High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Audiolabyrinth, yes, I would love to hear Audiocrack's response were he to hear his system with HighFidelity cables.
Yes the Tripoint Emperor is sure to be amazing!! I was wrong about the guess on price it is actually $70,000. and a 6 month waiting period. Order yours today!! The Signature is $14000, Signature SE $21500 right now
(April price increase). I've heard these Tripoints do amazing things.
It's fun to look at the systems of folks who could afford the Emperor.
Million dollar systems it may be actual Emperors. The reviews I read have Glowing reports of amazement. I was told that the Tripoint systems sound better if you plug it into a High Fidelity UR magnetic power conditioner ($16,900) and even better adding Tripoints' best grounding cables ($5k to $10K each depending on length). Interesting. D - I want some!
"a fool is a man who know the price of everything and the value of nothing" Poor Richards Almanac
When I hear my DeFrost working it has some crackling and popping would it be less noisy if it were grounded 40k like.
Himiguel, Thanks for the invite. I'd love to have Tripoint Emperor to play with. is that like a $40K grounding system?
You should have fun at Norms, he has an excellent system.
Cheers Defrost
I have heard many good things about the tripoint Emperor from audiocrack that owns the Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution cables through out his system, including the Grandmaster power cords, the emperor is a sensational grounding point for any given system!
Defraudt, come to Florida to listen to the Tripoint Emperor so you can raise the bar of what is possible. Happy Listening. On another note I will be visiting TBG next weekend to listen to his system. Excited about the visit.
Yes M, it is a shame that expensive systems can fall short because of not having High Fidelity products to be sure!! I do my best to let people know what they are missing but each to his own. I love music to be as real as possible, and when it is I enjoy it even more.
It's a Hobby! My direction takes a lot of time and money but gives many rewards! Instead of saying my system is way better, I might say that I have never heard a system that sounds closer to what I'm going for in my quest of audio perfection. Since perfection is an absolute and unattainable... There will always be something to improve upon. Since audio perfection is largely a matter of taste, and opinions vary, my perfection is my own opinion and others opinions are theirs. still, my toys are better than your toys. (joke) ;-) D
Hopefully it will not offend anyone if from now on I refer to Geofkait as "Jesus of Tweaks". "CD tweaks" at a minimum.

Unfortunately many of the zealots are turning to computer audio and ripping these days so there is need for a new messiah there I think. :^)
I have my own cd topper that is like a giant flattened bottle cap that also covers the edges of the disc. The inside is painted green and the out side is painted black and then a coating of AVM. Can't live without it. Nice to listen to different colors and finishes. Same with the surface finish on a wall..you can hear the difference in the same color if it's flat, eggshell, satin or gloss. Same goes for speakers and acoustic treatments.
Tbg, that's weird. I have a friend in CA who reports good results, no, the necessity of treating CDs prior to ripping. He also has the edge beveler, colors the CD, Marigo mat, along with a lot of other things as well as tweaks the bejeezus out of the ripper and the Hard Drive. This is looking like it might be a controversial subject. Lol
Geoffkait, as you know I've have been down the path to virtually every tweak as I think I must have been one of the first the try your Teleport tweak.

Now with my dependence on a music server and playing double DSD for everything from cd ripped to it to double DSD recorded music. I use a special TEAC optical reader to bridge the act of ripping. I can say several things about what I observe using this reader.

First is that my FIM cd mat doesn't work on the TEAC. The transport accelerates so fast that the mat loses it contact with the cd. Second although I have an AudioDesk cd trimmer and had found that trimming on both sides is better than on one side, and that painting the edge with either green or black worked, all of this is lost when I am ripping to the hard drive. I also own a Nespa light treatment that also had a effect when I used cd players, but not with a music server. I will also note that the ESata cables from the transport to the raid drive great affect the information on the hard drive and from it to the dac.
Ddraudt - thanks for comments. I've been using tweaks on CD since Christ was a Lieutenant. Among the ones currently in use are Essence of Music (surprise! Lol), Super Intelligent chip, Walker Talisman degausser, Dark Matter invisible infrared light absorber (recall most of the scattered laser light is in the infrared region), Cream Electret from the Belts, my Particle Accelerator Tourmaline Gun ionizer for CDs and cables and last but not least CD coloring kit that uses turquoise green for outer edge, black for inner edge only (black usually degrades the sound used anywhere else) and Multi Colored dots of color on the data side near the spindle hole.
Shame to think of all those really good really expensive high end systems that according to the will never reach their full potential without magnetic conduction. There is always something better, no matter what one has.

Its the audiophile curse. Like vampires are cursed to crave blood, audiophiles may be cursed to always make their system better. As opposed to music lovers that are probably more likely to be satisfied at some point.

Its a tough job but somebodies got to do it. :^)
Geoffkait, CD treatments. I've played with many CD cleaners over the years
moving on to better and better results. The best one IMHO is Essence of Music used in a 3 step cleaning procedure. Amazing inner detail.
For demagnification I've found the (now out of production) HIFI tuning damage unit with 4 times the demag capabilities of other devices. Many steps closer to real. (available from china now but 220V)
The best CD mat I find is the Marigo Audio Labs "Ultima Signature Mat"
Layers of additional information. I use a Sharpie Black paint pen to darken the edges and the center edge of the disc to reduce noise from laser light bounce inside the CD. much quieter cleaner sound.
Most of my CD's have edge cut at angles to reduce internal reflection but the newer ones have not been done yet.
With the advent of Ricks Magnetic items from High Fidelity gear I have so much more realistic and micro detailed music that test become much easier to hear. I know from experience that some of the tweaks I use will not show improvement in basic systems ( under $10K ) but have immediate and profound effects on $25K and up systems. So not for everybody.
Travbrow, You ask, "Wouldn't it be a shame to get caught up in the cable game thinking its so important from reading hyperbole on the net and neglect the things that matter more?" One would alway be a fool to pay much attention to what others, who you don't know, have to say.

You also suggest that a "top quality integrate amp" would be best. Of course, but one of this quality is hard to fine. Also in all probability none can rival the best line stage with the best amps.

All that I can advise you is to avoid listening to the HFCables and power cords.

Anyone who does optimize their speakers and who expects much will always be dissatisfied. I have at last found a room treatment that really works. This is after trying probably 20 different ones. I have also owned 27 different speaker systems.
I am pleased with the results from my budget cables, such as VHAudio Pulsar and DIY silver etc. I like to focus on speaker setup, room treatments and bass calibration to improve sound quality.

Wouldn't it be a shame to get caught up in the cable game thinking its so important from reading hyperbole on the net and neglect the things that matter more?

Another thing that makes me wonder. If cables are so important and can have such big affect on sound quality, wouldn't a top quality integrated amp based system be the way to go? Since, according to some, they can mess up the sound so much. I mean no cable is better than the best cable right?
"Because they are so diffuse in their sound presentation, I am not surprised that you can't tell much difference much finer distinctions that quality cabling brings."

That's not what I meant. I can tell a difference in most cases. In some cases the differences are more marginal. I hear the differences with all my speakers including OHM.

The more recent OHM Walshes within the last 15 years or so are the ones that have best imaging and soundstage. Gen 1 from the 80s were more diffuse as you describe. They are not as sensitive to placement as many but careful placement does make a difference. As does everything upstream if things are working as they should.
Keithtexas, I get nowhere with any of your websites. But it is not important.
Tbg - tried to post this earlier.

Don't know where you looked, but this is right from the mad scientist website.

www dot madscientist-audio.com/presta/diy-parts-and-kits/6-kegs-regular dot html

Neo stands for neodymium [magnet]
Ddraudt, I spent some time today looking for information about Kiethtexas' Mad Scientist cables and found nothing about magnets. I have known of others who say that they have experimented with magnets but all are minimal efforts relative to what HFC is doing.

On new stuff from HFC, yes I'm anxious to hear to new cheaper power cord.
Four treatments for discs? That's very interesting as I'm big into CD tweaks. Share, share!
I have a belief that no components sound it's best without tweaking. In 35 years of testing, I've never heard any component or cable that could not be improved upon. In most cases, I have gotten a 50% improvement at least in the finer, more intimate details plus big jumps in dynamics and lifelike sound. I have 4 different treatments to discs. each improves the sound dramatically and gives me an advantage over folks not improving their discs.
At this point the involvement in the music is way way beyond listening to a fantastic audio system. It can't be explained because people cannot imagine a sound much grander then they've ever experienced.
Thanks for saying something nice about my system.
Although we have different taste in music and audio I think you system is very nice also. I'm sure we both like our own systems better but both are
A cut above. Did more prototype work on new speakers today. Talked to Rick about new tests on HF products. Many other audio items in the works.
Kiethtexas, HELLO!, I have some of the kegs by Mad Scientist, several iterations.
They do have magnets in them. I got a bag of his products to try but did not find them to improve my system. I can readily imagine these devices helping on some level of system. but at the highest levels (which many of you have not heard) ;-) Other devices are needed.
A great cable will not make a poor or average system sound that much better.The right, great cable, can make a great system sound spectacular.Certainly the HF cables are in a hand full of what can be called 'great' and do, in most instances,make a significant improvement in the sound of any great system. Cables can certainly be as important to the overall sound as any other component.I certainly would not put a $5000 cable on a $3000 system, however, as it probably won't help all that much,which may apply to some of the 'cables don't make any difference' followers of this and other cable forums.
Travbrow, all I can say is that you are wrong about the impact of cables and David's system improvement. I was there when we put an addition HFC URR power cable in and heard an improvement that caused me to buy another one for myself. I also heard his system for quite some time prior to installing that new pc. It was not as dynamic as mine, but nevertheless, it was quite good sounding, especially considering that he had borrowed amp and speakers.

You are whistling into the wind if you say that cables cannot be as important as other components, and I am talking about power cords as well as ics and sws.
Mapman, I have liked some Ohm models in the past (original models with non-plastic drivers), but anything within the past 10-15 years is boooooring. They can be made to soundstage well, but they are a one trick pony.

Because they are so diffuse in their sound presentation, I am not surprised that you can't tell much difference much finer distinctions that quality cabling brings.
Tbg -

Not sure where you looked, but Neo stands for neodymium [magnets].

I find my system almost always sounds different, sometimes for the better when I change most any wire. Some changes more so than others. But its only a fine tuning/tweak compared to getting all the rest right. So I would say it can and often does matter but can only help out to a limited extent if the rest not right. It can be important but not as important as the rest. YMMV. Plus any change can only be judged compared to what came before it. So not all changes are created equal. many wires might sound more similar than different. A lot often has to do with gauge, materials used to some extent, and noise shielding characteristics, assuming everything is hooked up well/properly in all cases. Then there is magnetic conduction which is clearly a totally different beast.
Travbrow, all I can say is that you are wrong about the impact of cables and David's system improvement. I was there when we put an addition HFC URR power cable in and heard an improvement that caused me to buy another one for myself. I also heard his system for quite some time prior to installing that new pc. It was not as dynamic as mine, but nevertheless, it was quite good sounding, especially considering that he had borrowed amp and speakers.

You are whistling into the wind if you say that cables cannot be as important as other components, and I am talking about power cords as well as ics and sws.
Keithtexas, I spent some time on Google gathering information on the Mad Scientist stuff. I saw no mention of magnets anywhere. It maybe that their filter use magnets, but they say nothing to suggest they do.
I like how each time he adds another cable he claims more massive "sound quality" gains. Even after his system was already sounding so unbelievably mind blowing, blah blah blah or whatever Complete over the top BS.

You really need to know cables can't make that much difference and are the least important thing to worry with and waste money on. Most experienced audiophiles figured that out.
Might have been discussed earlier in the thread, but do the HFC cables use magnetic conduction similar to the neodymium 'kegs' on the Mad Scientist Neo cords?
Your hearing is only as good as the best system you've ever heard. Old audiophile expression.
"Mapman, pictures don't make sounds."

Really? Can't argue that one for sure!

Tbg, you must be DDs guardian angel.

I really don't doubt DD has a nice setup. Just making a point. Brag on DD. LEt us know when it stops sounding better every day. Then we can all plan a trip to come hear the holy grail of all customized home audio systems. But it would be a haul for me to Texas were I invited so I'd rather do it just once and know I am not missing out on anything more.

TBG, by the way I noticed you posted a system recently. I do like it. I have no doubt it sounds really good as well.
"In the past 2 years, mind-blowing improvements have been a regular occurrence here at Tweak Central.
Two months ago a regular listener (and audiophile) said my system was the best it's ever been. Since then I've made at least half dozen large improvements. It sounds better this week than last and I have some big improvements planned for this week and next. (and next month, and during the summer and next fall)......"

Great. Of course , we see none of any of this to support your bragging rights so you could have a 90s vintage JVC boombox with some magnets stuck to it for all we know.

A posted system with pics and supporting info would be useful. Then at least we know there is something more to what you say than a bunch of hot air. Otherwise, that's basically all I can discern from it.
Ok, alway sounded good makes sense to me. 35 years ago I had a system that sounded very good, Modded Conrad Johnson "Premier One" with new caps and tube sockets.. VPI turntable with air bering arm and Koetsu cartridge. Next I built a system for a friend that got audio reviewers interested in the mid 80's. both were very good compared to other systems I've heard. After a lifetime of audio researching, My system has sounded better and better. Now with Custom components and the top High Fidelity Products even the radio sounds better than most systems. ;-)
In the past 2 years, mind-blowing improvements have been a regular occurrence here at Tweak Central.
Two months ago a regular listener (and audiophile) said my system was the best it's ever been. Since then I've made at least half dozen large improvements. It sounds better this week than last and I have some big improvements planned for this week and next. (and next month, and during the summer and next fall)......
Geoffkait, I really would love it were I able to hear my ServoStatic system versus what I have now. I doubt if the Servos sound anywhere near what I have now, although at the time, with ARC Dual 75s and 51s or Paolis on the tweeters, were among the best.

I really don't know what your point is.
My point was and still is the system sounded good, but improved as I tried various products in the area of interconnects, speaker cables and power cords. HFC isn't the holy grail but in my system HFC is the best I've listened to up to now. To say my current systems did not sound good would be a ridiculous statement for me to make. In a proven room with good acoustics, experience, and the correct selected equipment, any system should sound good. I will say that the system sounds better and is more dynamic using my Plinius Reference amp then when I was using other amps in the past.
And I'm feeling just fine now.
I was not offended. If someone spends thirty or forty years and how many thousands of dollars, what, maybe $100,000, who knows? trying to improve his system, buying any number of complete systems, and find audio nirvana I'm pretty sure he should probably just admit that at least one time in his life, including perhaps recently - oh, no! Say it's isn't so - his system didn't sound all that great. It's OK to admit it. It'll make you feel better.
Geoffkait, I know what Lak is saying. I too have been in audio for a long time-since the 1960s. Each system from the first was all I could afford, and I enjoyed each. I got my first high end audio system in the early 1970s and enjoyed it greatly for over six years. I heard many other systems during the next five years including the JBL Ice Cube amp. During this time I attended CES and other shows and tried a broad range of speakers. I had Duntechs, Roger West's A1s, Linn Soundechs, Exemplar horns, Beauhorns, Avantegards, Accapellas, Altec horns, and Crowns. Each of these sounded mainly good, but all were compromises. Then realism got to be primary in my quest. Never did I think the systems sounded awful but all were deficient.
It's hard to remember what my initial system sounded like 44 years ago. There have been so many changes and improvements over the years. In those days we used zip cord for speaker wire.
I was referring to my current system and years of experience. Sorry if my comment offended you. I believe other readers understand what I was attempting to communicate.
"My system always sounded good..." Really? You mean it never sounded bad? I hate to be skeptical but I find that difficult to believe, you know, since audiophiles by and large are driven to extremes by the rather poor sound of their systems, at least initially. It's ok to admit you used to have bad sound, you know.
Rlawry, Wow!, I didn't hear about this U PC until now. It is new! I want to try one! This could be ideal for my auxiliary power cords. D
Has anyone tried the $2K CT-1 power cord shown on the HFC website? I was not aware of this cord so perhaps it is new. Anyway, it might be a good chance to try an entry-level AC cord while avoiding what was a big barrier to entry since the previous entry-level AC cord was the Ultimate model at $6900 for a 1 meter cord. Thanks.

BTW, I now have 2 Ultimate IC's, Ultimate speaker cables, and a CT-1 that I am using for phono signals. This has made a jaw-dropping improvement in space, bass, speed, dynamics, immediacy, you name it. As I mentioned before, my unusual system uses single-driver speakers and electronics with a 30 MHz bandwidth. The HF Cables seem to be a great match.
My system always sounded good, and is sounding even better with the addition of HFC. I've searched for a long time and have spend more money then I probably should have trying different interconnects, speaker cables and power cords but for me and probably many of you it's part of the hobby and journey.
Of course the better the recording (for me on a CD or LP) the better my music sounds. I just picked up this JVC XRCD24 "Ready To Go" by Philippe Saisse Acoustigue Trio (on sale). Wow, very dynamic and well recorder. Really put my system through its paces. I recommend the CD to you but preview it on the internet first to make sure its to your liking.