Looks like Netflix will be carrying Hi-Def DVD's for rent. Any excitement here for that?
Horseface, I caught a demo of it last week and I'm a lot more interested now.

The fidelity is great, but that was expected. All of the little touches are what put it over the top for me - the pop-up menus, the bookmarking functionality, the timeline - all nice touches that will definitely improve the user experience.

I'm as excited about the uncompressed audio as anything - although I don't have 5-channel discrete in or HDMI on my preamp, unfortunately.
Good, if its going to bring with it highly compressed HD material, let's hope it gets pushed back forever.
Caught a demo of movie trailers; the digital effects were absolutely unbelievable but the rest of the demo was what I would describe as "pretty good". The new King Kong trailer was a good example. The ape and T-rex shots looked so real and detailed that I wanted to see it again and again. The shots of the actors didn’t have the same level of detail. I'm sure it will get better and better - can’t wait for hi-def Pixar.

I didn’t even consider a player before I saw the demo - count me in now.

Anyone else see the demo?