Have you asked yourself this question?

Lately I have thought about selling my entire analog set-up:  Turntable, phono preamp, and vinyl collection.  It's a good system, but my digital system sounds good enough that I don't listen to the analog system any more.

For purposes of illustrating my dilemma, my system is as follows:

Analog system:  Linn Sondek LP12, upgraded with Lingo II power supply, Karousel bearing, and trampolin suspension.  Loci Psionic Tonearm with practically new Clearaudio Maestro cartridge.  PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamp.  Plus, about 450 records, mostly popular stuff from the late 60s, 70s and 80s.

Digital System:  Metrum Acoustics Streamer (Roon endpoint) plus Metrum Onyx DAC.

Just curious if any of you have thought about selling your entire analog rig, because you don't listen to it.  What did you finally decide? Interested in your experiences.


I'm in a similar situation. I have what I think is a good digital source now (Chord Dave DAC, Chord Streamer) that is better in so many ways than my vinyl set up.

I have not played a record in months. I don't think I've played more then a hand full of records this year. My vinyl set up is no slouch either (Acoustic solid table $6000, Soren tone arm $2500, VDH Cart and others) All going into my Mac C2700 pre-amp MC stage. I have about 3000 records as well.

I'm now considering selling off all the analogue as I just don't use it much anymore. Sad as I thought I would be a record guy for life but digital has come so far I just don't care to go through the fuss of good vinyl playback anymore. Record cleaning, storage space, table set up, etc, etc. I just don't see the value in it anymore. I don't get joy from the fiscal side of record playback as many do. I'm also not an avid collector of records for the collection side of it. I just collected because it was the best back in the day, not so much anymore. 

For my 2-channel setup, I play mostly analog (except for some YouTube vids). For my headphone setup, I play mostly digital.

I have been thinking about it because my digital has surpassed my analog 

Analog set-up: Clearaudio performance DC table w/ clarify arm AMG cart

Musical Surroundings Nova  2 phono and 250+ records 

Digital set-up: Aurender N10  PS Audio Mk2 DAC and Million+ song to stream

Enjoy the Music


For myself I equally look forward to a session where either Source types are to be used. I can't any longer find any reason to express a preference.

Each Source replayed for a short period of time are quite capable of becoming very engaging and wanted as a means of entertainment. 

i think the question to ask is how can i use the one to IMPROVE the other…..

what do they say “ competition improves the breed “…..

also Maghister - you might be suprised by the depth and variety of Scriabin on streaming….my orchestra conductor buddys fave composer…. in LOVE with his streaming rig …while his LP 12 gathers dust…. ( but i have a plan to fix that… )