
Responses from toysnob

Usher CP777
Oh nevermind, I see they are under the Dancer series. My bad... 
Another Dealer sets the Bar LOW
The other thing is this, if you bought them with a credit card you can easily call your credit card company and dispute the charges. Presuming you don't abuse this benefit, cc companies will side with you 100% of the time. I have only needed it on... 
A comparison of Blu Ray vs Hd for picture quality
Let's face it though, while we'd like BR to win this, Sony doesn't exactly have karma on its side. You can see where this is going already. Toshiba releases mediocre HD-DVD and ill informed consumers adopt it, clueless as usual and always dragging... 
Good, if its going to bring with it highly compressed HD material, let's hope it gets pushed back forever. 
A comparison of Blu Ray vs Hd for picture quality
I've been saying this to anyone who will listen, if the new formats do not improve on the flaws of broadcast HD (namely compression artifacts) then I will not buy them.If its true BR is flawless in the PQ area and HD-DVD suffers from the same prob... 
Just Rec'd the OPPO DVD player today
i don't see a link on their site for refurbs. can you point us to it? 
Best bass response in a $1500 pair monitor?
How about Definitive Technology's ProMonitor 900? Its a powered monitor, and believe me it has serious bass respones. 
Usher 6371 or 6381? Coffee table blocks woofer?
I don't have the room to bring these out 3-4ft from the wall, I need them as far up against the wall as their stands will allow.Is that bad for their performance? 
Usher 6371 or 6381? Coffee table blocks woofer?
I'm a newbie here so I can't tell if you're joking when you say to put the coffee table on vibrapods. I don't know what that is, but I'll Google it.I cannot move the coffee table though, that is out of the question. I am looking to make the most o... 
Best bass response in a $1500 pair monitor?
I'm always trying to figure out how companies like Salk compare to bigger names. They claim that their speakers are comparable to ones that cost twice as much, or more. Are these as high quality as B&W 800 series? I'm just trying to find a bas... 
Anyone know where in NY area I can audition Usher?
That's more like 4 hours and 15 minutes, with no traffic. I think that is not an option for me. It would be cheaper with my time to buy them and if I don't like them to sell them immediately. 
Anyone know where in NY area I can audition Usher?
Ok, at this point Mapleleaf you are losing credibility in my view. I am open to hearing criticisms of the speaker, especially before I buy them. But so far your argument is flawed, it begs the question. You are saying essentially "Usher is bad bec... 
Anyone know where in NY area I can audition Usher?
Well so far I still cannot find anyone in the NY/CT area that can audition these for me. The one guy suggested above won't be getting any new ones in until May. 
Anyone know where in NY area I can audition Usher?
Does anyone know if the wood panel on the side comes in a shade other than birch? I need something darker like Walnut, to match my furniture and decor. 
Anyone know where in NY area I can audition Usher?
Well unfortunately I haven't heard back yet. However, it's only been 24 hours, and in this modern age I think I'm a bit impatient, also worsened by how long its taken me to find someone who has these locally..I hope to hear from him soon.