Never owned the TSM, but I ran VSM-MM for well over a decade, still have them only not in main system. I modified both internal crossovers and BAM, I brought the Duelund caps to Bobby's attention. So modifications are possible if your TSM running the Hovland caps, you can also upgrade the resistors to Duelunds as well. Beyond that the only lacking in both Merlins is lower bass which a pair of Rel subs would provide the coherence Merlin so well known for.
Merlin coherence is amongst best out there, imaging as well, the Duelund mods will bring greater resolution, transparency and more natural timbre. Add the bass with the Rels and you'd be hard pressed to beat that combo.
Billie amp with the Duelund mods could be very nice, but I always found all tubes pre and amps to work best. For me it was EL34 push pulls and 845SET that provided best sound quality.