Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound?

My system sounds great. When it is on and not playing music it is dead silent. I tried a PowerPlant Regenerator and it didn’t improve my sound. Actually it slightly constricted my soundstage. Like most audiophiles I’m always searching for that next improvement and wonder if a power conditioner might add something to my SQ So before I start auditioning any power conditioners on a 30 day trial I’d like to know if anyone has experienced a significant improvement to their system, what that improvement was and which power conditioners they used. Right now I’m considering the Isoteck brand. Possibly the Aquarius or Electra. I’d most likely keep the amp plugged into the wall and connect my Streamer and DAC to the conditioner.


I live in British Columbia, Canada and our electricity is generated entirely by hydroelectric dams. BC Hydro produces electricity that is 98% clean.

I also live in a large city, so we don't get power outages, power spikes, lightening strikes or brown outs.

Despite this, I still use power conditioners because I need 14 outlets and I've just always used a power conditioner.

Am I an idiot?

( That's a rhetorical question. )



From your quote…”It took the ‘ sparkle ‘ out of the sound .”


Yes, it can be. I went through a period about thirty years ago when upgrading some modest components and adding / evaluating high quality interconnects and power conditioning that each step I took reduced the “treble”… sizzle… until I was freaked out that my whole system had gone over to the too warm side. I was confused since in most respects it sounded much better.

I started going out and listening to unamplified cymbals and pianos… and was shocked to find that what I had thought was great treble was in fact high frequency hash and distortion. Cymbles when struck sound like brass not tsssssss. I realized all those loud amplified concerts and cheap loud stereos in the 70’s had trained me to believe that is how music sounded. Surveying real music it was easy to stop craving the tsssss. I realized how beautiful undistorted instruments / music sounds. You know, once you hear you cannot unhear it. My systems then got better more quickly and my partner (a female) no longer minded listening to my system any more… since the high frequency hash and distortion hurt her ears.

Often after that I would go into a showroom and go running out with my hands over my ears. The piercing distortion is often completely missed by folks so focused on detail and slam they just don’t seem to hear it. 


I've got three dedicated lines coming into my audio room on a rock-solid power grid (we share the grid with the county's emergency services).  I thought power solutions never offered much improvement in my system (Fleetwood DeVille, Backert Labs Preamp, McGary amp, Merason DAC).  That is until I demoed the Puritan PSM1512 (12-outlet version of the PSM156).

I was stunned at the difference.  Everything was clearer and better delineated.  The pace seemed to pick up and the sound seemed more "alive".  The sound stage was wider and deeper.  Honestly, I was stunned.  

In my other system (Volti, AGD, Technics, HiFi Rose) I swapped the Puritan in for my IsoTek EVO3 Aquarius (both using a Transparent Premium PC), and again, the difference was pretty staggering (and really obvious).  I would attempt to demo a Puritan before you commit to anything else.  It's by far the best that I've ever heard in any of my systems over the years, (but, to be fair, I'm not auditioning $10K power line solutions).

The only thing a power conditioner might do is introduce noise. They do not improve sound. Put down the snake oil someone is trying to feed you.