Gryphon Diablo 300 or Vitus SIA-025mk2 / RI-101mk2

Unfortunately I can’t create a poll on this. I am aware it’s all down to personal preference and system or speaker matching. Nevertheless, which one is considered to be "better" amp, or should I say a keeper that will stand the test of time being capable of producing stellar results with a wide variety of speakers?

Which one will you pick if given a choice, the Gryphon or the Vitus.

Lastly, I heard a rumor about reliability issues with the Diablo 300. Which one is considered to be more reliable?

I’m planning for a retirement amp and will call it a day if I happen to get one of these integrateds. I would appreciate any thoughts and experiences.


Not knowing your tastes, speakers, musical preferences etc, here goes: if you want ultra high resolution, Vitus.

If you like tonal accuracy and musical flow and more power, Diablo.

That said, either of them can drive most if not all contemporary speakers.


On a more personal note, I prefer the Gryphon.

Thanks for the post which is surely useful. A used Gryphon Diablo 300 is cheaper than any of the Vitus integrateds so that's an advantage there.