High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Received my MC-0.5 today and placed it initially in the open outlet ....an Oyaide R1...above where my Ct-1 is plugged into from my Lumin A1.Ther was an immediate improved focus and tightening of transients and more clearness to vocals. I then removed it and inserted it in the adjacent Oyaide XXX outlet that resides next to the R1 in the quad outlet and the further improvement was even more amazing. I have ordered another already. Really Cool!!! As an aside..I have updated my system pics for those interested..
Philipwu, I am not sure what you are asking.  I can confirm that in my system I heard a startling difference in sound.  Whether others will experience such a difference, I cannot guarantee that, obviously.  My guess is that most would hear a large improvement in sound, but you may or may not, or you might hear an improvement but think it to be not worth the money.  All I can say is that if you like the differences HFC cables make, you will love these.  And it will cost you only about $300 to find out.  If you don't like it you can almost surely sell it used on Audiogon and get much of your $300 back.  If you are completely happy with your system, great, don't buy one.

I have UR interconnects, U speaker cables, a URH power conditioner, and a URH power cord to the one piece of electronics that can use a standard 15 amp IEC cord.  I use a Furutech 20 amp power cord to feed the conditioner.  I use a high-end turntable, tubed phono stage, solid-state amp and preamp (they have a 30 MHz bandwidth), and single-driver speakers with a powered subwoofer. 

Hope this helps.
can you confirm it is a night & day difference where all audiophile would certain agree with you (when heard in your system). others may have different experience if their power line are already good before any conditioning. 
I received my MC-0.5 today and plugged it into an unused AC outlet on the dedicated AC line to my listening room in which my HFC URH power conditioner is plugged.  This conditioner powers my phono stage (with URH power cord), and my amp and preamp.  The amp and preamp use a custom round military AC connector on their power cords.

To say that using the MC-0.5 was an improvement would be a vast understatement.  I was shocked (pun intended) at the improvement using this little plug-in AC Magnetic Wave Guide, I mean SHOCKED.  I have previously stated that while each upward step on signal and AC cables has been impressive, none was more impressive than when merely adding the first CT-1 interconnect into my system.  I would now amend that statement to include the MC-0.5 as being the biggest improvements I have heard in 40 years of audio.  I was listening to a promo copy of Godley & Creme Freeze Frame LP and I have never heard my stereo sound like this.  It is always hard to explain the effects of magnetic conduction, but everything was astoundingly more vivid, immediate, dynamic, faster, and more dimensional with the music leaping from my speakers

Getting one of these in your AC system is a no-brainer.  I will probably order a couple more and see how they work on the AC outlets of the power conditioner.
hifial, I agree with jmcgrogan2 that if the MC-0.5's are plugged into any outlet in that is part of the audio power, it will work. HFC's statement "magnets make more music" is additive, so More magnets make even More music. That is why I ordered 4 of the MC-0.5's and why I have a full loom of HFC.
Yesterday afternoon and evening I sat, transfixed buy Shockingly Superior* sound that even my system previously could not do.
It's uncanny to go from Amazing to Unbelievable to Another Universe.
Cheers D
*TBG is credited with the phrase "shockingly superior". ;-)

hic, welcome and congrats on getting a MC-0.5.
I think the HFC Digital Has a greater effect than the speaker cables
unless you get top of the line SC. YMMV. Digital signal's small size requires the very best noise control and Magnetic conduction is the absolute quietest, most natural sound imaginable!
I'm Thrilled with my High Fidelity Speaker Cables and have Never heard anything better. The only way I'd sell my SC is if I could get the next level
Cheers D
I use 2 separate runs of SC to truly bi-wire my speaker.  I'm contemplating trying HFC UR SC so will be EXPENSIVE using 2 runs.  So wondering what types of jumpers or how do you guys bi-wire your speakers.
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Does anyone know if the MC-0.5 can be plugged into ANY unused outlet in the room and still have as great a benefit as if it is plugged into "half" an unused outlet or unused outlet in a distribution box that a component/s is/are plugged into?

I am new to HFC. I like to try the U or UR Digital cable between the transport and DAC. Are they as good as the HFC interconnect or speaker? Just order MC-0.5....should receive next week. 

lak, I have used isolation transformers, I also have a secondary AC panel with hydraulic/magnetic breakers in stead of the standard thermal breakers. I have worked continually on upgrading my power distribution  system and have made great strides. I have run directionalized 10AWG
wire and use Oyaide R-0 outlets with Furutech wall plate and cover on all 5 outlets. Years of testing different wire for distribution box From a friend of mine. As well as testing different boxes, outlets, inlets ect. Too many improvements to mention. I use the same attention to detail on my speakers, components, room treatment ect. The MC-0.5's brought me closer to the music than I have ever been. Much Closer!!
Excuse me if I think that anyone who doesn't get these is nutz.
;-) D

@ddraudt; thanks for the update, sounds very promising.
Most of my outlets are in use, but I have two openings.
One for my amp (that I have a UR PC on) and the other for my preamp (that I have an U PC on). So if I got my order in soon enough, maybe I'll be lucky and they will still be in stock?
All of my AC comes from my secondary AC panel and it's filtered through my 5 KVA isolation transformer therefor I have not used the MC-6 or any other device.
Wow!  Something from HFC that won't send me to debtors' prison.  I just ordered one, will be here Friday.  I will report on my findings.  Thanks for the reports.
bugredmachine, hi. I put one MC-0.5 in the wall outlet where my power distribution box is plugged to (PRO PC to distribution).
I have a second one plugged into open outlet on distribution box.
A great price for moving to a higher level of musical display and musical enjoyment.
Cheers D
MC-0.5 second listen... Wow!!
I added a second one to the system and it made another big improvement. Now I see why they sell them in sets of 1, 2 and 4.
A set of 4 MC-0.5's are only $250 each, crazy price for what they do.
I called Rick and he said that they are additive and using one in every open outlet works best. I just ordered 2 more!!
No way I want to live without them now that I've heard them.
I recommend that you "git you some"
The first run of these will run out soon, then HFC will be waiting for more parts.

I look forward reading to Calloway's experience with these.
Enjoy the music! I do! D

MC-0.5 first listen. .. Wow!
Got 2 MC-0.5's in at noon today.
By 12:25 I was thrilled!
I wasn't sure how much it would help considering my use of HFC URH and PRO power cords but this little device brought me a big step closer to real.
The HFC site describes the effect..
"The MC-0.5, once plugged into an extra outlet, delivers a dramatically cleaner, clearer music signal with better dynamics, realism and musicality. It is both more detailed as well as more relaxed-sounding at the same time. "

That is exactly what putting one 0.5 does in my system!!
to a greater degree that I would have imagined. Similar to adding another HFC power cord, this $299 wonder is, as Rick told me, "Stupid Good for the money!"
I love how much cleaner, clearer and more detailed all instruments sound.

Highest Recommendation!!
Now back to add a second MC-0.5!!!

Cheers D

@ddraudt & calloway;
Thanks guys, keep me posted.
Also, if you aren't reading the forum about SR Red fuses you might want to take a look at it.

philipwu, some interesting facts about loosing magnetism.
Older steel and Alnico magnets were worse at loosing magnetism.
HFC uses the most powerful and expensive magnets made.

1. a permanent magnet can loose 1% in 10 years, 10% in 100years.

2. The "Curie" temperature for disrupting magnetism is about 400F.

3. opposing magnetic force can weaken a magnetic field and is used in
some industries to control the amount of magnetism. Not audio.
Best not to hook them up backwards for years. ;-) D
I would be interested in hearing from anyone using the MC 0.5's.
How and where are you using them and what is your opinion of their performance?

dear all,

is there a "shelf life" for High fidelity cables? do the magnetism hold on forever without gradual deterioration? at what temperate to kill it?

doesn't its magnetic properties cause problems(EM fields) to adjacent components or cables? or cross contamination from torroidial \EI transformers?

any professional opinions would be appreciated.


So many interesting posts! Thanks!
I've heard talk of power cord amperage issues but I have never experienced any negative issues, even when running the entire system thru one HFC PC.
I have heard the Tchaik 6 has waveguides in it. I know the people involved.
As I dream of a few PRO pieces , I have ordered a couple of MC 0.5's
as I have been told the are "stupid good" for the price.
They ship today!! I'll let you know.
I was think back a few years and remember how crazy folks thought I was with my descriptions of how amazing High Fidelity Cables were. Nice to see the over the years, that more people have gone crazy.
A friend, while listening to the latest improvements to my system said.
"this sh** is real"
Enjoy the music!
I just ordered an MC-6 and a pair of the new AC adapters - MC-0.5 Magnetic Wave Guide. We'll give them a run and then go for some IC's.  Not sure how best to utilize the MC-6. Maybe I'll just bypass my whole Stealth XXX and see how it does in place of that. I also plug in all the accessories through another passive strip to the XXX that contains my computer, hard drive, and misc power supplies. Main XXX unit handles amp, pre, dac, and powered woofer sections of the Exoticas.
Yes, but the HFC MC-6 is current limited, 10A. I'll wait for Rick to release a high current version, maybe one using Furutech GTX-D outlets.
There has to be something to fill that void between $999 and $14,900 power conditioners, doesn't there?

I only use MC-6 for pre (4A fuse) and dac (2A fuse) on own dedicated 20 amp line so not a problem.   To my ear, it's reference quality.  

Where did you find the information about the use of 3 Wave Stabilizers? 
I cannot find that on his HFC MC-6 webpage

From Rick ... info sealed the deal.  Got a feeling essentially a scaled down Silver Circle TCHAIK 6.
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Depends on the power cord. Traditional power cord theory says to put your best cord on your power conditioner.
However, if you are using an HFC cord, it's best to put it on source firs

Let me rephrase. If using an HFC powercord and all your gear is on the output side of the power conditioner, where is the HFC cord best used? On the input to the whole system into the power conditioner, or one of the outputs to one of the source components?
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Anyone here heard the Silver Circle TCHAIK 6 power conditioner?
Supposedly Rick has some involvement with the design of this conditioner.

No experience with Silver Circle TCHAIK 6 but Rick said HFC MC-6 uses 3 Wave Stabilizers.  

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Best place to put a power cable? Feeding power conditioner or on the output side to a source gear like dac or pre?

Use Audio Magic Stealth XXX (the new version).

From talking to Rick, CT-1 PC can get damaged or melt if drawing too much current.  There's a safety feature in the higher end models that protect the cable but all HFC PCs have a max draw limit.

I use CT-1 PCs on my DAC.  On the pre, I prefer Shunyata Sigma Analog.  It's more dynamic, faster, bigger sound stage ... Shunyata Sigmas are excellent PCs.   It's also expensive but relatively a bargain compare to competitors.

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jmcgrogan2, yes, Merrill needs to update his web site.
He does have the Waveform listed under "Specifications" but he still has the TWL listed under "Features" so next time I speak to him I will remind him to make the change.

Very nice amp by the way. Do you know what is the max amp draw at peak output? Just curious to see if there is that much of a difference to the Veritas.

Well I agree with Rick that the CT-1E would be better it is also around double the cost so it gets to be tough when one needs two power cables like myself. Oh, for the days when I only needed one power cord on a stereo amp. LOL.

And from my limited experience with HFC there is no small improvement from CT-1 to CT-1E. At least in my system. So I understand, in a way, why he says that.

I found that the CT-1E brought more bass/definition and harmonics/body
and blacker background. Not the CT-1 was lacking the those.

I do think the one size of the cable is the limiting factor in these cables. But that the larger magnets allow the the same size cable to be used. I only mean in the way they sound NOT in the ability to handle power in the traditional sense.

A long time ago when I first spoke to Rick he told me the biggest bang for the buck was to use it on the source and go from there.
He also mentioned that when he brings out his power conditioner and cords that he was working on they would yield a large improvement.
At the time his estimate of what they would cost was high but not as high as the production versions, och.

However, the part that confuses me is that all HFC cords appear to use the same size conductors, only the magnets get larger as you move up the chain. So being old school, and thinking that more current requires larger gauge conductors has me confused how using larger magnets with the same size conductors can provide the same results of handling higher current.
That’s a good question, John, and I certainly can’t provide any insight into what the answer may be despite having looked at the patent a while back. But it seems clear that the gauge and resistance concepts underlying more conventionally designed cables don’t seem to apply here. You’ll recall discussing in the thread some time ago that you and others measured seemingly absurd amounts of resistance for some of the HFC speaker cables, in the vicinity of 10 or 11 ohms for the combined resistance of the two conductors. But nevertheless no one seems to report any issues resulting from that, aside in some cases from having to turn the volume control up higher than when using other speaker cables.

It might be interesting, though, to measure the resistances of these power cords, as was done for the speaker cables.

Best regards,
-- Al
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@riawry , ' I still think the biggest change so far was when I added my first CT-1 interconnect, but all make a big improvement ' , curiously , I agree . As I go ' up the chain ' , the differences are definitely noticeable but I still keep thinking back to the system transformation when I 1st inserted a pair of CT1's between my CD player and preamp .
rlawry, Hi, I have both the URH and The Pro power cables and would characterize the upgrades to be much more of the same. In that every time I add another HFC piece, I am amazed at how much better it is than the best sound I have ever heard. I add or upgrade another piece and BANG!! A whole other lever of undiscovered music and unimagined realism. As I experience the next level upgrade, the improvements seem to get vastly better than the previous upgrade. This week, by rewiring
my power distribution, I was able to free up one of my 2 URH pc's
and plug it into my Tune Bank. I could never have imagined how much more real and engulfing my sound is now. I use the 2 pro's, one to my power distribution box and the other to my integrated amp. My other URH is to my DSD DAC
I dream of the Pro Speaker Cables and how I might fit them in my room.
30 year mortgage sounds like a good way to afford them.  Cheers D

jmcgrogan2, you posted the following response to my post.
"@hifial , the CT-1 power cord is designed specifically for CD players and preamps.
It says so right on Rick's website. I was thinking of trying one for my amp, but decided not to after chatting with Rick.

Maybe you should try something from TWL, I see that they designed the original power cords for your amps. Maybe Merrill chose them for a reason."

Well, I know that but it can also be used with a "small amp" as per the HFC web site.
It also is fine with a 5 amp draw.

The Veritas draws no more then 8 amps at its MAX.
I do not listen to music at very loud levels, my room is not very large and my speakers are reasonable efficient. So I do not see any issue. I am sure the HFC will be able to handle the load. Though if I could afford the next level up in the HFC line of power cables I would have purchased them. Maybe some other time.

As far as TWL power cords...no...really.
Dude, I was one of the first, if not the first, to own the Veritas amps. I, along with a few other lucky ones, helped beta/alpha the Veritas. So yes, I know about the TWL cables. I used them with my Veritas.

The Veritas now comes with the Waveform Fidelity (formerly Kaplan Cable) and that is what I currently use with it.

What amp did you plan on using with the CT-1 power cables? And how big is your room, at what level do you listen to music and how efficient are your speakers? Just curious.

But thank you for your post.
Has anyone heard and/or could anyone post a review of the URH and Pro series cables?  Not that I could ever afford them but I still like knowing about the state of the art products.  I can't afford a Bugatti Veyron SS or Konigsegg car either but I still like to dream about them.  I have found that going up the line on HFC products makes ever-increasing improvements, the most so far when going from U to UR, and wondering how much difference going from UR to URH to Pro makes.  I still think the biggest change so far was when I added my first CT-1 interconnect, but all make a big improvement. 

I also wonder whether Rick might be going to electromagnets a la the electromagnets used on high end Focal speakers. 

Thank you.
I tried the Ct1s in my system and thought they were outstanding re width of the soundstage, transparency, location of each instrument in its own space--imaging. In fact, I cannot imagine any cable, regardless of cost (with the exception of HFC more expensive cables) doing these things better. In these aspects, they were stunningly lifelike. The thing --and the only thing-- that they lost on my system was an overall  sense of microdynamics and drive. The cables were full frequency and the low end was perfectly captured and well defined, but the upper bass and entire midrange lost dynamics such that the music lost its pace and drive. To me, this loss overshadowed everything else. Perhaps someday I'll try the enhanced version. If it captures what the Ct1s lost on my system, I would have to buy them.
I will add that my experience is with my system ARC electronics (Ref 40 and Ref 150 w KT 150s)  and Wilson Sashas. Other combinations may not suffer this fate at all. Absent that drawback, these cables are quite simply the best I've ever heard (and I've heard many).   
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I have been a BIG fan(boy) and user of Rick's High Fidelity Cables (speaker and interconnect) since they first came out. Unfortunately I short while ago I had to sell off my HFC. I wanted to finance an expensive DAC purchase. Luckily the cables I replaced them with do a great job, especially for the money.

But I still miss how special the HFC make ones system sound. IMHO they are the ones to beat.

Well I have started to replace my systems cables with HFC.

But I am starting with ones I had not had in my system before. The HFC CT-1 Power Cable. Two of them, for my Veritas Mono Amps.

They should arrive middle to end of next week.

Once I have them in for enough time to settle in I will report on my impressions.

I wish I could replace all my cables now but it will take some time to do it, as funds permit.
