Help - is Krell dead?

Hoping to get some cues from other owners. I have an older Krell KAV 280 CD Player that I really like. I am moving to Europe and tried to contact Krell to see if it can be switched to 220v (it is already 50/60hz). (Yes, i could buy a step-down transformer but i prefer converting it internally). No one picks up phones, the voicemail to some guy called Tim Rogers is full. Emails to servcie go unresponded. Does anyone know if there is some way to contact Krell? Dealers I have tried in NJ are also unable to is so strange. Many thanks for any help.


@soix, Thank you for that. I don't have access to FB so if it isn't too much trouble for you or anyone else, please do post that communication here once published. 

Thank you kindly. 


@rubix George Meyer AV | Unparalleled Audio & Video Repair (

These guys repair a lot of KRELL gear and local to me. I would rather send it to them before shipping across the country to KRELL in CT.