HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, you should think before you type. You did the same thing as you accuse me. Look at your post in a Synergistic Research forum thread on 11-20-12 about trying HiDiamond. So I can suggest my opinions here and any thread I choose. That is what this website is for.

Well, I heard the HiDiamonds. They are impressive and very good. But I.M.O I think Synergistic Research Element Series Power cables blows the HiDiamond and Tesla Series power cords out of the ocean. The Synergistic Research Element Series Tungsten Power cable at $900 per cable is cheaper than a HiDiamond P4 ($2,000). Even a better match is the Element Copper/Tungsten Power Cord ($1,800) Vs. a HiDiamond P4 ($2,000). Call The Cable Company or your local Synergistic Dealer and demo them against each other and you will see which one you prefer. For me, the Synergistic cable is cheaper and better. In my system, I noticed the clear winner. Not until you try them you will not know which is better for you. Also, look at the prices and compare them. Both companies have similar prices for power cables and Synergistic has a cheaper cable the beats the P4. Therefore, your comments on cost do not make sense to me.

I suggest everyone to try the Element series power cables and choose which one you like better. I did. Thank you.
I wonder if anyone has directly compared any of the newer SR Element cables to the HiDiamond P3 or P4 cables. Thanks.
@Joeyboynj, I think you should realize that this is a Hidiamond thread and not an S.R thread. We are not promoting S.R in any way. This suggestion should be on the S.R thread. Dont you think....I.M.O. the S.R just ups the dollar figure to either upgrade or keep loyal customers with deep pockets...Also: the P3 blows the Tesla line out of the water at one third of the S.R price. And now the introduction of the P4 which is half of the new Tesla line price tag. If anything, you should be suggestive to the P4 and not the new Element series. Thank you.
I highly recommend that anyone with Tesla line Power Cables to audition the new Element Power cables.

I upgraded to Element Power Cords. The new Element CTS Analogue and Digital power cords and Element Copper/Tungsten Power Cord with 32-amp connecter on the Powercell 10SE Mk.III Power Conditioner. These NEW power cords are completely different than the Tesla line and are much more open and quieter with an increase detail cause blacker background. Complete system upgrade over the Tesla line Power Cables!!!
I find HiDiamonds are more life-like than SR. It is not that SR cables are bad -- some are very good. It is just the sense of realism that is missing. I have not heard the Elements yet so I cannot comment on them.
@Fplanner2000, I have a P3 on my sub and it replaced a S.R Tesla T3(SE) and from the insertion of the P3 I literally needed to turn my output on my sub down at least 6-8 dB. The bass tightened up and felt more dynamic and fast with the P3 also. I left the HD P3 on the sub and got rid of the S.R. I now have no S.R at all in my system and will never go back.

I am awaiting my Casta Acoustic model A's and can't wait to here them in my system. I hear they are a good match with the HiDiamond cables....
Fplanner2000, The HiDiamond has a little wider and deeper soundstage than the SR Apex.
But, like I previously mentioned the HiDiamond XLR sounded more "lively". Once I exchanged the cables and heard the liveliness, there really was no going back.

I have placed the Audience aRp2-TO units on the floor and I have a power cord connecting them to the wall. I am doing this because the Audience unit's are huge and is just too big to just plug into the wall outlet because it overlaps the double outlet wall outlet.

Right now, I have another SR Precision Ref power cord from the wall connecting to my Audience that powers my digital.

On the Analog side, I have the same set up ,except, I have a HD P3 from the wall connecting to the Audience.

So, my plan with the new HD P4 is to replace the SR Precison power cord with the HD P4 and either sell or use the SR power cable on my Denon home theater equipment.

I will eventually get another P-4 for my other dedicated line/Audience as soon as I rob another bank...

Happy New Year!
I would put it from the wall outlet to the Audience powering your source and pre. The lowest level signals in the chain will benefit the most IMO/IME. You have the opportunity to try it either way, however.

Try the cable on both and pick the one that sounds best. Will look into getting me an Audiodharma this summer.

When you inserted the 3 xlrs to replace the Apex xlrs, what happened to the imaging? Depth of soundstage?

As far as digital vs analog, I would just try the P-4 on each and see what you think. Ideally, I would use 1 for each, assuming they work in your system. I'd also think about feeding your most important source with a P-4 from the Audience piece. It made a noticeable difference on my CD/SACD player.
Try running them on a small freezer for three weeks or so and you'll hear what they are capable of but 700 hrs should complete the process.
I just recieved my Powercord 4. I put it on my Audiodharma cable cooker for about 4-5 days before trying it.
With only one powercord 4 should I use it on my Audience powering my digital equipment or the Audience powering my analog equipment?
Fplanner2000, I did and I ended up selling My SR XLR Apex's. The HiDiamond XLR3's are much more livelier with a more open soundstage
B- P-4s are a good 4-500 hours to be fully broken in - it will be at least several months before I'm there. Right now, I have P-4 power cords on everything 2-channel except the preamp, which has a P-3 and the sub, which is still SR. Hard to do a direct SR comparison because I now have PS Audio P-10s whereas before I just had an SR powercell(aka "0 protection"). I do know that every time I swapped a Hi DIamond for a SR pc, the sound "improved". By that I mean - more open, more realistic, more micro detail, much quieter and better dynamic range. System has gotten more resolving and definitely more enjoyable to listen to, as it seems to get a bit better every day. It seems like the amps and speaker mods have finally fully broken in(since August), allowing me to really hear the differences in the cable comparisons.

Still running SR Apex spkr cables and Galileo spkr Cells, as well as SR Prec Ref xlrs between Preamp and amps. Also SR Reference sub ics. Next will try either High Fidelity xlrs or Hi Diamond 3 xlrs between pre and amps. Curious if others have tried the 3xlrs yet in place of SR?
@Fplanner2000, have your P4's fully broken in and how is your sound with them in your system and the S.R's out. Is your whole system set with HD now?
Hello and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! to all the Hidiamond people and families and Robert Neill at Worldwide Wholesales....CHEERS:)....
Well, I went ahead and ordered a P4. I plan on using it to power my Audience Power Conditioner.
I agree with the comments above.

This afternoon I added 4 HiDiamond P-4 power cords to my system, replacing a P-3 from wall to 1 amp, as well as 3 SR Hologram-As. The SR's were going from both PS Audio P-10s to my amps, which are now replaced by P-4s. The Cd player now has a P-4 from the P-10, replacing a P-3 which is now on my preamp, having replaced another Hologram-A. The 4th P-4 is from the wall to the other P-10, replacing a P-3 that was there.

Immediate results, cold, with no hours on these new p-4s: wider and deeper soundstage, lower noise level(so sounded a bit louder and more detailed) as well as deeper bass(so had to dial the sub down). We heard things on a CD that we had not heard before, literally. My system sounds better than it ever has. Its as though we went from feeding power to the system through garden hoses, to now using fire hoses with silencers. The SRs were good in my system, but the Hi Diamonds, especially the P-4s, take things up a few notches, COLD. I can only imagine when these break in... :-)
I too think the key to these cables is how quiet they are. It allows you to hear deeper into the music with more information. I haven't been this enthusiastic on a cable since replacing my SR Apex SC with ASI Livelines at 4x less $$.

From the P4 description, I think the big improvement is the new plugs that will probably add several degrees of quietness.

My system has never sounded so good so will enjoy and listen for a while. I'll probably try a P4 on my DAC and maybe some ICs and SCs down the road.
I've place it on my Hybrid Tube Integrated. Actually the P4 is so much quieter compared to the P3 rite from the getgo. I would say "Dead Quiet". The soundstage definitely broadened and deepened. I'm at about 150ish hours as I haven't been home much to play anything. I do know it does everything fresh out of the box that the $2800 S.R Tesla hologram D(SE) did after break-in period, and then some. No gimmicks, plugs, adapters, just plug-it-in. I've heard it needs a good 400-500 hours to fully break in. Also the build quality of this piece is nothing I've seen before. Well-well worth it so far....it just gets better and better......I would suggest trying one...
12-20-12: Bacardi
Anyone looking for an HD Power 3, I have one extra. Just e-mail me......HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALL!!!!!!!!!
Bacardi (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
So Rum, how does the P3 compares to the P4? 3X better? 2X, 1.5X ... law of diminshing returns?
Anyone looking for an HD Power 3, I have one extra. Just e-mail me......HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALL!!!!!!!!!
I put the P-4 from the wall to 1 of my p-10 power regenerators in place of a PS Audio ac-12 cable, the best PS Audio makes. It wasn't even close. Everything driven by that p-10 got a lot better - quieter, more detailed and better dynamics as well as better imaging and depth. I have 2 more coming - 1 for my CD player and the other for the other P-10 from the wall. When they show up, I will move the p-3 on the cd player to run between the P-10 and an amp, and do the same with the longer p-3 I currently have coming out of the wall to the P-10. They will replace SR Hologram-A pcs.

I'm still at very low hours with these cords and they are already better than what I had been using. When they really break in at about 300 hours, they are supposed to jump another level or 2. IF the break in results really are as suggested by others, I can very easily see me eventually running all P-4s in my home system.
@Fplanner2000; all I can say about the P4 is that it is a solidly built piece of work with the best connectors I've seen on a power cord. Very thick but still bendable. I've connected it to my tube integrated and noticed an immediate overall volume increase, soundstage and blackness. I haven't listened to music yet as it was rather late last night but just watched a few minutes of the Dark Night Rising BluRay. Let me know your thoughts on yours in your system......
I received one of Calloways spare HD3's yesterday and I will say this, it is the first power cable I have tried in my system that has ever made such a dramatic difference to my home theater system. To give some background, I have a very non-exotic system consisting of Goldenear Triton Two's with Supersat 50's completing my 7.1 setup. Receiver is an Anthem MRX700. All sourcing to my system comes via HDMI or SPDIF off my HTPC. Here are my impressions from listening after I had it running for 24hrs "settling" into my system (remember Calloway already used these so break-in should be non-existent at this point:

Sound stage is IMMENSE, full, and three dimensional but most notable of everything was that every possible source of sound in the recordings is more detailed and distict. As others have said, it's as if the HD3 removes the restrictions of cabling from your setup and makes them seem to have disappeared. Classical scores sound far more real than before. Symphonies of strings sound like a true symphony of strings instead of a clump of string sound (if that makes any sense). The only way I can try to describe it is that they reminded me that there truly is a multitude of musicians playing each instrument in the orchestra. Dynamics were also taken to a new height. I just sat there saying to myself "oh, so that is what the this was supposed to sound like" again and again as I played more and more tracks.

An interesting tidbit I would like to add that the speaker wire used will make or break much of the "magic" of this power cord. I am currently using Mogami 3104 (single wired and ends crossed) which I find extremely detailed and airy and they match very well with this pc however I tried some MIT AVT1's for kicks and they are so dark sounding in comparison that they absorb a lot of what these power cords do so well at revealing from sources.

My power cord experience is the following: Black Sand Violet 2, Black Sand Violet MKII, Mojo Audio Enigma, Mojo Audio XPC-7.

Now here is the added bonus which I did not expect. With the HD3 plugged to my HTPC, not only did I experience all of the above for sound but I also felt the same effect on my Pioneer Elite 9G Kuro Plasma. Sharper image, more texture and detail on everything and more "pop" to the picture. The only way to describe it is that there is finer detail to walls, floors, faces like never before. Everything is just more discernable. I also had to knock the brightness down a little which was strange.

Anyway, I just wanted to add my 2 cents since I know there is very little on the web regarding reviews for these power cords. I'm sure my credibility will be hard to swallow since I only just created an account on Audiogon last week to get in contact with Calloway to try to buy one of his cords after researching them for days. But, anyway, there it is. My review for what it's worth.
In my experience HD cable gets out of the way far more than any cable I've tried. In terms of coloration, detail, and soundstage.
Neither a nor b. It gets out of the way and the noise floor drops a bit so previously hidden details are more easily heard. That's what I am hearing out of the p-3s on my sources in both office and at home.
for those owners of hi diamond cable, does it have a smoothing effect, or present a euphonic coloration, or does it try to get out of the way ?

@Fplanner2000, how are your immpressions of the HD power 4 compared to the Power 3?
12-02-12: Jriggy
There appears to be a new PC on the HiDiamond website. The Power 4 is now listed!
Interesting... Wondering what the price and performance diference is to the power 3.
Jriggy (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Power 4 is ~3X more expensive than Power 3.

Sabai, Does HD have an UPGRADE PROGRAM?
There appears to be a new PC on the HiDiamond website. The Power 4 is now listed!
Interesting... Wondering what the price and performance diference is to the power 3.
I have p3's to my Melody SET integrated and Esoteric K-03 in my office system and they sound great. The Melody pulls about 350w at idle, according to the P-10 I have on it.

We were reconfiguring my home system today, taking out an SR Powercell and installing two PS Audio p-10's - i per amp/side. With PS Audio AC12's coming out of the wall to the P-10's, the sound was OK, but not quite as good as it was before the changes. To be expected, since all cables and the P-10s had no hours on them.

As an experiment, I replaced the SR Hologram-D pc that was on my APL NWO-M CD/SACD player, with a P-3 cable I had, also cold. The change was immediate and like night and day. Detail, imaging, soundstage, EVERYTHING came back, but even better than before. We were shocked. I will be replacing the AC-12s with P-3s and the P-3 on the CD player with a P-4. I'm pretty sure there are more P-4s that will find their way into my home system as existing cabling gets broken in and budget allows..
Powder...i still have the HD3's on my amps..i actually have decided to have my preamp ugraded to the next level and will be buying another HD3 1.5m pc as i now have only 1 left except the 2 on the amps..
Oh Darn: I was hoping (vicariously), that Dave was trying some Stage 3 Concepts or Dynamic Design cords on his Chalice amps.
yoby..i am not replacing the HD3's . i am going to sell my preamp and take my PWD and the dCS puccini i will buy directly into my amps ..bypassing the preamp..the HD3's are very good ...
Calloway, I sent you an e-mail message through audiogon. Check your inbox. Just let me know when you figure out your PC situation.
I;ve added a 5th HD Power 3. From my experience, these are one of the best PCs I've had in my system regardless of price with some costing 6X more.

My brother bought 4 for his Avantgarde system and it also sounds excellent.

I'm very SATISFIED with my ICs and SCs but if ever have an itch to try something new, HD will be top of the list. I've been searching for PCs with similar sonic signature to my ICs and SCs and found it in HD.

After years in this hobby, it still amazes me how a stupid PC can make such an improvement.
stevepo..thanks..i should know whether or not i am going to sell any in about a week..where are you located.?..how do i get in touch with you.?..
@Calloway, I would be very interested in one of your HD3's if you decide to sell.
So far, my brief experience with the HiDiamond P-3s reveals the pcs to be very trnasparent, not adding nor subtracting anything from the presentation. The noise floor seems to have reduced a bit, allowing for a bit more inner detail to be revealed. Still very early, but enough positives to make a buying decision. PLUS

they don't require MPC's!!
joncourage and joeyboynj....i might be selling 2 of the HD3 pcs in the near future. i am probably going to be selling my preamp ..which uses 2 of the HD3 pcs...i should know this in about a week or so..they are both < 3 mos old and were bought from Robt.they are 2m each.
I tried a Hi Diamond power 3 on my P-10 home system experiment this weekend and it performed very well - even better than I thought it would.
Same here, if anyne intends to sell a HiDiamond Power 3 PC, let me know. I'd love to try it in one of my lesser systems.

I jusr found out HiDiamond is now making a better Power Cable than the Power 3. Looks like you all have to spend cash to upgrade. All cable companies are the same. LOL!
If anyone intends to sell a HD3 PC, I will likely be interested in purchasing it, for the right price, of course.

I've been very happy with my Transparent cords, but I am extremely impressed with my HD ICs and digital, so would really like to give the HD a try.

Most likely the same for a hi-end HD SC. Really been happy with my Zu, but I won't be satisfied until I've at least tried an HD in that spot.
Noway would I describe the HD cables as warm. JUst start with one HD power cable if you dont like it it will sell quickly on audiogon.