the cost of 4 cables plus conditioner even though I know it would be a fantastic improvement. I guess if I could try it out in my own system then it would make the investment easier however I can't so it's another leap of faith.
@sammons. Great set up. I've heard that soulutions 540 player. It's great. I'm happy with my resonessence. I've really enjoy it. I remember when I was avoiding dacs. Now all the CD players have them and if you set a standalone dac up in the right situation you can have all the music you ever wanted at the tip of your fingers with great sound quality. I used to fight it. I don't anymore.
"my consciousness, emotion and spirit were transported from this room to music venues emanating from out of time and space"

Then he heard the cost and his bank account was transported as well. :^)
Another guest last night listened to the effects of my fully High Fidelity ladened system. His description," an out of body experience", "my consciousness, emotion and spirit were transported from this room to music venues emanating from out of time and space". "Not only is the performance uncanny, I get a better understanding of the recording process and can realize more of the artists effort, intentions and emotion." It's more like "being there" than I ever could have imagined...
Good to hear that HFC coustomer service is standing behind their products.
They have always answered my questions etc. and provided a wealth of information.
I'm using the internal dac of a Soulution 540 CD player at the moment. I've just sold my analog setup so looking to go for a top quality dac shortly ( possibly a Vivaldi or if funds allow a trinity dac). I'm using an antipodes DX server and he recommended the resonnence dac as one of the best he had heard.
@sammons. What DAC do you have. I have the Resonessence Mirus. Sounds good with my ultimate power cable.
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